I am not actually doing the 2k PD per normal gem for FV trading, so
it will actually be 300k FC for 600 normal gems. If you're not ok
with this, I completely understand. I can for sure trade the 200k
for 600k PD c:
I am looking to trade most things I have for Pokefarm Q
stuff! This thread will have more info.
2k PD? I'm not sure what you mean, I just did the 700FC (your first
post says you're buying normal gems for 700FC each). Did this
change then? Let me know though ^^ I've sent over the 600k pD :)
Oh, wow, I do have that, I'm such an idiot, so sorry MadaraKeehl. I
must have done the math wrong, though...oh, it's because it should
be 667 FC per gem, and I just rounded up. Yah, I'll buy the 600
gems for 420k FC haha. Wow, I feel silly. I will actually be
changing that to 650 each not, though, so it's still rounded, but a
bit closer.
I am looking to trade most things I have for Pokefarm Q
stuff! This thread will have more info.