@Delirax, 834 normal gems, oooooh boy. Fairy gems and dragon gems
would be my next priority. I can buy the 834 normal gems with 521
gems. I can also buy 2 dragon gems and 10 fairy gems for 55kT.
That's all I have at the moment.
I am looking to trade most things I have for Pokefarm Q
stuff! This thread will have more info.
Now uh, pardon the newbie question but how should I send them over?
Should I just use the Delibird Item Delivery? I've never had to do
this before haha.
Delibird is fine, or I could set up a gem exchange for you, so you
don't have to pay the small fee. It's up to you c:
Though, I am not going to be super active today, so I might be slow
with responses.
I am looking to trade most things I have for Pokefarm Q
stuff! This thread will have more info.
@Abby, ah, I forgot to update my thread, I am all out of FR
currency at the moment. I can buy them with PD, though, unless
you'd like to wait for me to get more gems.
I am looking to trade most things I have for Pokefarm Q
stuff! This thread will have more info.