Riu grinned. "I'll answer. Probably. Or I'll call you. Either
"Hell- 'Kay, we gotta go. Like. Right now. Riu, as much as I'd like
to ditch you, we gotta go." Mel remarked, making her way toward the
door. Toffee vanished back into her backpack with a giggle.
Theo laughed in amusement and ducked into Mel's bag as well. Tiger
blinked and went to the door, he gently grabbed Mel's hand and
kissed her on the cheek. "Umm I'll see you whenever." He said
softly, let go of her wrist, and took a few steps back knowing she
was in a rush to leave. "Love you, have a safe trip." Tiger said to
Mel with a smile. Cyndaquil looked up from where he sat next to
Rose and waved to Mel.
"You must've. Now here's a good question; if it's a thunderstorm
but we were supposed to meet, would you come?" Toka asked
seriously, looking at Kibo with a gentle smile.
"Wait--" Aite tossed the box at Riu. "Going away present,
love you," Inside was fake tattoo of a skateboard and a beaded
anklet. "I stole some of Mira's money to get it."
"You did what now? Whatever, it's in the name of love. Bye Mel!
Text me!"
"You did what--" Riu scrambled to catch the box, securing it
safely in his arms. "Love you too," He grinned, nudging Aite
affectionately before darting after Mel.
"Love you too," Mel grinned and then opened the door to step
outside. She shut it behind her, reaching down to reattach her
roller blades to her shoes. ".. Please get that look off your
Riu blinked. "What look?"
Mel grinned. "We both know what I'm talking about!" She laughed,
pushing off to bolt away from the confused Lucario.
It took a few seconds before he shook himself and sprinted after
her, internally screaming. On the outside he simply grinned.
Tiger smiled and watched as Mel left, he stretched and glanced at
Cyndaquil. "Soon it'll just be us again since Snow is leaving for
Alola tomorrow." He said with a yawn.
"I was going to stay, but Johto still doesn't trust me." Snow said
Tiger nodded and sighed, "actually Jamie and Rose are staying a
bit longer." Cyndaquil said cheerfully.
Tiger blinked "really. Huh, well, they're more than welcome. Just
hope they know I won't be home much since I've got a lot of
research to catch up on." He yawned.
"Please don't overwork yourself again to where you sleep for
three days straight!" Cyndaquil said crossly.
"I promise alright?" Tiger sighed and shook his head.
"Of course! A little ran and thunder wont stop me from visiting
you." Kibo said gently and smiled at Toka.
"I better get home, too," Mira shrugged, checking her dex again.
"Colin left this morning when I woke up. By the way, he says thanks
again for Helioptile. But Oak wants to see me for something.
Fingers crossed it's nothing serious, hm?" She yawned slightly.
"Okay, good. I mostly asked that to test whether or not I'm
crazy for flying in a storm." Toka admitted with a chuckle.
Zara put her arm around Snow "It'll take time for them to trust
you, you know that." She said, Reshiram nudging her arm. She looked
over at the legend "I'm coming, calm down."
Snow nodded and looked at Zara with a weak smile. "I'm sure to find
a way to get them to trust me. I mean, I somehow managed to earn
your trust." He said to Zara shyly.
Tiger nodded in response to Mira, "I'm sure it's fine. I mean if
it's not our can call me for help." He said kindly.
Kibo laughed and nudged Toka, "guess I'm crazy enough for
that." He said gently.
"I was just about to." Drew said, struggling to get up as she
balanced on one foot, then reached for her crutches. "..Yeah.
Robert, care to join me? Back to Sinnoh? I think I overheard
Jamie's staying, but.." she trailed off. "Bye, Jamie. Been
Drew left the room, glancing betweem Zara, Snow, Mira, Tiger, and
the door. "Uhm... it's been a wild ride, I guess. I'm going back
"I plan on it. You'll be right here, after all, and I know you'll
come no matter what," Mira smiled and elbowed him playfully. She
looked back at Drew. "Oh, you're going right now? Alright,
then. Good luck. I'll visit you soon and get you that painting."
She waved.
"We both are. Love is a crazy thing, huh?" Toka replied,
smiling. She flicked him with her tail.
Robert grabbed his bag and slipped it on before turning to Jamie.
"Be careful and call if need anything."
"Will do and you stay away from metal poles." Jamie mused causing
Robert to chuckle as they followed Drew. Jamie heard what Drew said
and muttered something under his breath causing Robert to flick
"We are not at that stage yet. Plus we
have a god daughter. I think we have enough children to look
after." Robert grumbled.
Tiger waved a goodbye to Robert and Drew. He smiled and nodded in
response to Mira. "Definitely will come to help you, Mira. I mean
you're like a sister to me, so I want to try and help you in anyway
I can." He said kindly.
Snow blinked and looked at Zara, "I think it was. I mean you didn't
trust me at all at first, and other than Tiger. You were the first
one to trust me." He said quietly.
"Definitely a crazy thing." Kibo laughed in response to Toka
and nudged her.
"Ah, thank you Drew. ...Wait. Jamie did you just--" Mira cut
herself off intentionally. "Nope. Not gonna say it. Nope. ...I can
say the same for you, bro," She put an arm around Tiger's
shoulders. "Call if you wanna vent about some idiotic trainer who
confronts you in the lab or something like that."
Toka nudged him back, smiling. She put her head on his shoulder and
looked up. "I think I might be going soon."
"Stop bringing that up, Jamie, I swear to Arceus I will pry each of
your fingers off with a pair of tongs. A painful and slow process."
Drew threatened. "Here's hoping we meet again, at least. For some
reason. And hopefully not a 'the region is dying' reason, eh?" she
smiled, opening the door slowly. "Bye."
And with that, she grabbed Robert's hand and called Hydregion out.
Back to the home she'd hated and loved. Back to Sinnoh Drew went,
but with a newer perspective.
Hopefully she didn't get into anything dumb. Again.
"You know I will." Tiger chuckled in response to Mira and glanced
at Cyndaquil and Snow for a moment. He smiled faintly and blinked
before returning the half hug. "Jamie, since Mira is going home you
can take Smokey's room if you want." He said kindly and
Kibo blinked and nodded before kissing Toka's head. "I'll be
looking forward to that."
Mira nodded and released him from the hug, sprinting upstairs to
grab her stuff. She came back down within a moment, having packed
up this morning, and went outside. "To the mainland for me," She
mumbled mostly to herself. She glanced at Kibo and Toka.
Toka returned the kiss and hugged him before looking to Mira.
"We're going?"