So I got these
six and my jaw hit the floor XD I haven't ever tried to draw 5
of them, I didn't even know who Zekrom was (I'm not good with the 4
and 5 gens)
But I still
tried bit, not overboard since today is the last day of my
summer holiday and school starts tomorrow ;.;
guys i just found this youtube channel and i really like it so far. you
guys should go check it out sometime
Day 23 Furniture
Using a ruler, draw a piece of furniture that you think it's
interesting. Don't be lazy and draw something square., at least try
and put some detail to it (like the drawer handles or whatever). If
the details are round, you can freehand it.
As for the last day: I'd prefer to skip that one. I haven't skipped
days so far but this one was a lot of effort for somebody who's
never drawn Pokemon before and doesn't intend to do so.
[center]Disclaimer: This is my signature. This is not
directed to you personally but to everyone.
And the two scariest monsters known to man are terrifying - baby is based on the baby in
the Oatmeal comics, and the other one....well, Lady Cassandra is
scary amirite