Forum Thread
kasu's art dump
Forum-Index → Fanmades → kasu's art dump
I made an adoptable thing? ;v; im randomly naming it cheisa for no reason at all for now.
it's about the size of a hyena or so and lives in small flocks of seven to eight on mountaintops.
the mask around its neck changes color and its face depending on the cheisa's mood. its eyes are closed/squinting during the day but open at night because they're incredibly sensitive. cheisas can fly, but it requires a lot of exertion on their part. they usually only fly when they're about to fall.
cheisas are omnivores, and are quite light on their feet. they have an incredibly long tongue which they use to clean themselves and pick up leaves to eat. they usually feed on what berries and leaves they can find, along with mountain goats and occasionally yak if their flock is large enough to hunt one down.
cheisas actually hatch from eggs rather than being born alive. their eggs are incredibly durable, but do require being warmed. however, if required, they can survive in the cold, they just won't hatch. when they hatch, they're about the size of a housecat. cheisas raise their young by immediately teaching them how to fly and walk.
the mask around their neck cannot be removed without the cheisa dying, and when the cheisa is killed, the mask will turn a dull gray.
cheisas are social creatures despite being in small flocks. they usually never go after other flocks unless incredibly desperate. they also follow a singular leader, often the strongest of their flock.
hhhh ;u;
any references: x
what type of drawing: Human bust
passcode: Kasubi
price: 45k PD
other: Sorry if it's too complicated >///<
any references:[x][x]
more details below qvq

full body, he is just wearing black leather jacket with a dark grey shirt underneath, white gloves (very important) and any pants you want that are black and converse hightop that are black.
what type of drawing: pixel hunans/gijinka
passcode: Kasubi
other: Could it possibly be the size of the example?