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Posted: Wed, 09/01/2019 11:32 (5 Years ago)
so no one knows what's Marshadow's actual price is?

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Posted: Tue, 01/01/2019 04:45 (5 Years ago)
Username: ~Bella-chan~
Shiny you want: Eevee
Breeder of shiny:TheLuckyKira
Have you read the rules and agree with them?: Yep!
Other: thank you for taking over the shop!

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Posted: Wed, 12/12/2018 20:51 (5 Years ago)
My Favorite Pokemon of course is Eevee! It's so adorable and cuddly!

And I would like to be placed in the Pokemon Category, please!

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Posted: Tue, 06/11/2018 16:04 (5 Years ago)
What?! ProfessorGreenie, that's actually a great drawing! You can really draw. It's actually my favorite~ But of course, everyone else's drawing is awesome too!

I might participate, if I have the time of course.

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Posted: Thu, 18/10/2018 21:40 (5 Years ago)
Thanks, Loketoke, it worked! And I also didn't see the second one already mention in the broken links lol >.<

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Posted: Thu, 18/10/2018 20:32 (5 Years ago)
The IMG for the Progress bar is also broken, too.

There was suppose to be an IMG of the purple progress bar (above the word 'congratz!!), but it's somehow broken.

Edit: this too!

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Posted: Mon, 08/10/2018 21:21 (5 Years ago)
Yes, Rare candies was hard to buy because during this event most users were over pricing them. Usually people sell them for 7k each. I remember seeing someone selling some of them in the GTS, I offered the right amount of PD for it and my offer gotten rejected, so I'm guessing they were looking for a much higher price. Nearly every single trade that had rare candies in it was overpricing the items. It was hard for me to get my hands on them.

Edit: whoops, I forgot that Liirah also mention the other options to get rare candies >.< I was in a hurry to get some so I was mostly looking in the GTS to buy them.

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Posted: Wed, 03/10/2018 15:53 (5 Years ago)
Username: ~Bella-chan~
The Pokemon you want: Shiny Gulpin
No. of Shiny Slot: 1
Payment: 120k PD
Anything Else: thank you!

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Posted: Mon, 01/10/2018 17:15 (5 Years ago)
Hiyah! I'm sure you guys heard of me! For those that haven't, my name is Bella and I'm the 16-year-old girl that is absolutely obsessed with Eevee! I can literally just go hours upon hours talking about how adorable Eevee and the Eeveelution is!

So of course, I've thought about doing a Halloween story about the Eeveelutions and their friends doing spoopy and laughable things on Halloween! Since it's on October 1st right now, I have 30 days to make and complete the story!

The story will have all Eeveelutions, Pikachu (Ash's Pikachu), Pansage (Cilan's), Oshawott (Ash's), Axew (Iris's) and about 5 more characters. The story will be a 'sequel' to the Eevee and Friends special episode when they introduced Sylveon. These Pokemon will all have different unique and interesting personalities and names. I will try to make this story as funny as possible. I will enjoy wiriting this, because I love writing Fanfiction! If you want to check out my cringey stories, go to my profile, scroll down to Contact links and click on my Quotev account!

As of right now, I haven't started yet, I am currently trying to see what sort of other Pokemon I should add. Someone suggested Gengar, since it seems like the sort of Pokemon to be a 'mascot' for Halloween, so I will add that. But here is a list of Pokemon I'm thinking about adding:

and maybe even a legendary or two

As I said before, only 5 other Pokemon along with the main Pokemon in the story. I will start writing sometime tomorrow. Please do not post anything until I'm done with the entire story. So really, don't post anything on this thread for a month :p

Okay! Here are the characters in the story!

Meet the little cutie that everyone loves, Annabell!

A cute and adorable Eevee that has always dreamed of becoming a very strong Pokemon. She is very energetic and the youngest of the family, loves adventure and meeting new Pokemon. She's very naive, Volt always take advantage of that naivety to help them with the mischievous things they does. Although Elfa always stops them.

Meet Flara!

A very shy and introverted Flareon. She has trouble making friends due to her shyness and get so nervous when people talk to her that her body let out very hot heat and nearly burn down anything she's near! But once she warms up to you, she's a very sweet Pokemon that deeply cares about her friends.

Meet Azure!

A Vaporeon that loves to swim! He's the fastest swimmer ever and even have the ability to change it's body to liquid in water. Azure is usually a calm and laid back Pokemon, mostly spends his time either swimming or teaching Annabell how to use moves. Azure is very protective of his family and will do anything to protect them!

Meet Volt!

Volt is a mischievous and tricky Jolteon. It's hard to tell which gender Volt is, as they get angry when questioned their gender. Volt has more of a boyish body but a girlish voice, but its still quite confusing if Volt's a male or female. Volt loves to trick other people and cause mischief, doing pranks and running away laughing. Aside from the silly behavior, Volt loves their family and will put aside their tricky behavior to help those in need.

Meet Noctali!

Noctali is a very quiet and calm Umbreon. He always stays to himself and never really join in the fun that his family does, unless it has something to with his family getting in trouble. He rarely get angry, but when he does, almost everything around him gets destroyed in his anger. Despite his dark and cold nature, he cares deeply for his family and will risk his life to keep them safe.

Meet Elfa!

Elfa is a very calm, just like Umbreon. She's the big sister of the group, aside from Nymphia, and makes sure everyone is okay and fine. She spends her time near the pond and practices her Psychic moves, also helping Annabell with her moves. She's also very caring in a motherlike nature and would help any Pokemon in danger.

Meet April!

April is a cheery Leafeon and absolutely love nature! She loves to smell the flowers and play in the pile of leaves. A very happy Pokemon with bright eyes filled with happiness!

Meet Yuki!

Yuki is quite a narcissistic Pokemon, quite different than her twin sister April. She loves when the attention is on her and is always very graceful and elegant, but try not to get on her bad side~! But despite her narcissistic and graceful nature, she is very kind and will help those in need.

And meet Nymphia!

Nymphia is the oldest of the family and is like a mother. She's the one to make sure everyone is fed well and is taken very good care of. She is just a gentle and extremely kind Sylveon, helping any Pokemon, big or small! With her long pink and blue feelers, she is a multitasker and can help her family all at once. She is always seen smiling and gets rarely angry. The only time she gets angry is when her family is getting hurt and will spring into action to save them.

I'll add in the information of the other Pokemon once I find out who will be in the story!

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Posted: Fri, 28/09/2018 13:27 (5 Years ago)
I wish you could also add a shiny event prize (just like the shiny mega) for like 31-40 rank, or something.

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Posted: Wed, 05/09/2018 14:17 (5 Years ago)
But this is for inactive users, Saknar, those that wasn't active during the time Riako made that update. So their 'Last Action' will still be seen. Unless they gotten active again and hidden their last actions.

I also support because what if the user in your friends list gotten permanently banned? How will we know? Especially if you have a lot of friends, it'll take a while to find who is banned so you can remove them.

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Posted: Tue, 04/09/2018 23:04 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 03/09/2018 16:16 (5 Years ago)
Bump! Shiny Combee slots are now open! Get em while you can~

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Posted: Tue, 28/08/2018 10:11 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 24/08/2018 15:52 (5 Years ago)
The Rockruff costs 50k PD. You want three of them. That'll be 150k PD in all. 50,000 x 3 is 150,000.

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Posted: Fri, 24/08/2018 12:00 (5 Years ago)
Quote from pokemonblackI want a shiny!
Name of Breeder:Mioman
Name of Pokemon:rockruff
Payment offered:pd)(50k each)
Password: It's in the rules~it's eevee

I am ordering 3 of them... If possible plz give me a descount since it's a big order

First of all... How is that a big order if that's just 150k in all? And you have 2 million, that shouldn't even cost much to you. And second, I don't do discounts unless you're a returning customer or a breeder ordering another breeder's shiny slot. So no, no discounts.

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Posted: Thu, 23/08/2018 20:30 (5 Years ago)
Bump! Rockruff prices has decreased!

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Posted: Thu, 23/08/2018 09:08 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 21/08/2018 18:48 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 20/08/2018 22:04 (5 Years ago)

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