Kya was about to snap an answer, but then he saw that the
Lucario was sort of trying to be friendly so he relaxed..
"My name is Kya" "What's yours?"
The Umbreon said this only to be friendly, he did knew the
Lucario's name, but on this situation it would be better to make
friends instead of enemies
Frost Watt opened himself, making the frozen furnitures
come out of his body. He broke the ice around the blender, and
touched the blender, turning him into Wattender
"Name's Cell--hey calm down." The Lucario snarled at
Watt(-ender). "What's this about fightin', we're just heading down
to the labyrinth to get the heck outta this weird barrier thing.
And we should work together."
Man that phrase burned in his mouth, but if he had to be the smart
one and get over himself; fine. He could do it. Just maybe.
Okay maybe not, but he planned to fake it until he made it.
"Why don't those sassy Mienfoos don't help us out? Why did
they dragged us here in the first place?!" Wattender asks "WELL,
I'M GOING TO FIGHT THEM!" Wattender says, flying to the next
"Hey calm down, they're going to help us I think..."
Useless.. really.. "They were going to help us... at least one of them
was"Kya sighed "Will you go find him? WHere is that Druddigon anyway"
"Hey--HEY!" Aaaaand there the Rotom went. Maybe he should go after
Then Cell thought about it and figured this was not a good
idea. Maybe. His ears flickered to Kya. "Hrm? Like what, they said
they'd come with us?"
"And uh..." He looked over back to the Druddigon--nose in a book.
Okay, how he was able to hold that book in his claws, that was
beyond him. But whatever. "Hey, you catch his name Kya? For this
guy. "
"The Druddigon?"Kya looked behind him, the Druddigon
was reading something.. " His name was.. ugh.. Napoleon" "And... No.. One of them said something about making us
breakfast.. apparently they like working here"
The Umbreon looked back at the stairs.. leading to the labyrinth.
What sort of monsters lived there?
"Excuse me, what on earth do you think you are doing
sir?" Yang rushed over, holding a sponge in one paw, and a
spray-bottle in the other. "You are causing a ruckus and destroying
property. This is not how a guest should behave!"
"Oh was it? Cool." Not like he had the best name ever, Cell
took on his name by himself. Everyone was made up of...cells. It
was a super cool name, and he was going to stand by it.
"Breakfast..." His ears twitched as he considered that idea (or, as
the likelier case was, the crashing and punching sounds that the
Rotom was making). "I guess going down for a fight is better after
we rest up. Think we can fight on a full stomach?"
Wattender wrapped his plug around Yang's neck "I WAN'T
3. WHY AREN'T YOU HELPING?!" Wattender asks
Kya was about to answer the Lucario but was just able to the
an "I.. yeah. Think.. upstairs" before he run upstairs
following the sound of something hitting a wall or even worse the
"What do you think you're doing?
The Umbreon said as he took the rotom, that now looked as a
blender, and threw him away of the Mienfoo. "They're going to help us!"
Umbreon's attack made Wattender and the Mienfoo get throwed
away. Wattender stopped wraping, or it would kill her, and looked
((@Teius, Yang is the male Mienfoo, Yin is his female
For a moment, Cell debated whether he should head up or not.
Was he curious enough to see what would happen? He looked over to
the Druddigon for a moment, still with his nose in the book...yeah,
He followed after Kya.
When the cord wrapped around his neck, he dropped his things and
began to splutter. Gasping for breath, his face had been turning a
curious shade of yellow-green as the lack of air began to get to
him. Frankly, it was astounding his wind-pipe hadn't been crushed
by the tightness of the coil (though he probably had Kya to thank
for that).
Thrown away, he laid on the floor. Coughing and trying to regain
his breath.
"Calm down now, do you really wish to die before we head down to
the labyrinth"
Right, the Rotom was really annoying, too impulsive.. Kya headed towards the place where the Mienfoo lied and
helped him get on his feet "You alright?"
"I DON'T HAVE RAGE ISSUES!" Wattender screamed while
glitching back and fourth. "WHY ARE WE HERE?! I NEED ANSWERS!
ANSWERS ANNNNNSWERS!" Wattender screamed
"You don't?!! Then how the hell was he supposed to answer with
you strangling him?" Kya sighed I'll talk to him, you go walk or
The Umbreon gave the rotom a deadly look, if that guy kept hurting
people he was going to kill him with his own paws...
[[@teius, male pronouns were used with Yang as he talked with Kya
in the shower room. And his info can be found in the first post of
this thread.]]
Cell got to the party late. Whoop-de-doo. Looked like a
scuffle broke out, but it didn't seem like anyone was terribly
hurt. Other than the Mienfoo guy, but was that worth looking into?
Eh...he was going to make them breakfast, so he went over to help
sit the guy up too.
This could be bad for team morale if Kya had a thing against Watt.
Crap. Should he try to loosen up the tension...? Nah. Let 'em talk
it out. Or punch each other's lights out. Either way, the Lucario
was determined to stay out of their problems. (And he kinda wanted
to see someone else get mad at Watt, for once.)
Yang was coughing as he was helped up by two--no four--paws, he
tried to swallow experimentally. It all happened so fast, he tried
to get his recent events in order. He had been confronting the
floating blender-Rotom when the cord wrapped around his neck...
"You, sir, have rage issues." He wheezed out.
"Don't.." The Umbreon said to the Mienfoo, to his surprise
the Lucario had sided with him.. sort of "Let him be, else he will just come back and fight with the..
3... of us
He waited a while as the Mienfoo seemed to be gaining his breath