Tyler: ok... anyway so what’s in there Aria?
*wondering what there is and still confused on what the fluff stuff
on his neck is?*
Tyler: I’m ready to beat some Pokémon up...
*Aish Would Follow. Then Her Tail Would Start To Light Up. Like A
Torch Or Lightbulb. Illuminating The Cave. Crystals Would Be
Everywhere. Shining In The Light*
"And Now I Guess Im A Living Lightbulb."
(Sorry I Like Crystals)
Tyler: woah the crystals are amazing!!!
*noticing all the colours the crystals glowed*
Tyler: this is the best!!! Even if I’m not human you guys are the
best partners ever!!!
"Hey look! I think I see the exit!" :Aria called behind her to the
others. She ran forwards, out into a grassy plain, with a town
visible in the distance: "Oh wow! Thats awesome!"
*looking at the bright sun and the amazing view*
Tyler: wow this is amazing and there is even another town!!!
Tyler: let’s head to the town and try to find somewhere to live!!!
And to make those crystal things!
(Im Reading Mareeps Pokedex Entries And I Like this One:
Rubbing its fleece generates electricity. You’ll want to pet it
because it’s cute, but if you use your bare hand, you’ll get a
painful shock.
And Also This:
It stores lots of air in its soft fur, allowing it to stay cool in
summer and warm in winter.
"Got It! Lemme Just Gather Up Some More Crystals."
*Aish Would Charge Up Her Tail Once More. Hitting A Larger Crystal.
And It shattering. aish Would Then Pick Up The Crystal pieces and
Follow Aria And Tyler To the Exit*
"And If Every Thing is Full. Then I Found A Cave Nearby... That.
Looked In Good Shape. Pretty Sure We Could Revamp It. and It Could
Be A Good Place To Stay. But thats Only in Case."