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Posted: Mon, 07/01/2019 21:29 (5 Years ago)
full support for this

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Posted: Mon, 24/09/2018 01:13 (5 Years ago)
i know it's an event and event eggs usually don't break chains.
but will the egg hatching that leads up to the event egg break chains?

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Posted: Tue, 03/07/2018 07:04 (5 Years ago)
I've actually had this happen a few times, but this last time really irked me.

I'll be in the middle of a chain, in the 20's or higher, and click on a tuff of grass at least 5 tuff's of grass from my previous area (I know because I keep a pen pointed at the previous tuff of grass until I click the next) and it STILL pops up with a chain breaking Pokemon.
It wouldn't bother me so much if it didn't keep happening so much, and if it didn't ruin my retro Articuno hunt.

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Posted: Mon, 02/04/2018 05:50 (6 Years ago)
Same here!!

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Posted: Sun, 25/03/2018 00:11 (6 Years ago)
do we still have to zoom out on specific pages? or has that been fixed?

ignore this

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Posted: Sat, 23/12/2017 18:13 (6 Years ago)
In my honest opinion?
It shouldn't be nessessary.
When clicking to release a Pokemon it even asks you if you want to release said Pokemon, so how can it be "accidental" when you confirm you want it released?
I know where you're coming from, I've accidently released a shiny before, but that was because I wasn't paying attention to which Pokemon.
Either way, I feel the way it is right now, is fine.

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Posted: Thu, 19/10/2017 19:28 (6 Years ago)
truthfully making this site more mobile friendly would probably help with the activity a lot.

I've been surprised at how many people on this site are adults, therefore have jobs. Or even highschoolers, both of which usually aren't able to be on a computer very often, but they usually do have phones.
having so many events that are click events, when it's so hard to click on mobile makes the game a little less appealing.
I'm not saying "don't have click events" i actually like them a lot, especially the speed click events.
but the numbers for the click events are kind of ridiculous, and not friendly to those on mobile, or on time restraints.
we have players who do like 1,000 interactions and get the prize for it, while other players, many of which are usually on a time restraint, get into the 10,000's.
and because of how frustrating it can be, and how hard it is to get started because of time restraints/only being able to play on mobile, only two of the 15 people i've convinced to try, are still playing. i think.
heck, ive gotten into playing for only a few hours a week due to the stress of work and trying to get my life on track. I can check every so often on my phone, but that's only good for trading out eggs in my party.

my only suggestion is, make it easier for mobile players, ya know?
and maybe give incentive for people who recruit players?
i know a few sites that have friend codes players type in during registration, or a special link for each player to give friends. Using those codes give both players special rewards.

Can i also point out how unnecessarily strict some of the rules are, while others aren't? such as the "bad words" rule. I understand the game is meant to be family friendly, but let's face it, i know i'm not the only one who hasn't even said an actual bad word, but have gotten warnings for using them. The site used to figure out if the word is bad is also just to much. I almost quit after my first warning, especially since the Mod who gave it to me never even replied to WHY i was given the warning.
like I said, a lot of us are adults, and swear words slip out every so often, and having to filter out some words, including ones that aren't even actually swear words is a bit of a pain.
especially when mods get so uptight about it. "well, the site says it's a bad word. so your warning stands" while i've seen plenty of other players ACTUALLY swear? and the posts staying up for days?
on the flip side.
I've basically been stalked on this site before (with screen shots to prove it) and the person didn't even get a warning. just a pal pad telling them to stop.
so, not swearing, but saying 'bad words' is such a horrible action, yet creepily stalking other players isn't?

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Posted: Sat, 24/06/2017 07:08 (6 Years ago)
Name of Evolution Stone: Mega Stone
Number you want brewed: 2
Offer: 200,000 PD
Will provide gems: yes

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Posted: Fri, 09/06/2017 16:34 (7 Years ago)
My apoligies for not updating the thread earlier, i have been extreamly busy, due to work.

It has now been update.
Please Message or pal pad me if you do not see your entries now.

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Posted: Mon, 01/05/2017 03:18 (7 Years ago)
Lottery has been approved.

list has been updated.

and how to earn tickets has also been updated a bit- now including Boxes and keys as a way to tickets.

pal pad me if i missed your name somehow.

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Posted: Fri, 28/04/2017 16:24 (7 Years ago)
Username of contest holder(s):Professor*Acacia
Time period of each contest (e.g. a month): bi-weekly, sometimes every 4 weeks
Outline of what kind of prizes you'd be giving: first place is two picks from my prize box second is one pick from the same box. third is 20 random gems {list of gems are put through random.org and the first 20 are sent to the third place winner.)
winner of the mini lottery/raffle within the same thing wins one dragon gem.
and in November there will be a major winner of one mega able
Link to contest thread/outline of plan (non forum contest): right here

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Posted: Thu, 20/04/2017 18:42 (7 Years ago)
Name of Evolution Stone: Mega Stone
Number you want brewed: 1
Offer: 100,000 PD
Will provide gems: All

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Posted: Thu, 09/03/2017 17:51 (7 Years ago)
dead thread, but i got fussed at by a fellow player, for making my thread, because it's already been suggested, despite the thread being over two years old

i actually support this.
i hadn't seen this when i made my thread.
just a small edit/suggestion:
there could be a possible "show votes on polls" button under "profile settings" or even "show on poll?" question when voting on individual polls.
or even a setting when making the poll "anonymous? yes or no" and have a little astrick (**) at the top of the poll stating whether or not it's anonymous.
like i said in my thread i started, i might be biased since my lottery is mostly based around knowing who votes what pokemon on my polls, but at the same time, i'm pretty sure others are curious also.
and truthfully, i think it'll discourage those attention seeking polls of "do you like me? yes, no, kill yourself, you're stupid, etc" if you don't want to see people answer negatively, why would you have it there in the first place, other than to have people feel bad for you.
this is literally the only site i've played on that the polls are anonymous, amongst other things.

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Posted: Thu, 09/03/2017 17:35 (7 Years ago)
ah, thank you, i did not see either of those when i looked. so many thanks.

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Posted: Thu, 09/03/2017 17:30 (7 Years ago)
wasn't 100% sure where to post this so i posted it in communications

i might be a little biased to this, since my current lotteries are based mostly around voting on my polls every two weeks, but i honestly think, instead of just showing percentage, have an option to show who voted what on the poll. I also know i'm not the only one who wonders.
but here's the twist:
give the option to the voter. have a little section under "profile settings" that says "show in Polls" or even right under the polls on everyone's profile.

that's really it.
wish i was good with photoshop and had the time or i'd make some examples.

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Posted: Sat, 04/03/2017 20:07 (7 Years ago)
new round started!!
and rules have been changed just a little

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Posted: Sat, 25/02/2017 16:41 (7 Years ago)
@food there's an option to preview the possible offsprings.

also, just had a few hatch if anyone is interested, taking PD or treasure:

better look

palpad me if interested

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Posted: Tue, 21/02/2017 17:25 (7 Years ago)
new round started!
this one ends 3/4/17

also added a special event to it, that starts in November!

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Posted: Sat, 04/02/2017 17:36 (7 Years ago)
this round has been extended due to a tie, and to the fact i haven't hatched a shiny yet!
so you still have time to enter- round ends 2/18/17

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Posted: Sun, 29/01/2017 03:25 (7 Years ago)
Edited! if you don't see your name/i got the tickets wrong, please pal pad me

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