"I-it's no f-f-fun when they don't run. Haven't h-humans ever heard
of R-R-Ria the assassin?" Ria says, spitting out some blood before
trotting on air over to Dexter. She unsheathes her claws, which
gleam silver and are speckled with black and red.
"Nope can't say I have."Lithar answers Ria."And I am gonna just go
back to my area now.Cya."He says with a wave before leaving and
going back to his room.
Ritie flicks her tail. "Ria, I know that look. You're not going to
give him anything lethal, or permanent."
"Who says?" Ria asks, before leaping at Dexter. At the last second,
she turns translucent again, and passes straight through him. "I
call cheating!" Ria snarls.
"I can move away from it you know." Ria mutters, floating off
towards the door. "I'm gonna go see the kid. Call me if something
explodes or needs to be killed." She slips out the door and is gone
in seconds.
"If I may be so rude, could I please see the mix? I'm not a quote
unquote "mad scientist" but I do know my chemicals." Nova said,
looking over her shoulder at Dexter and smirking.
"Izzy. We both hang around him a lot. He got me the lab so I'd stop
containing all my magic. Bad for you and stuff. All sorts of
different things can happen to an Alia if they contain their
magic." Ritie explains, curling her tail around the vial from
earlier. It's contents bubbles and is a deep orange color,
different from the still, lighter liquid it was when they first
arrived. "Whoops." She mutters, taking in the half-melted top.
"Don't even think about it. I'll turn it more acidic and make it
bubble. If it wouldn't mind, of course, though they rarely ever
do." Ria says, closing her black eyes. The liquid in the vial stops
bubbling and goes still, and back to light orange.
Mira tapped her fingers along the table, nodding in agreement. "You
don't know what you could do to it by making it fizz. It's a
chemical reaction. Compounds might shift."