Finally Flare in her Ponyta form and Fluffy sitting on her back
find Navneet.
Flare was scared , something is wrong .. She feel it
" Na .. Navneet .. What happened ?"
She wanna help him but she dont know how
"Navneet ... Fluffy whats going on ?!"
Flufffy growled , it seems like he dont know .
Flare turned in her Human form and runs closer to Navneet
"Please ... Talk with me .. Please .. "
Fluffy runned away , he searching for something .
She hugged him , she dont know what to do
"Please .. Navneet .. "
Fluffy finally comed back , he holded a strange blue plant with
three black petals
"Fluffy , i think Flower of Donoro dont help ..."
Se starts cry , she dont know what to do ..
"Crystal .. Where are you .. "
Duddely everything around her was in Blue fire , it happen when she
panic ..
Flare nodded slowly , she have eyes filled with tears and she
barely heared what he told
"Okay ... Fluffy , stay here with him , you are psychic type , you
can help him a little .."
She spotted a little towel at ground
*Sniff* "Prff .. Its poisoned !"
She stomped on it and Towel burns in Blue fire and then towel
dissapered in black smoke .
Flare nodded , Navneet is finally alright but she feels weird
"Just take a rest , i go find Crystal .. "
She turned into Ponyta and looks on Fluffy , Plushie sitting on
ground and watching Navnet
"Fluffy , call me if something happen . "
She quickly dashed away