Flare sadly looked at fire and turned in her Ponyta form
"I go find something to eat ... "
As she told she runned away , leaving horseshoe footsteps behind
Diamond smiled slightly as a bird landed on her shoulder. This
would be a hard time for both her and Crystal... She knew it in her
heart. "Friend shall betray, and the life shall be drained." She
Flare runned through forest , wild pokemons watched her from
distance , then suddely young Rapidash appear in front of her and
Flare stopped .
"This is your territory , right ?"
Rapidash nodded
Ponytas and Raphidashes lived usually on groups but this one was
loner .
"If i will let him be there , he will attack us soon"
Flare stood on her hind legs and makes Ponyta noice
"I challange you !"
If she beat him , she will be able to claim this territory and
banish Rapidash from this forest
Rapidash maked battle pose and Flare red flame mane turned in blue
The battle begin ...
Rapidash was stronger but Flame was faster and she also haved Shiny
flame , Shiny flame is more powerfull than normal fire .
Flare used Smash Kick and hits Rapidash neck .
Rapidash falled on ground , then he maked weak Rapidash noise and
he gived up
Flare was tired , Rapidash almost killed her when he used
Flamethrower but he missed
Flare walks closer to him
"Leave ... Now !"
Rapidash slowly stand up and nodded , then he walked away ..
"I am tired ... I should go back to camp"
Flare slowly walked bqck to camp and dont notice her leg bleeding
"And i can help you with Fairy types .. I am half immune to them
She turned in human form and noticed her bleeding leg
" Prff .. It seems like i broked my leg , ha ha "
Her leg was hurted badly , sje got hit by flameball and her skin
was amost rotten .
"Maybe Navneet will know , i wonder when he come back"
Suddely blue fire in firepit turned in normal fire , Flare ignored
"Hey .. You told your family is death .. Is that true ?"
Flare is very curious ..