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Trainerlevel: 51

Trainerpoints: 5,645/7,853


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Lady Phantasma
(Mega Gengar)
6771,303,120 / 1,632,198


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Newest gifts
Lonk00009 3 Hours ago
Velkan 8 Days ago
MotherNature 29 Days ago
eisner 1 Month ago

Shiny Hunt

PieSmellsGood is currently hunting Pawniard.
Hunt started: 06/08/2024

Chain: 132

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Name: Michael
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage

Game Records

Trainer ID: #450051445
Registration: 10/03/2022 (2 Years ago)
Game Time: 874:48 Hours
Total interactions: 4,902,064
Money: 599,227
Starter Pokémon: Blaziken


how are yall making 100+ hoenn tonics in one day? It takes 15 minutes to cook so you can only make 96 within 24 hours. Am i missing something?
10 Days ago
where do you get drash/eggant berries?
15 Days ago
Quick question y’all. Would you be interested if I were to make a role play?
23 Days ago
Aight, premium gone. Managed to get 21 shiny gastly, one sm gastly, 3 shiny blipbug, two shiny snorunt, two shiny larvitar, and two shiny trapinch. Really successful two months. But now I’m well outta pd and nuggs
1 Month ago
how to evolve the new daydream mon?
1 Month ago
Anyone got any spare rare candies? Will buy for 15k each
1 Month ago
2 Months ago
Got a lot of Mega-able gastlys/haunters. Anyone want to buy some?
2 Months ago
Why must there be a limited paradox event that requires hatching lab eggs when I'm here spending my life savings on enough premium to get an SM Gengar before summer ends? T-T
2 Months ago
Aight, time to continue the sm gastly hunt
3 Months ago
Got a 316 point shedinja for the bug hatching contest. Rlly hoping for top 20
3 Months ago
Alright the winner of #accidentalgear is…


RenaneR will receive a magearna egg voucher as their prize for winning. Thank you all for participating!
3 Months ago
3 Months ago
So uh, funny story. Day before yesterday at 11:59 pm I realized that I had enough remaining game chips to have a good shot at getting the pokeball magearna. However the server delay caused my game chips to be added AFTER midnight so I ended up spending all my game chips on a regular magearna raffle. I ended up winning but I already have a regular magearna so I’m deciding to give this voucher away. Just like this post and share it with the hashtag #accidentalgear to enter!
3 Months ago
Finally got around to updating my pfp lol
3 Months ago
Results of Magearna's Raffle:

★★★ Congratulations, you won!! An egg voucher has been placed in your Item Bag. ★★★
Your chance of winning was 75.75%.

Probably a bit excessive to dump 500k game chips for a regular Magearna but hey, a dex entry's a dex entry
3 Months ago
Y’all, my friend made a discord strategy game. Join if ya want. https://discord.gg/TswVU8FU
3 Months ago
So a pair of rabbits dug themselves a burrow in my yard. Honestly fine with it, nothing excited usually happens there aside from the occasional bird's nest so might be interesting to watch them
4 Months ago
Make sure you are prepared before starting a Shiny Mega Hunt. The cost to maximize your odds can be truly mind bending. Premium is a given for the Pokeradar upgrade and extra shiny odds. Mega Cuff multiplies your mega chance by 5 times, the Blue Flute increases the amount of EHP you get and the Black flute increases breeding odds. The total cost of 1 month premium, blue flute, black flute, and mega cuff is 1,450 Nuggets. Keep in mind all of this is only PER MONTH. In addition, you will need a mega-able breeding pair with a perfect match and both holding destiny knots, which tend to be rather expensive on the item market and perfect mega-able pairs are rather hard to come by as well.
4 Months ago

God Squad



Last Action
At the Berrygarden (28 Minutes ago)

Last Visitors

Espy2015Sat, 14/Sep/2024, 18:37
Abufirestar01Sat, 14/Sep/2024, 02:51
ENDoveWed, 11/Sep/2024, 04:24
ShrednawSun, 08/Sep/2024, 17:32
L04826Sun, 08/Sep/2024, 17:23