"Yea. So Lets Sort Out What We Should Do, Aria. You Find Some Beds.
Cushions. And Other Stuff. Basically Comfort Stuff. Tyler. You Can
Find Things For Our Entertainment, And Ill Plan Out the Land Scape
Of The Cave.. Home?"
(Imma Quickly Sketch Out What The Cave Looks Like. before And After
We Decorate It)
"Ok! But first we should get some sleep." :Aria looked outside and
saw that it was night: "Do you think you would be able to spare
some wool for all of us to sleep on?" : She asked Aish:
*Aish Would Nip Off SOme Wool. She Continued. The Wool Would Grow
Back Unusually Quickly. She And Eventually Gotten Most Of It Off.
Enough For Tyler. And Aria*
(I Like The Idea That The Cave Is Under A Big Tree. And We Have A
Tree House On Top. It Also Means That The Tree House Can be Our
Base Of Operations and The Cave Is The Area We Sleep In and Have
Mhm I Dont Think It Is Gonna Work But I Think You Can Get A Idea Of
What Im Talking About
(Lets Continue)
*The Next Morning Aish Would Be Off She Went To Go Sell Some Of The
Crystal Pieces. She Kept The Best Crystals For The Pendants And She
Was Going To Sell Soem Of Teh Extra Crystals So they Would have
Some Pokedollars (Lets Call It that) To get Things. She Went To a
Gem Cash In Thing. She Eventually Sold Them. She Got At Least
2500 Pokedollars...
Why were They Worth That Much... Anyways. She Would Return To The
Cave And waited For the Others To wake Up.*
:Aria woke up and stretched, before standing up to see Aish: "Good
morning! I'm gonna go look for a job, so that we can get necessary
things, so I'll see you later!" :Aria said to Aish, before walking
to town:
"Ok! Aish Would Keep The Money Hidden. She Would Start Then Push
The Coins Into Three Piles. Each Of Them Equal amounts. So That way
If Needed, They would Have Some Extra Money. Aish Then Went To Get
Some Cleaning Supplies. She Would rent Some Brooms. She Had Spend
20 PD So Far.*
*Aish Would Start Brushing Out The Dust. Dont Ask How Aish Was
Brooming. Once Most Of The Dust Was Gone She Started Pouring soap
on the ground. Cleaning Out The Dirt Until Only Stone Remained. She
Would Continue, Occasionally Using Her Own wool To Clean. She Had
basically Done Most Of The Cleaning. She Went Outside. She Would
Then Head Back In And Start Getting Most of The Cobwebs On The Cave
Roof, Or at Least Trying To. Aish Would Then Clean Off the brooms
And Return Them,*
(She Only Rented Themmm)
*Aish Would Then Go. And Get Some Carpet. She Chose A Light Gray
Color. She Would Rent (Once More) A Measuring Tape. And Measure The
Cave Floor. She Would Then Buy The Carpet. An Some Carpet glue. She
Would glue The Carpet Down, Occasionally Getting Her Wool Stuck In
there. and Then She Had gotten The Cleaning And Carpet Down. She
Would then Look At Her Imaginary List:
Cleaning: ✓
Carpet: ✓
Second Floor:
Book Area:
Pendants And Accessories:
"Hmmm... That sounds interesting." :Aria said to herself as she
looked at a list of jobs that needed doing: "Yeah, I think I can do
that." :Aria went and worked for the rest of the day:
*Aish Would Head Again, Into Town. returning All of The Rented
Things. She Had 2400 PD Left. (Man If Crystals Are Worth That much.
Then Aish Could Make A Living Off All That.) She Had Split It In
Three Quarters So That Means That right Now With Her She Had 800 PD
Left. She Hired Some Machamps To Build A Tree House Upon The Tree.
There Was A Staircase That Led Into The House. Now Aish Had 700
Cleaning: ✓
Carpet: ✓
Treehouse: ✓
Second Floor:
Book Area:
Pendants And Accessories:
*Aish Would Then Go Get The Machamps To Install The Second Floor In
The Cave. She Had To only Get The Pendants Done Now.*
Cleaning: ✓
Carpet: ✓
Treehouse: ✓
Second Floor: ✓
Book Area:
Pendants And Accessories:
*Aish had Cleaned The cave. Hired Some Machamps To Build The Tree
House And The Second Floor, And Aish Had Carpeted The Cave.* (The
Second Floor Wasnt On The Whole Cave. Only On The Side. So Like
Some Of The Modern Houses Were You Can Look Down)
"i Think So. Well i Gotta Head Back In To Tell Them. Se You
*She Would Head Back in.*
*She Would Describe To The Bisharp What She Wanted, And Also What
Aria Wanted. Aish Would Then Get Tylers Pendant Done. Which Was A
Wave Of Water. And Her Pendant Was A Aurora*
*She Would Then Head To The Present Shop And Bought Some Small
Boxes. She Would Then Put The Pendants In Each box. Tylers Went
Into A Blue, With White Marks On It, And Arias Went Into A Pink,
With White Hearts On it*
"Now.. We Get the Beds and Cushions. And Couch"
Aish Would Put Her Pendant On. With out getting Stuck. Her Pendant
Was Under Neath Her Scarf,*
*Aish Would Get The Upper Floor Done. She Had Bought A Couch.
Cushions. Pillows. Blankets and Bean bags. She Got SOme MAchamp To
Move Them In, She Had The Couch Under The Second Floor. She Put The
Cushions On The Couch And Nearby On The Floor. She Put The Multiple
Bean Bags By The Corners By The Book Shelves. She Then Moved A
Corkboard. Some Desks, Lots Of Pillows, Book Shelves. Folders.
Paper. And Lots Of Things For the Upcoming Missions. Inside Of The
Tree House. Then On The Upper Floor Of The cave. She Put The
Pillows, Blankets, And Other Stuff. For The resting Sleeping Area.
Aish Would Be In The Corner. Tyler In The Middle and Aria On The
Then Aish Would Head To The Present Box Store And Buy Two Present
Boxes. Then Head To the Accessory Shop.
She Bought Aria A Bow And A Bracelet.
And Tyler A Fancy Hat And Sunglasses. (Cause Sunglasses)
And The Pendants Would be Galaxy Colored With The Symbol on It.
Aish Had Everything Done And Still Had 300 PD Left. So Aish Would
Then Go to Buy A Table. And Some Kitchen Supplies. After That, Aish
Would Have 90 PD Left. So Then Aish Would Relax On The Couch And
Fall Asleep*