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The Guild of Fairy Tail [Open and Accepting]

Forum-Index Roleplay The Guild of Fairy Tail [Open and Accepting]
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 00:38 (9 Years ago)
She arrived to the train station and flopped on to the ground, "Ouch...." Techni got up slowly and rubbed her head. "Hey! You!" Techni walked up to the ticket counter, but they employee looked around in confusion.
"Look down....." Not this again.
The human looked down to see the Lime colored cat looking up raising her paw, "A... Talking... Cat...."
"....! Call me a talking cat again....."
The train employee jumped and sweated trying to calm Techni down, "Sorry, ma'am! Uh... How many ti--"
"Two, two that's all." She gave the employee Jewels as he gave in the tickets.
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Journal of Misc
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 84
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 00:42 (9 Years ago)
" Techni calm down just do not talk to people like that we do not need to get fairy tail a bad reputation witch I will because I can not control my fire when I spin." said flare looking at Techni

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 00:44 (9 Years ago)
"Sorry, I just don't like being called some, 'Cat,'" she sweated again trying to calm down. And walked towards the assigned train. "Okay... This is the car we're assigned."
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Journal of Misc
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 84
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 00:45 (9 Years ago)
"Ok" said flare jumping in

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 00:52 (9 Years ago)
She looked out the window and grinned. "Okay, so this is what I got from that flier alone," Techni said she sat on the chair and raised her paw showing data on the bandits.
"The bandits all appear at night and have the nickname, 'Midnight Outlaws'. They only specialize in weapons, but they're rumored to have the leader know some rare magic. I'm not sure what it is, but it sounds interesting," she moved her paw as her magic eye-wear supported her magic as she controlled the magic digital screens. Flicking her paw, the screen and her eye-wear vanished in mid-air. "They technically have a battle style that's even more unique then normal Outlaws and bandits."
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Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 09:41 (9 Years ago)
(Recap, please? .w.)

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 10:56 (9 Years ago)
(powerofwaffle Techni and Flare joined the guild and met Aqua and Opal after they joined, later Aqua and Opal decided to go out on another job. Wanting to get a rent, Flare and Techni go to Flare's Hometown to pursue bandits. But, Flare says that she's a bit of an outlaw in her hometown, yet decides to go there still. Sorry if the summary's confusing!)
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Journal of Misc
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 84
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 10:59 (9 Years ago)
"Techni do you know how long this is by train it is really long by foot?" said flare

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 11:01 (9 Years ago)
Techni shook her head, "Not at all. Even if I scanned the train using my magic.... I could not a get a full estimate unless I'm out side."
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Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 84
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 11:02 (9 Years ago)
"Ok so we just wait it out"

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Fri, 20/03/2015 20:13 (9 Years ago)
The train finally arrives at the next station, where apparently the bandits are roaming. Techni walks off looking at all the humans wandering about their business. "Well, here we are," Techni grins as she stands outside the train car door.
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Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 84
Posted: Fri, 20/03/2015 23:58 (9 Years ago)
" yep this is where me and my old friends used to play"

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 04:52 (9 Years ago)
"We'll have to stay a few hours to capture those bandits...." Techni looked around and then sees a mansion just a few blocks away from the station. "I think that's our client's house!" The Exceed used her aera magic and flew quickly to the mansion.
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Journal of Misc
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 84
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 11:52 (9 Years ago)
flare started walking over but did not feel like running. she felt something was wrong and then called back Techni, "Techni come back here. I need to tell you something"

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 14:47 (9 Years ago)
Techni turned around as she came back to Flare her magic wore off and she plummeted head first to the ground. "I told ya...." She moaned, "Ouch...."
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Journal of Misc
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 84
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 14:52 (9 Years ago)
"Techni there is something not right here these people are from here and do know me and are about to act me I can tell"

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 14:57 (9 Years ago)
"Okay, so... Maybe we should find a disguise," she looked around then noticed a tailor shop. "I got an idea." Techni ran into the shop to come back with a hat and cloak, "Best thing I could find."
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Journal of Misc
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 84
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 14:57 (9 Years ago)
"no they still know it is me"

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 14:59 (9 Years ago)
"Just use this hat to cover your face and don't use your magic unless needed so," she explained. "Besides they won't notice unless your face is noticeable and you use your flame magic."
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Journal of Misc
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 84
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 15:18 (9 Years ago)
" people here can tell just by looking because we know who is who no mater what"