Diana I think I tried the thing you think about and I failed...
But if you want to test it yourself there are about 3 timid pkmn in
my boxes, I remember only Chimchar though ;p
Normal Gems for Ditto collected:
1 561 / 10 000
To get:
& Event Megas
a lot of games will have a level requirement before you're able to
do something
it also gives you a goal to work for - it wouldn't be very fun if
everything was handed out so easily
i remember not being a high enough trainer level to do something on
here when i was new - i forget what it was, but when i got to the
level i needed, the sense of accomplishment was nice
keep working, you will get to it, and the quest is not time limited
so you will have plenty of time! :)
edit: OH YEAH it was the shinyradar game lol (moltreslava made me
remember ahahah)
It took me ages to get to Level 10 to earn the ShinyRadar Game.
(Knowing my luck, of course, it was replaced with the Radar when I
was level 9. >.< Still, if I hadn't done that, I wouldn't be
able to do this.)
Back on-topic : I also haven't found any yet, but this quest is fun
nonetheless! (I also tried doing things with Timid Pokémon.
EDIT: Wow... The colin after topic turned it into a smiley! XD
OMG! I just found the Green Sprite!
You should've seen my astonishment when I saw him! My jaw dropped
and my heart stopped and I was like cheering in my head XD
Yay <3
- What is the gender ratio?
- Are they breedable? (a User can answer this, mine is still far
away from hatching...)
- Are we able to get more than 1 of each type?
They have no gender so the are NOT breedable and also not
So you only can get one of every outcome.
I still try to get the light blue and/or the red one.
know kind of where to get them..but not how ;o;
(but the question 'how' is always the important one..xD)
Wow, Timid was quite obvious but if I hadn't scrolled my page down,
I would have missed him xP
I understand that the hints from the sprites lead somewhere but the
sleeping sprite?!?!? The only thing Pokémon related that comes to
mind when reading 'zzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzz' is Snorlax _-_
yeah ive thought about that too.
though I haven't found it I am thinking.
try looking when you would most want to sleep or rest in the
I don't know if that's accurate but that's how I interpret it.
Can someone miss a sprite if they unknowingly found it, like
refreshing the page? Can they still see or get it? Or, will they
lose their chance for that kind of sprite? :S
I won the "Event Spriting Contest"
as it says on News Announcement #224.