"Seems like nothing changed... Except for the school of course"
Celestia said as Crystal told her everything. Crystal nodded as her
arms were crossed. "Nothing changed underwater, either. Dad just
keeps on bothering me" Celestia said, rolling her eyes.
DIamond ran off and caught them. "Why, Crystal. Again, you chose
Celestia over me." She said, tears starting to form in her
(oh yeah, Diamond is now 18, her and Crystals birthday was
"No, I didn't, I just didn't see her for a long time" Crystal said,
trying not to make eye contact with Diamond. "Seems like you didn't
change.." Celestia mumbled
Diamond looked at Celestia calmly. "I guess last time you saw me I
was meaner then when you first saw me? That is obvious, you can ask
Crystal why." She said, her voice much calmer then either of
theirs. A bird landed on her shoulder.
She heared howl , she roconized Navneet
"It was Navneet ! .."
Fluffy loks at her and jumps on her shoulder
"Fluffy , we need to find him , you have batter ears , can you find
him ?!"
Fluffy nodded and Flare turned in ponyta , Fluffy talks with her
using Mind-Talk .
"Okay , Fluffy ! Show me the way !"
Fluffy told something to her and Flare runned away from camp .
(Name (in RP): Star
Personality: Mysterious, wise, calm and very cautious.
Age: 19
Username: EspeonLover)
Star heard noises. In her Pokemon form, she slunk there. "Aha..."
She hissed.