Forum Thread
~My Little Pony's~
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → ~My Little Pony's~I Finally found my Phone, which means Proto's OC can finally come in!
And I can finally get caught up in MLP (NO SPOILERS).
The Bad news is...
It's Dead. It'll be a while before Any of this is done
"Magic is in the Rhythm"
-forgets about thread-
What does you character look like, Midnight?
Art by Furret
Deviant Art ll Instagram ll ll Twitter
Art by Furret
Deviant Art ll Instagram ll ll Twitter
From my Point of View...
Earth Ponies are in touch with the Earth and have Strong bodies,
Unicorns have Magic that is Specific to their Talents,
Pegasi have Flight and can walk on clouds,
And Alicorns are God Like.
The rest is based on your Point of Veiw (Changlings, Breezies, Parasprites, etc.)
"Magic is in the Rhythm"
Pegasi have very weak bodies and and release engery is short sperts, then must sleep to regain energy
So they got downfalls
Art by Furret
Deviant Art ll Instagram ll ll Twitter
She became an Alicorn
Yet she can't use magic
Because she doesn't know how to
Diary | Adoptables
Toyhouse | Deviantart | Flight Rising
Diary | Adoptables
Toyhouse | Deviantart | Flight Rising