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The Airore Region

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP The Airore Region
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Sun, 02/08/2015 01:37 (9 Years ago)
Neil stepped out of the lab shoving his items into his bag. He let the ghost Pokemon float around the area as he did so. "So wheres the first route?" he said as he whipped his map out of his pocket. He looked around for possible entrances or exits to begin his journey. Neil looked at Gastly curiously. "Do you have any idea where to go?" The round ghost looked at the boy, then around the surrounding area the same way he did. He then moved toward a sign that pointed to the next route. "Wow, how could i miss that?" Neil sighed to himself while putting his map back in his pocket then slipping his backpack around his shoulders. "So this is the beginning for us huh, Gastly?" he asked. Gastly then looked at him and smiled with a big grin. And so, they then began their way down the first route down to where their journey begins.
Who is your true family...?

Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Mon, 03/08/2015 09:22 (9 Years ago)
If Starks could blush, he would have been beet red. His emotions were a flurry of pride and embarrassment at being called Sir. I wasn't sure if he new what a knight even was, but he knew it was special. He plucked the stone from the young woman's hand munching on it eagerly. I patted him on the head. "Must be pretty tasty." I said with a chuckle. Stark immediately turned to me, looking surprised, and a bit guilty. I could feel him mentally berating himself for not offering me some first. He bit off a chunk, pushing towards me with his small foot. He made several odd bowing gestures while chittering at mournfully. I picked it up, wondering what I should do. I couldn't very well refuse, after how upset he had been. Without a second thought, I put the pebble in my mouth and crunched down on it. Luckily for me, it wasn't very dense and crumbled under my teeth. I tasted surprisingly good, like salt and fish. I smiled at Stark. "Thanks buddy! That was delicious." Stark did a small hopping dance, excitedly clicking. I laughed, scooping into a hug. "I don't think we're going to have any problem being friends little buddy." I turned my attention back to Serafina, who I had actually forgot was there at all. As I was about to speak, I spotted a boy with purple hair moving quickly towards the first route. "Hey there's someone." I pointed in the boys direction. "Let's go see if he wants traveling companions."
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Tue, 04/08/2015 16:27 (9 Years ago)
(Hey guys, sorry. My baby was sick, which meant she didn't sleep, which means I didn't get to either. But all is good now. I'm also almost finished making a map that I'll post on our sign up thread soon.)

As Neil and Gastly approached the sign, and angry low buzz filled the air. From behind the wooden post jumped a joltik, the hair on his back bristling. This was his territory, and anyone who dared to threaten his turf would be punished! The electric bug looked back over his shoulder and uttered a cry, encouraging two more of his siblings to emerge from the nest cleverly concealed under the large rock behind the sign. The three pokemon formed a wall, advancing threateningly on the humans.

Train with me?
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 04/08/2015 17:08 (9 Years ago)
Minori made her way to the lab, noticing that not many people were there anymore. Am I late? She wondered worriedly, not wanting to make a bad impression. Darn it, I think I am... Minori picked up her pace. As she neared the lab, a small spark if excitement lit inside her. She wondered who would be her first companion. Minori entered the lab and slowly approached the professor, or she guessed it was. Gathering a small amount of courage, Minori spoke, "Um...excuse me?" She says quietly to Professor Aspen.
Avatar drawing made by quercusrubra.tumblr

Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Tue, 04/08/2015 21:02 (9 Years ago)
I smiled at Stark and Evander interacting. It was so nice to see them bonding like that! Looking down at my own sleeping Eona I smiled harder. She was so sweet and so perfect. I brought her closer and nuzzled her. She looked up at me sleepily and yawned. "I see you, little sweet pea." She smiled at that and cooed, coming out of her shell to climb up my arm. "Here," I said, placing her up on my shoulder. "That better?" She was holding onto the fabric of my shirt. Thinking, I pulled out some ribbon from my bag and made a tiny harness for her to hold onto and put it on my arm. I pulled it all the way up to my shoulder and showed her what to hold onto to stay secure. Eona chittered and clicked, rubbing against my neck and cheek. "So, I'm guessing that works?" I asked, grinning at her. She nodded and settled in, clicking happily. I laughed and rubbed her cheek with my index finger. That's when Evander pointed out the purple clad boy and his ghastly. "Sure!" I said, standing up. That's when I heard the buzzing too. "Um...I think he's going to need help!" I exclaimed, running to go help. Eona stayed safely in place.
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 05/08/2015 03:48 (9 Years ago)
Professor Aspen looked up from her clipboard, glancing this way and that. She thought she had heard a soft voice say hello. At last she spotted Minori, and gave the girl a smile. "How can I help you my dear?" She asked. "I bet you are here for the adoption day. Don't worry, I think we still have a few pokemon left." At that moment, a lab assistant stepped through a backdoor, herding a small group of pokemon. Professor Aspen gestured to him, signaling for him to bring the 'mons over. "Maybe you would like one of these? Go ahead and get to know them. You don't need to be shy."

At the head of the group came a flirty houndour. Each step she took was precisely placed to show off every glamorous inch of her blue hide. She paused within arms reach of Minori and tossed her head as if to say "You may pet me now." Her performance was ruined as a male eevee dashed past, bounding around the human's feet with eager joy. At last he tripped over his own tail and went sprawling in a pile. He lay dazed for a moment before wagging his tail, looking up at Minori for approval. Next came a pair of pokemon, a female togepi riding on the back of a male mudkip. The water type had a large if simple grin on his face as the togepi urged him on with friendly encouragement. Lastly came a male turtwig, scuffing his feet with his eyes fixed on the ground, hoping not to be noticed.

Train with me?
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Wed, 05/08/2015 19:47 (9 Years ago)
Minori sighed with relief, grateful for the Professor's kindness. She watched the lab assistant walk over to them, a couple of pokemon following as well. The first one to greet her was the houndour. Her beautiful pelt was astonishing. Minori immediately felt at ease with the pokemon. She reached over to stroke her fur but was interupted as an Eevee bounded over and circled her feet. Minori giggled, watching the little critter as it gazed at her. "Hello," She greeted and sits on the floor. The Eevee took his chance and bounded over to climb on Minori's shoulder. She rubbed his head and turned to the Togepi and the Mudkip. Seeing that Minori was sitting on the ground, they both approached her happily. As Minori petted them, she noticed a Turtwig a few feet away. "You don't have to be shy," She says catching the grass type's attention. The Eevee on Minori's shoulder nodded in agreement. The Turtwig eyed Minori for a while before waddling over, stopping in front of her. Minori smiled and petted his head. "All of you are great..." She mumurs gazing at each one. Who should I pick?

The Turtwig resembled her very much, they were both shy and timid but she didn't feel like he was the one. Then there was the Mudkip. He loved to grin,Minori realized and rubbed his head before turning her attention to the energetic Eevee that currently sat on her shoulder. Minori lifted him up causing him to squeal and booped her nose with his. "You're great too," She whispered. But...you don't feel like the one either... Minori thinks with a sad sigh. Her father had said that she would know which pokemon was right for her, she would simply feel it. She placed the Eevee back on the ground in front of her and he sat down, happily wagging his tail. With one last pat, she reached for the Togepi that was currently on her lap. The pokemon gazed up at her curiously.

A sudden loud bark came from the Houndour startling both Minori and the Togepi. "My apologies, " She says realizing that she never greeted herself properly to the flirty houndour. Realizing that she successfully caught Minori's attention, the Houndour came up to her showing her pelt during the process. Minori tilted her head, amused by the Houndour's behavior. "You don't have to keep trying to show off, I can already see how beautiful your fur is and what a great pokemon you are." The houndour blinked, flustered by the girl's praise. Minori reached over and stroked her fur and almost immediately, she felt the same feeling she got when she first layed eyes on the blue pokemon. Minori couldn't help but smile widely and give the Houndour a hug. She did a happy yip and rubbed her head against the girl's own. "You felt it too, didn't you?" Minori murmurs and pulls away. The houndour nods and stands next to her, gazing up at the girl, patiently waiting. Minori thinks for a while, trying to figure out a name. "Would you like the name, Horizon? " She asks her new friend. The houndour nods, her eyes shining brightly.
Avatar drawing made by quercusrubra.tumblr

Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Thu, 06/08/2015 16:07 (9 Years ago)
I leapt to my feet, unsure quite what to do. Stark grabbed my pant leg, tugging hard. I got the message and began sprinting across the open area. I caught up to, then quickly passed Serafina, with Stark hot on my heels. I slid to a stop next to the purple boy. The hadn't ever seen the yellow insect Pokemon before, so I had know idea how to fight them. Oh well. Just throw everything at the wall and see what sticks. "Looks like you could use a bit of help here." I said as Stark caught up. He quickly scuttled in front of me, ready for battle. I quickly pulled out my Pokedex, pointing the camera at Stark. The screen displayed a picture of him and several attacks. "Uh... Ok Stark, use Mud Slap!" I pointed at the left Pokemon. Stark opened his small mouth as wide as it could go. He inhaled deeply, before firing a ball of mud square in the Pokemon's face. The effect was instantaneous. The creature squealed, obviously disliking ground attacks, and was knocked on its back. It's small legs wriggled as it tried to right itself.
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Thu, 06/08/2015 20:26 (9 Years ago)
After saying goodbye to the other pokemon she met and watch them leave with the lab assistant, Minori turned back to Professor Aspen. She had finally chosen her companion to embark on her journey. The blue houndour, now known as Horizon, sat quite elegantly next to her trainer. "This is the pokemon," Minori tells the Professor happily. "I promise to take good care of her and treat her like family." She says with confidence and waits for further instruction from Professor Aspen.
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