Forum Thread
A Mysterious Mansion [Arc 2]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → A Mysterious Mansion [Arc 2]
Without waiting for an answer, he made his way towards the staircases. Maybe there was something interesting upstairs. More interesting than empty rooms in a hallway anyway.
He did say something about a Mienfoo, that Mienfoo with the strange clothes, truth is he didn't remembered either.
Kya looked at the stairs the Lucario had taken, he wanted to find that Mienfoo and ask him some questions, but he didn't wanted to be near that Lucario so he went donstairs.
"This place is huge!" he said when as he walked around the hall of the first floor. There was no one around so he decided to go into the only room with a light on
Once the biscuits were set to be warmed, he started taking out ingredients and tools for making a chocolate cake. Busy busy, that's what he was!

Upstairs, on the other hand, had yet another hallway. Though the doors along it were also locked, and a plain wall found where the entrance to the library was a floor below.
Downstairs, there was another hallway that ended with a set of double doors. In that room was an arcade and several other video game stations, along with a huge game library. Almost all the doors in this hallway, however, were locked, unlike the one above it where the rooms were. The door that Kya opened, however, led to a locker room. It would appear that the Umbreon found the showers of the mansion.
The stairs continued to spiral down, towards the main floor. The main floor had a large foyer, with a grand piano behind where the staircase finally ended. There was a grand entrance, presumably leading to the outside, where the rain began to lighten up. Aside from that door though, there were four other doors. One led to the basement and was locked. Another to a closet that held no out-door clothing, and only stored cleaning supplies. Another led to a parlour where one could take tea and meals. And the last led to the kitchen, where Yang and Rita were.
Now that he was there he could take a shower too, right?
A quick thought flew across his mind.. Maybe he wasn't allowed to be there? Well never mind, what could happen?
He took a quick shower and as he put his hoodie on he heard the sound of a piano. He went to the hall and asked "Is there anyone here?"
Kya heard the piano again, it came from the floor downstairs. "Maybe there's someone there"

Once the cake finished baking, the Mienfoo whisked himself here and there to get the garnishes and decorate it. It would be the most delicious cake that his guest ever consumed, he'd make sure of it!
He briefly paused his work in order to observe the shiny Sylveon. There were no windows in the kitchen, only two separate ventilation systems for cooking and cooling/heating the room respectively.
At the piano was Yin, playing a simple and playful melody. She wasn't the best pianist, but that didn't stop her from trying. She figured it was a good time to practice her playing, since she was done sorting through the books in the library on the third floor.
The music suddenly stopped as she stood up and looked at him
Kya had been so pleased with the music that he even forgot what he was there for
"Umm.. I.. I was listening to that song you were playing .. what is it's name?"
The girl smiled and was about to answer when they heard some footsteps coming from the stairs..

Scowling behind his mask, the Lucario went off to examine the large double doors.
[[@pastelpookivil please remember to remove your signature when posting]]
"Ah, madam, are you awake? The cake is ready now for you to eat." Yang gave her a small smile before bowing deeply. He was quite proud of his work, there was nothing out of place. Nothing!
"Oh, it doesn't have a name. It's just something I made up in my spare time sir!" Smiling widely, Yin canted her head briefly to the Lucario. And then he walked off, okay uh...
Turning her attention to the Umbreon again, she straightened her back, imagining what Yang would tell her to do if he was around. "Is there something you require of me, sir?"
The Mienfoo had brought him back to reality.. what did he wanted?
"Yes.. um.. Do you know where are we?" he said almost whispering as he walked towards the piano

"You are in the master and mistress' mansion. You and several others are esteemed guests here." Smiling brightly, Yin gestured to the parlour--the door to which was close to the closet that Cell had just opened. "Would you like a snack? The master and mistress should be coming down for the pre-dinner speech soon."
[[@pastelpookivil Look, you just did it again too haha]]
"Naturally. Only the best for our guests here at the mansion. Bon apetite.~" Yang bowed once again before he got other tools and ingredients out. He had to start prep work on dinner, which was sure to be soon. The master never liked it when things were late.
The Mienfoo who had been playing the piano seemed to be waiting for an answer so he said "Yes please" It was only courtesy, but as he headed to the parlour he realized he really was hungry.
Kya, thought back to what the Mienfoo had said.. wait
Excuse me.. who are the master and mistress?"

The parlour looked to be something out of a Victorian period set drama. Plump lounge chairs and couches with exquisite designs, tastefully placed curtains and a variety of tables as high as one's waist to one's knees. It looked to be a well-used room for entertaining guests, and was kept as well as it could be.
There were also a pair of Pokémon in the room: a Kingdra inside a portable aquarium five times his size, and a Grumpig who appeared to be conversing with him. The pair stopped once the door was opened, and took to staring at the Lucario.
Character name: "Master"
Pokémon: Kingdra
Gender: Male
Accessories: A mobile aquarium with a sound system that removes the echo from his voice when he speaks.
Coloration: Normal
Nature: Quirky, something of a strange oddball. He enjoys speaking in rhymes for some reason.
Catchphrase: [N/A]
Character name: Mistress
Pokémon: Grumpig
Gender: Female
Accessories: A magatama necklace, along with a thin black crown.
Coloration: Normal
Nature: Gentle and serene, she likes to think of herself as a calm individual who 'goes with the flow'.
Catchphrase: None. She is mute.
Yang had busied himself in his work. After making sure all the cake things had been properly thrown out or put in the proper receptacle, he cooked as he did bits of dish washing here and there. He was a very efficient multi-tasker.
Yin was following right behind him, and barely stopped herself from walking into the door when she heard the question. "Oh! I guess we haven't actually introduced them yet, silly us! Uhm, but they like introducing themselves too so... You'll meet them soon enough!" She answered with a cheery smile.
The parlour looked like a considerably old room, filled with a warm light that made everything look cossy.
He stepped into the room, and glanced towards the Lucario, who was already there.
Was that Kingdra the master? he thought
Mistress rolled her eyes as she gestured for the pair to take seats on the couches. There was no need for them to stand, not when they could sit like equals. Raising one of her hooves, she rang a bell, and nodded towards Yin who came in--and then just as quickly, left.

"You look like you have some questions for us, Kya. But do you also want answers for those questions, in time for tea?" The rhyming was getting worse, and the Kingdra 'hooted' in laughter. "I am the Master of this mansion, and this is my lovely partner Mistress. If you feel lost here, you may also feel in distress."
"Is the cake suitable, madam?" Yang's whiskers twitched a little. He could see that she was eating a fair amount of cake. What he wasn't sure was that, if she was doing so to be polite to him, or if she truly enjoyed eating it!
Where is that Lucario? he thought
Even if he didn't wanted to admit it he knew he would feel more confident with someone near him.. someone who knew just as much (or little) as him..