“Octoling bass one of around 100 of them.” Raven murmered, as she
rushed ahead and charged straight in. This weapon.. is op!
She glared at a level one Octarian and splatted it quickly.
“Splaaat!” Roma was giggling as she splatted an octarian. “Yeah!”
She cheered, throwing her hands up excitedly before sinking down
into the ink in squid form and hurrying to the super jump spot.
Sky was a little bored so she just said do a lot. “Do do do do do
do do do do do doooo do do do do do dotla dotla do do do do do dooo
do do do do do dooo do do do do do do do do doooooooo doi doi”
“Wonder if roma came or not if she did I wonder where she went.”
Raven looked back at Roma before smirking and jumping onto the jump
point. She wooshed forewards and landed swiftly, before clearing
the next area and heading to the next area in wait.
“Second area— Hey! Sky!” Roma called excitedly, lifting both hands
as she called out a greeting. She launched an autobomb at an
octatrian and watched it go off. Woah.. Raven? Was that her
name? She’s super strong..