Ember nodded and smiled. "How are you doing so far? Still alive I
see..." She says to the dragon across from her.
(xHaxorus, please use your character's name in your posts at least
once so no one forgets her name.)
Khomich tilted her head. "Why do you find it hard to believe?
Perhaps he plays it off pretending to be weaker than he is so as to
surprise his enemies..." She says as she walks next to him.
(Sorry X3)
Eclipse looked at Ember and stretched out her wings. "Yep, glad to
be. Doing fine, I'd say. So you're Ember?"
"Summers and
through snowy
Sat by the water, close
to the embers. Missing out the lives that they
once hadbefore..."
~Willow-Jasmine Thompson
"They show too much. When I am in my dragon form it's not hard to
see me so hunters will easily be able to find me unless I am in the
thick of trees in the forest" he said
Khomich sighed. "You are a very powerful fighter... Even if they
did see you, you'd kill them... Besides, I'm here too and I would
melt them with my acid..." She smiled. "As long as you don't fear
the hunters, they can't win. Because once you fear them... You
hesitate... You turn your back to run... That is when they win..."
She sighed before shifting into her dragon form and continuing
walking along the path, the moonlight shimmering off of her
iridescent skin.
Khomich snickers. "Besides... I can see better now than the hunters
can in the daytime!" She chuckles.
Ember turned to Draco. "There is always the chance... I mean, he
did take a few arrows for her... But that could be because he cares
about her and that doesn't mean that kind of like..."
Ember laughed. "Well... Yes, I do believe it was..."
Khomich began to smoke once more, the black wisps floating around
her like dark spirits. Her eyes became as black as the darkness
surrounding them instead of their normal color.