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Another Pokemon Roleplay {Lit+} (Full)

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Another Pokemon Roleplay {Lit+} (Full)
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 03:10 (8 Years ago)
ooc; Welcome to the roleplay for those of you that had signed up. :) I'll recap some things for us.

Setting: We are all currently in New Bark Town in the Johto region, receiving our Pokemon from Professor Elm. Remember that all the starters are available here.

Please be courteous to the other roleplayers and use "ooc" or "brackets ()" when you want to talk out of character about something specific, but I don't want this forum to be filled with just ooc posts. If you need to go into more depth use the sign up forum please.

Other then that, remember the rules and minimum sentence requirement. Have fun. :)
The sign up forum can be found here.

Nikolai woke up with the sun in his eyes. His brow furrowed as he turned over onto his side and pulled the pillow over his head. He was definitely not a morning person. A small sigh escaped him as he heard his mother calling his name from the kitchen below. Slowly the red head sat up right, his hair splayed all over and in every direction. He rubbed his eyes and forced himself to stand up from the comfort of his bed and walk into the bathroom half awake. He did however wake up when he hit his side up against the counter and made him kneel over in pain.

Soon enough his hair was tamed, bed made and outfit picked out and put on. Nikolai made his way downstairs and into their kitchen. The room smelt delicious. The smell of bacon and eggs made him sigh happily and forget about the fact that it was almost noon in their small little town. "Good morning dear." His mother said as she scooped some eggs onto his plate and set the bacon down on top. "Morning." He mumbled back, mouth watering. She just chuckled, and set the pan down and then took her place at the table. They ate in silence, which isn't really a bad thing in their house. It just meant that the food was delicious.

Once he was full and after helping to clean up his mother asked, "Did you get everything ready for today?"

Nikolai rolled his eyes a bit and nodded. "Yeah, I have everything. I'll be fine." He gave her a rare smile and walked out towards the front door, picking up the black backpack that was sitting on the ground.

"I know dear...but well you are starting your journey and you're all grown up!" She managed to get out as she snapped a few unsuspecting picture. "But have fun, and don't forget to call whenever you can alright?"

"Yeah...if I remember our number." He shook his head, teasing his mother a bit before exiting the house. He could hear his mother yelling at him from the closed door and a small laugh that followed. Nikolai took a deep breath and made the thirty second walk from their house to the professors lab. He didn't enter yet though as he was meeting the rest of the group in front so they could all take the first step of their journey together.
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 344
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 03:29 (8 Years ago)
Asuna is wide awake by 7:30am the morning she gets to leave for her very first adventure. Her grandmother calls her name as she goes downstairs pulling her backpack with everything she needed already have her bed made and goes to the kitchen as her grandmother says "Morning sweety......ready for the big day on starting your journey as a new breeder like your parents?" She had nodded looking at her grandmother as she is finishing making breakfast for them before she leave.

Asuna digs right into the meal while relaxing and then just sighs while looking down. Her grandmother watcher her and says "I know you wished your parents were hear but remember you can send them pictures of you getting everything. I also know that your grandfather would be so proud that you are off to the big day and about to show the world you are ready. Remember he always loves you and you have pictures of him in your backpack that you packed." She had sighed more and then nodded and shows a small smile trying not to cry.

After they had finished eating Asuna helped her grandmother with cleaning up and smiles kissing her hugging her closely and then leaves out of the house holding onto her backpack closely and goes towards the professors lab. She looks up and smiles holding a small picture of her grandfather in her hand and has some tears going down thinking "This is the big day for me grandfather.....wish you were here but I know your going to be watching over me while I am on my journey." She goes towards the door and see's Nikolai and smiles a little going closer.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 03:32 (8 Years ago)
Andromeda woke up with her blanket on the floor and a Fletchling cheeping from her windowsill. She smiled to herself, as she sat up on the bed, taming her hair with her free hand as she made her way over to the small bathroom. Quickly washing up, she changed and grabbed her things as she heard her Aunt Lilli calling to her from downstairs.

"You seem awfully chipper this morning Andromeda! I wonder why... it wouldn't have anything to do with starting your journey today would it?" Lilli asked with a smirk on her face as she set down a plate of fruits in front of Andromeda.

"No Auntie not at all." Andromeda replied sarcastically, rolling her eyes playfully as she gratefully ate the fruits in front of her. "Oh, do you mind if I take some of the pastries you made last night with me? I think the others would like them!"

"of course dear! I'm so proud of you for doing this." Lilli smiled as she placed a few pastries into Andromeda's bag, settling it against her hip on the other side of her currently empty pokeballs. "Now just remember to be careful and call whenever you need to."

"Of course Aunt Lilli. I'll be sure to bring you back some of those mints you like from Mahogany Town!" And with that, she left. Officially beginning her journey and making her way to Professor Elm's Lab. She grinned to herself when she saw Nikolai and Asuna already there, walking up to them.
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 344
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 03:43 (8 Years ago)
Asuna holds onto her backpack while talking to nik. "So are you ready for this big day to happen?" She smiles looking at him while holding her skirt a little and watches around the small town.

Then she started looking over and saw Andromeda coming and she smiles giggling a little and yells out "AN YOUR COMING TO?' She is happy watching her coming up and then looks around to see who else is coming to meet us.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 03:51 (8 Years ago)
Andromeda laughs as she walks up he the pair, running her fingers through her hair almost nervously.

"Of course I am silly! I wouldn't miss this for the world!" she grins and bounces slowly in place on her heels with excitement. You guys ready for today? I'm so excited!" She looks around for anyone else who might be joining us.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 03:55 (8 Years ago)
Nikolai looked over to see Asuna coming up to join him in front of the lab. He rolled his eyes a bit and replied with a hint of sarcasm laced in his voice, "Well I'm here aren't I? If I wasn't I wouldn't be here." Nik shook his head a bit. He knew a reply like that was probably not needed but what else could he do when a question like that was asked of him. It was almost second nature and something he knew he probably wouldn't grow out of.

He let out a breath, moving around a bit to keep his feet from hurting more then they already were. Waiting for these guys was just too much for him. They gave a specific time and he hoped they would at least try and come on time for a change. His eyes wandered over to the horizon and Asuna seemed to yell out to someone else. 'Well it's about time.' He thought and watched Andromeda make her way to their meeting spot.

"Two down....two to go." He muttered to himself, itching to get inside the lab and pick his partner. Though it wasn't any competition for him. He knew exactly who he wanted and if anyone else wanted that same Pokemon well, lets just say they wouldn't be friends for much longer.

He turned his attention to Andromeda. "Again...if we weren't ready we wouldn't be here." What was with this question? Like come on. These two girls needed to think a little more forward in his opinion.

((Sorry I don't want to get too far ahead in the roleplay before the other two characters make their intro post.))
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 344
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 04:03 (8 Years ago)
((I know what you mean. XD))

Asuna looks down and says..."Sorry Nik.....just thought you be as excited as some of us....but I guess it doesn't matter does it?" She sighs while smiling some to An and goes and hugs her. "How's your aunt doing? I am sure she is happy and sad at the same time isn't she?"

Asuna goes and finds a rock to sit on and watches while rubbing her legs holding her skirt tightly.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 04:09 (8 Years ago)
((It's all good))

Andromeda smirks at Nikolai. "Good to see you haven't changed at all." She turns to Asuna, smiling. "Yeah, I mean other than my parents, I'm all she's got and they're back in Kalos. I promised I'd call her so she won't feel lonely." Andromeda smiles almost sadly, wrapping her arms around herself as a small breeze picks up.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 05:13 (8 Years ago)
My alarm ring exactly at 8:00am. I go look outside the window, hoping to see something different but its the same sunrise in this boring town. I take a quick shower and walk down stairs. And I see my father sitting on the table with a delicious breakfast buffet. I go and grab toast and my mother pulls the plate away and smiles at my dad offering him the toast. "Honey more toast?" He ignores her because he'said too busy looking at the newspaper. Then she turns to me " Sorry did you want toast?" "No I'm good" and I just grab an apple. I finish my apple and begin to walk to the door and "Are you going to say goodbye?"

I took a deep breath and look at him and I said "No." "You are ungrateful son." He yelled at me. "We gave you everything." "No, you didn't." I take a step towards the door and I feel something fly very close to my face. In front of me I see a plate crash in front of me. "Your father is speaking to you. Look at him." I hear my mother yell.

"Why can't you be more like your siblings." I hear my mom say quietly.

"Sorry to disappoint...it's not goodbye...until never." I yell as walked through the front door.

The argument took longer than I thought because when I looked at my pokewatch I noticed that I was running late. I felt this adrenaline rush and I ran to the meeting spot in front of the lab.

I saw then so I casually walk up to my friends. "Sorry I'm late my alarm didn't ring this morning." (He's lying) I go greet my friends.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 15:33 (8 Years ago)
((MsRare please do not play my character as that is considered power playing. Consider this a one time friendly reminder.))

Nikolai gave a small smile and shrugged. Of course he wasn't going to change just because they were all going on this journey together. He would have gone off on his own but, after a few 'convincing' arguments made by his mom he decided to try out the group thing. See if it was worth all they hype, and apparently it was 'more fun' to go with friends then to wander the region alone.

He watched the two girls chat for a moment before turning away, fiddling a bit with the strap of his bag. He was slowly getting impatient. How much longer were they going to have to wait. He turned around once more and saw Henry making his way up towards them. "Three down...all that's left is Leli.." He muttered to himself, nodding slightly to Henry before looking away once more.
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 344
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 15:48 (8 Years ago)
Asuna watches while talking to AN and smiling happily and then looks over and sees someone and she tilts her head thinking to herself. "Who is that? I thought it was everyone we knew...." She just watches the others while taking her backpack off of her back.

She count's everyone who is there and counted 4 people in total including herself. "Who else is suppose to be coming who are we missing?"
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 1,543
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 16:22 (8 Years ago)
Leli groaned as she flopped over and fell off of her bed. Her father's Larvesta, who they brought from Unova, squeaked as she fell. "I don't care that I'm late," she muttered, looking at her watch. She strode over to her closet and picked out the clothes she'd be wearing before changing. She grabbed a bag while her father's Pokemon scrambled around her feet. "Stop," she growled as she grabbed some clothes to take on the trip before washing her face and brushing her teeth.

"Leli, come on! You're late!" her mom called. "Alright, I'm coming!" she yelled sassily, picking up the Larvesta and taking him downstairs. "Father, I believe this is yours," she muttered, handing the Bug-Fire Pokemon to the adult. "Thank you, Leli. And we've packed you a lunch. There's a gift for you from your sisters. Also, Serpentine wants to tell you bye."

Suddenly, the Snivy she had received from her sisters a few years ago came sprinting down carrying a wrapped box. He leaped up and thrust it into Leli's arms before hopping on her shoulder and saying something in Pokemon language. "Bye, Serpy," she commented, letting him scramble down. "Bye Mom! Bye Dad!" she called, grabbing the bag and heading outside.

Ah, New Bark Town. How I hate you... she thought as Oliver, who was sitting outside, waved to her. She waved back before sprinting over to her friend group. "Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late," she muttered, placing one hand on her hip. "Anyway, what're we doing now? Getting Pokemon?" I really hope I can find a Hoothoot. Mystique told me all about them, and I got to see a picture. They're actually pretty cool! she thought.
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 344
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 16:53 (8 Years ago)
Asuna looks over and see's Leli coming and she smiles getting up going to leli. "Hey your late.....Come on aren't you excited about the world that we will be able to see? This is something so exciting I am happy I get to do it with friends." She giggles while looking at Leli and smiles.

As they walk back to the group and Asuna goes back and picks up her bag and groans while putting it on her back. She watches everyone while looking around and see's if theres anyone else.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 17:04 (8 Years ago)
Andromeda smiles as the others approach, adjusting her bag over her shoulder and fiddling with the pokeballs at her side.
"I think that should be it!" She exclaims as she looks around at everyone, eager to begin her journey and receive her first Pokemon. "What kind of Pokemon is everyone hoping of getting?"
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 1,543
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 17:15 (8 Years ago)
Leli grinned excitedly. "Finally, a good question! Haven't gotten those in a while. Anyway, I really hope for a Snivy like the one my sisters gave me. But the one I have is a stay-at-home Pokemon. But if I can't get Snivy, Totodile or Chikorita would be my second choice. But I really hope for Snivy." She proceeded to play with her hair, excitedly walking in place. "But later on, I hope to get a Hoothoot. I saw a picture and it was amazing! And I've seen its evolution, Noctowl, too. They're both extremely cool!"

Leli pulled out her Pokegear and immediately made sure she had all of the phone numbers she needed, which was only her siblings', Oliver's, and her parents'. "Ready to go to the lab? Because I'm so totally not ready!" she commented excitedly, with some sarcasm.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 17:29 (8 Years ago)
"I am not ready either" I said. "They're all cool pokemon. It's your partner for life how are you suppose to decide anyways." No one said anything. "I am probably going to pick the pokemon with the best personality or at least one that is very similar." Realizing that I kind of had already made my choice I walk to the lab.
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 344
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 17:35 (8 Years ago)
Asuna smiles looking at the others while holding her skirt. "I know I am hoping for a froakie.....My mom was telling me how she had someone who brought a breeding pair to her to breed and they had really nice personalities and they were very friendly." She watches more while slowly going up to the doors and looks down thinking to herself "If i don't get a froakie i might go for a bulbasuar or tepig. Not really sure tho...." She smiles and looks at the others while shaking a little not knowing what will happen.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 17:45 (8 Years ago)
Andromeda smiles at the ground, wrapping her arms around herself. "I definitely want a Fennekin, one of my mother's friends had one and it was so sweet! It had bonded so well with it's trainer and they had even entered a few Pokemon beauty competitions before! I definitely want that for myself." She sighed quietly as she watched a Wingull fly overhead. 'If not then I definitely want a Piplup or Squirtle, they're both so cute!' She thought to herself.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 17:55 (8 Years ago)
Nikolai shook his head, "Right so you guys can debate which Pokemon you want. I'm going to go inside and get the one I want before any of you decide you want it." He said, looking at them all. "Or, you know, you can check them out and then decide." He shrugged and walked over to the lab doors and pushed them open, walking inside.

Once in Nikolai looked around. The room was filled with machines beeping and flashing different colours. There was a wall dedicated to just computers, some being used and some not. "Wow." He exclaimed to himself and kept walking, glancing back only momentarily to see if any of the others had dared to venture inside. Some of the people inside has stopped what they were doing to look over at the group, smile a bit and then go back to their duties.

"Ah good good you are all..almost on time." Exclaimed a voice from in front of Nikolai. He looked up to see a tall, thin man standing at the front, balancing a large tray filled with pokeballs. "Come in everyone, don't be shy." He smiled and while balancing the tray on one hand, waved to the rest of the group to come in. "I am Professor Elm. I'm sure most, if not all, of you know me. Today you'll be picking your first Pokemon. Please choose wisely as they will be your partner from now on." He took a step towards them only to trip and set all the pokeballs on the tray flying into the air and onto the ground. As they hit the ground they began to release the Pokemon inside. "Oh dear." He said, getting up off the ground and fixing his glasses. "Well this is one way to do it."

Nikolai stepped back and watched Pokemon after Pokemon appear in front of himself and the others. 'Now where is that Charmander?' He thought.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 18:03 (8 Years ago)
Andromeda looked over at Asuna curiously before following in after Nikolai. Shyly waving at the workers as hurried in behind Nikolai. As the others filed in she looked around at the pokeballs sitting in front of them.
She jumped as Professor Elm tripped, knocking over the various pokeballs and releasing the Pokemon within. "Professor are you alright?" She asked as she stepped towards him, stopping as a few Pokemon materialized in front of her. A small Fenniken walked up to her, and Andromeda kneeled down, gently petting it's ear.