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🔹 Kety's Diary
Forum-Index → Diaries → 🔹 Kety's DiaryCongratulations! A shiny Eevee hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #107)!
All shiny eeveelutions acquired, Pumpkabowl coming up next! :D I spent a little under 4mil PD buying the nuggets to get the event points so this would mark my most expensive Pokemon yet, but I'll still cherish my crazy luck at a shiny Yveltal thanks to loketoke's courtesy more which also made me enjoy the legendary more, I didn't even know it's shiny form was so gorgeous beforehand.
Easter Egg Hunt 2023
2nd of April - 11th of April
Easter egg hunt 2023 edition! This year was the very first time I've managed to find all eggs without breaking my back visiting every page over 10 times, in fact I found them all on first try. I changed tactic, switching to my phone instead of searching from them on my laptop/PC as I always had done. This year's event Pokemon is also super cute too! I'm glad to see more appreciation towards the Azurill line, I've especially grown fond of the ball after having a Azumarill be a valuable member of my team while playing through Pokemon X. My favourite egg has to be either the Rowlet egg, the glitched out egg or the bunny under the Moon egg. Good work to all the artists!
The eggs:


Event Pokemon
Two gold IVs, cute. This hunt took longer than expected for sure. Kanto fossils are next. Kanto ShinyDex is at 112/151! It's actually 112/146 because I don't plan on getting shiny legendary birds, Ditto, and the Mews. I'll still most likely get the shiny Mew, I'm semi-collecting DP (taking a break atm) and I'm 17103 DP away from the goal, but I doubt I have the patience for the shiny Mewtwo so I'll take a pass at that one.