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🔹 Kety's Diary
Forum-Index → Diaries → 🔹 Kety's DiaryTitle: Two new Legends in Emera Town

All you need to get started is either a Light Stone or a Dark Stone. These mysterious stones can be rarely found in Mystery Boxes.
Until October 7th, every active trainer can claim a free Light Stone or Dark Stone after reaching Trainerlevel 10! Choose wisely and show your strength to be the best! "
~By Riako
Cool! We finally got Reshiram and Zekrom. I picked the Light Stone because my First Unova game was Pokemon Black and I have Pkmn White 2 too. So the quest is that we pick a path; truth or ideal. I picked truth. Now I got a "Wounded Sigilyph" and now I need to grow it to level 100 and from there to on I don't know what to do.
Title: Quick update
Hi Diary! Nothing happening much lately. Halloween is coming too! Can't wait for it. My Pidgey shiny chain is 208 (started on 27th September this year). But really, there's nothing much happening at all. I'm saving up DP so that I can have more event plushies. Right now I have 9250 DP. Not much, but it's good. Also I'm interacting much lately (idk if you can call 2k interactions much but ok...).
That's it! Have a beautiful day and goodbye~
Title: Halloween is back

It's almost Halloween - so start dressing up and scare other members to get some tasty sweets!
Like last year you can collect Halloween Sweets by interacting, 'trick or treat'ing other members or by rumbling (requires a special upgrade item). These Halloween Sweets can then be exchanged by very rare Event Items, Event Pokémon and adorable Giratina Plushies! "

Yay! Halloween is back! We have 2 new event pokemon also Rayquaza plushie event is being re-distributed. I really like Halloween at PokeHeroes, it's just interacting and Trick or Treat. The event lasts for 11 days. Here are the News.
New Event Distribution - Egyptian Pharaoh
04th of November - 12th of November '17.
Goal : 2 Pharraloin eggs.
Work : 2 Done 0 to go.
Bonus: 2
Progress Owiwer
[3,000/3,000] ✓
[7,500/7,500] ✓
[13,500/13,500] ✓
[21,000/21,000] ✓
Eggs Reviced
[4/11/2017] Pharraloin
[4/11/2017] Kleopard
[5/11/2017] Kleopard
[10/11/2017] Kleopard
Title: The Alolan Pokémon Update

Title: Advent Calendar Event
Hi Diary! Advent Calendar is back! We have 5 different calendars to choes from. I'm going to chose the one with the birds. All calendars are beautyful <3 We also got a new Furfrou haircut. It's a Christmas looking Furfrou.
New Event Legendary Pokémon
Title: Christmas Gifts are back!

Hi Diary! There are only 2 weeks left until Christmas! And so the Christmas Gifts are back to PokéHeroes. So far I got nice gifts. The best one is an Ice Stone, I also got some berries and poké-balls. About the Advent Calender, so far I opened all of the doors (12 in total). We also got a new Event Pokémon from the calender 2 days ago: Woopice.