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Generation Zero High School(Open to Anyone)
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Roleplay → Generation Zero High School(Open to Anyone)
Forum Posts: 17
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 22:27 (10 Years ago)
"You can Battle Me" says the teacher "oh ok" A Long Battle later
.... Winner is The teacher "K I lost With A Scratch or 2 But
Overall Ok * Heal Self* ok now to my last class " *Sighs
As I Walked in to Sword Training The teacher Said Schedule Has Been
Changed You Now Go To Mind Reading Class "Ugh Ok" Yui walks Out And
Trys to Find Mind Reading Class. After a While She Found herself
Lost In The school "Well Great I Am Lost Crap *Sighs Well Now I Get
To see Who Thinks I Am Syco
Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 22:28 (10 Years ago)
Draco finishes his break and walks up to Yui "U need help?"
Forum Posts: 17
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 22:29 (10 Years ago)
*Blushes. Yea Kind Of Mind reading Class?
Scribe OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 42
Forum Posts: 232
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 22:30 (10 Years ago)
Locke ate quickly, not wanting to waste her free period eating in a
room full of people she didnt know. She spent the rest of her break
in the tree she started in.
Forum Posts: 320
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 22:30 (10 Years ago)
jaden talks to his spirit bddys as everyone around thought he was
crazy or lost his mind.
Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 22:31 (10 Years ago)
"Mind reading class right next to book club at the library" Draco
Forum Posts: 17
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 22:32 (10 Years ago)
"Thank You Draco"
Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 22:33 (10 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 320
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 22:33 (10 Years ago)
as jaden finishes up he finds draco "there he is "jaden thought
"hey you" jaden said
Cystal OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 31
Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 22:35 (10 Years ago)
"Hey uh Can you tell me where Archery is?" Sephora asks
Forum Posts: 17
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 22:35 (10 Years ago)
Heard It Before? *RUNS
Walks Into Mind reading Class " Ugg Yes i Know I Am Late" "Yes You
Are But Oh Well Here Gives Instructions to Mind read" "Ok" "Now I
Guess Thats Homework?" "Yes Yes It Is"
Scribe OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 42
Forum Posts: 232
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 22:41 (10 Years ago)
Locke arrived in her swordsmanship class, using her sickles, she
beat a good chunk of the class.
Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 22:44 (10 Years ago)
"Wonder what that was about" Draco makes it martial arts and does
Scribe OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 42
Forum Posts: 232
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 22:46 (10 Years ago)
Locke's class ended early, with most of the class not wanting to
continue battling and having to get their paper thin cuts bandaged.
Forum Posts: 320
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 22:46 (10 Years ago)
"hey you draco" jaden said as he ran up
Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 22:47 (10 Years ago)
"Um, how do u know my name?"
Cystal OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 31
Forum Posts: 90
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 22:47 (10 Years ago)
Sephora sighs and finds archery
Forum Posts: 320
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 22:49 (10 Years ago)
"um people have been talking about you a lot by the way how would
you like a battle" jaden said
Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 22:49 (10 Years ago)
Their was an announcement "CLASSES ARE OVER NOW! U HAVE 3 HOURS
LEFT SO U MAY MESS AROUND OR EAT" Draco sighs "What kind of
Forum Posts: 17
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 22:49 (10 Years ago)
Yui Decides She Should Go Apologize To Draco walks down to find
Draco and quietly over to Draco and whispers" Sorry for running off
like that"