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Lovecraftina OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 22 |
Posted: Tue, 21/01/2025 03:52 (1 Month ago) |
Celebier OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 317 |
Posted: Tue, 07/01/2025 19:47 (2 Months ago) |
Title: GemStock# Name Stock Poké Ball 25 Give item Ultra Ball 2 Give item Gems # Name Stock Bug Gem 10 Give item Electric Gem 10 Give item Fighting Gem 10 Give item Flying Gem 7 Give item Grass Gem 10 Give item Ground Gem 15 Give item Normal Gem 11 Give item Poison Gem 15 Give item Rock Gem 10 Give item Water Gem 10 Give item Dark Gem 6 Give item Fire Gem 7 Give item Ghost Gem 5 Give item Ice Gem 6 Give item Psychic Gem 3 Give item Steel Gem 6 Give item Valuable # Name Description Stock Pearl A rather small pearl that has a very nice silvery sheen to it. It can be sold cheaply to the Item Shop. 1 Give item Other # Name Description Stock Tasty Bait A tasty bait for fishing. Keeps fish longer on the hook and makes it slightly easier to pull them out of the water. 3 Give item Shoal Salt Pure salt that was found in the ocean. A Maniac will buy it for a high price. 13 Give item Shoal Shell A seashell found in the ocean. A Maniac will buy it for a high price. 26 Give item Anyone wanna buy? PM or PalPad me if yes! [Read more] |
Celebier OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 317 |
Posted: Fri, 03/01/2025 15:14 (2 Months ago) |
Hello! Welcome to ❄️ Kyurem Shopping Centre ❄️!
Dorky OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 47 |
Posted: Fri, 01/11/2024 02:00 (4 Months ago) |
❄️lucian arbred's pov🕊️dangerous. And as Kubo nudged him in that moment, telling him he should go... he couldn't help himself but to recall a time not so different from this one. Like all the dangers he had faced before. That he would probably face again, in some form or another. Life was so unbearably violent. The world was so unbearably violent. It was a truth he knew all too well. That he recognized all too well. And, under any other circumstance, he would have intervened. He would have told everyone not to fight. He would have told them all that wasn't the answer. That maybe, just maybe, there had been a misunderstanding. But, he knew better than that, didn't he? Siblings. People from the same home. People that shared the same experiences, the same parents, the same... everything. He didn't know how he hadn't seen it before. Mika, no, Miko... Miko Hiroto had built a bomb. And he had just tried to kill his sister. Who knew who else he would take a shot at, if given the chance? And for once... just once... Lucian did not feel compelled to intervene. He did not feel compelled to tell everyone to stop. He just... He... He did what Kubo had asked of him. And he got out of there. His heart pounded in his ears the whole time. He just kept asking himself, over and over, as he clutched his notes tightly to his chest, tugging anxiously at his scarf... What the hell am I doing? 💌Darcy Harper's POV🦋Darcy whipped around, snapped out of his bleary, dazed thoughts, which were mostly rolling his eyes at Sawyer internally, and wondering who the hell here he could actually speak to. And then he snapped upward, diving to grab Mika... no, Miko, by the wrists, tackling him to the floor. Not again not again not again not again... Not when he could do something about it. I'm not any better. I'm not any better. But... "What the actual F**K?! Miko. Do you realize what you've just done?" Darcy shouted, his bright blue eyes blazing with hate. "You almost- YOU ALMOST KILLED MIYAKO. YOUR OWN SISTER. We need to restrain this Maniac!" And when he looked into He saw... a monster. A hidden monster, but a monster. One that has to be stopped. "Miyako. How can you be so casual about this? HE JUST TRIED TO KILL YOU!" Her own brother... huh? Mei's voice still crept in the back of Darcy's mind. Gripping coldly at his shoulders, with that snide, coldly familiar, slitted smile. He tried to ignore it. He tried desperately to ignore the shivers that went down his spine. That made his hands and wrists shake, even as he firmly gripped Miko's. This- this creep. He was absolutely insane. And Darcy... Darcy, no matter who he was. He had- he had to make at least one thing right. "We have to restrain him. For everyone's safety. He's not to be trusted." He squinted in Buffkuma's and Wifekuma's direction. "CAN YOU STOP? Miko's attempt at throwing a bomb was about as graceful as a weasel pretending to be a seahorse, but this is a serious moment!" 🍭Sawyer Laurens's POV📚It was loud. So, so loud. And just where had they heard that before? Maybe in a movie . . . maybe in a video game . . . maybe in a faraway memory, a faraway dream. . . . Or maybe... Everyone was shouting. Something shocking had apparently happened. The word the teddy bears used was murder. Something... they were apparently all too happy about. But no one else seemed to be happy. Especially not the angel. The angel didn't seem to be very happy. Quite angry, actually. Darcy . . . ? They slowly got up from the table. Yes, there was... Certainly something off about... . . . Was that what everyone was so upset about? It certainly looked like whatever that explosion had caused had wrecked the place. Explosion?... Where had they seen that before? Had they... seen that before? I think I've heard that word before. There was this talk about siblings. Sawyer... didn't have any of those. At least, they thought... they... didn't. "You're acting like somebody just killed your brother!" "I don't have a brother." That straight, short green hair... that dark and proper outfit. Beads dangling from her neck, with a cross on the end. Almost doll-like, so fragile, with that little clip in her hair. A tired but almost patient smile. Almost reminded them all too much of someone else. Someone it didn't seem right to lose. Someone who was always there... But I can't remember. Why can't I remember? There were other people, who were always there too. Always there, always there, always there. Smiling. Happy. Helpful. Loving. Always smiling. Never unhappy. Nothing but blissful freedom. Until the wretched place, where they take it all away. They say you can't see the outside. But why is that? Why must you look at it from within those confines? Taking away all the color, and you're left with nothing left. Nothing left. I felt so numb, I felt so numb, I felt so numb, I felt so numb. I couldn't remember. I couldn't remember. I couldn't remember. No matter how much they wanted me to. They took away all the joy. All the freedom. Was it because I was different? Because I couldn't make sense of those pictures? And I could never make sense of that, either. How a girl so kind... could do something so cruel. But words from those lips could convince anybody. Anybody... but me. "I have to say." Sawyer blinked, shaking their head. "That really was a sucky murder, you know? If you're going to bomb someone, you can't do it with quite so many witnesses." Especially not Mimi. She's slippery. [Read more] |
vkai OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 145 |
Posted: Wed, 24/07/2024 03:07 (7 Months ago) |
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ☽ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ . ![]() . ╘═══════════════════════════╛ 永遠 の成 長の 芸術 editing.
JustMew OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 105 |
Posted: Wed, 24/07/2024 01:48 (7 Months ago) |
Kiase was still hiding, from a distance it may have looked extremely funny but, in a situation such as this, he didn’t care, crouching behind barrels and small walls, stone pillars and heck, even fences, anything that made him look all the more inconspicuous, in his opinion, worked. Although it may have been foolish because they didn’t help to conceal him, they made him stand out more as a sort of crazy Maniac stalking people. But no, this was not stalking, at least, not to him. [Read more] |
Interna_Chaotica OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 51 |
Posted: Fri, 19/07/2024 00:45 (7 Months ago) |
[Name] Julius Ryan Liamson - "Caesar" [Age] 48 Years, 8 Months [Gender/Sexuality] Male - Aromantic - Asexual [Personality] ENTP - The Debater "Quick-witted and audacious, people with the ENTP personality type aren’t afraid to disagree with the status quo. In fact, they’re not afraid to disagree with pretty much anything or anyone. Few things light up these personalities more than a bit of verbal sparring – and if the conversation veers into controversial terrain, so much the better." Julius is a quick-witted and observant individual, his mind as sharp as his tongue when it comes to speaking the truths of his ideals; that is to say, the ideals which landed him in a prison on wait for execution nearly two decades ago. He wears that time as a badge of honor among his peers, though, often claiming he was closer to revolution than any other has ever been. Julius can be headstrong when his emotions get out of control, but he does his best to keep calm so that he doesn't do anything rash. He often considers himself a sort of living god or king of some sort, thus his self-given nickname and title - "Caesar", the name of a long line of emperors from an eternity ago. Due to his self-association with that, he often ignores ideas, conversations, and people that he considers unimportant. [Description] Julius is, despite not yet being 50 years of age, a salt-and-pepper-haired man with a scruffy face, a short silver and black beard decorating his jaw. His eyes shine a soft hazel green under a firm and unhappy brow, a permanent scowl fixed upon his face. Though not a small man, he is by no means large - around five feet and ten inches tall(appx. 177.80 cm), with a slim frame that just barely matches his low, rumbling voice. He often wears a button-down cotton shirt, both sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and clean blue jeans, as well as a pair of brown steel-toed leather boots. [Reference Image] Nix [Power] "Without a Sound, Begone" This ability is not fully known to anybody outside of the government, and very few within - the failure of Julius' execution was covered up, witnesses sworn to secrecy or killed, and all details covered up. In moments of extreme focus or emotion, Julius can focus his ability into a single point of skin contact, causing devastation to whatever he touches, but only for mere fractions of a second. Due to this, only one thing can be destroyed by this ability at a time. The use of this ability leaves very little behind; at most, dust. The damage to the object depends on the size. An individual brick may vanish entirely, but a whole wall will have pieces left behind. Damage to a biological object is less than that to an artificial object; while Julius may be able to destroy most of a car, he cannot destroy more than a quarter of a fully grown human (take that as you will...). The backlash Julius faces when using this ability can be mild, but is often severe; depending on the size of the object he chooses to destroy, and whether or not it's biological or artificial, he will receive temporary sensory and nervous damage. This can range from losing the sense of touch in a few fingers to full-body paralysis, and can range from a few hours to several months. In addition, he can also lose his senses; he may become temporarily blind, deaf, touchless, experience ageusia, anosmia, or may become mute. Again, this effects can range from several hours to several months. Julius used this ability several days before his execution-to-be, leaving his guards, captors, executioners and counselors in utter confusion; his holding cell had been obliterated, and he was gone overnight.. [Backstory] Born into a middle-class, hard working family, Julius was no stranger to calluses and aching muscles. His parents worked for honest livings, ensuring there was food on the table and blankets on the beds. Julius was happy to lend a hand when he could, though ravenously devoured literature in whatever spare time he had. History caught his attention quickly, the few history books he could find telling him of ancient worlds, governments that let people have a choice, even freedoms he'd never heard of. Sadly, one day, he found his books burnt. His home, his family, destroyed. A single day, when he'd been away, a fire started within the house he lived in. The cause was determined to be a cigarette that was carelessly discarded by Julius' mother or father... By one of his parents, neither of which had smoked a day in their life. The government did their best, which wasn't much, to support Julius in coping with the loss, ultimately losing him to underground organizations and criminal accomplices. Julius was still a hard worker, accomplishing everything he could, moving up in whatever way her could. He began to learn of connections in the government, learned of those connections being snuffed out, and learned of classified documents... One of which described, in detail, an inspection by the very person who had claimed that fire was caused by a cigarette; an important individual in the government, in some way. Nameless, ageless, unknown, but important. Julius put together a plan in a few weeks, and began to carry it out. Everything was in place, everything was ready... He was within an arm's reach, and everything went black... He awoke in a prison cell, with a wound on his head. At 26 years and 6 months of age, he was imprisoned, set to be executed. At 26 years and 9 months of age, he broke out of that prison and vanished from the world. At 39 years and 10 months of age, he resurfaced; a new face, a new mind, a new Julius. A new criminal. A powerful man with secrets. Caesar. [Examples of Past Crime] Conspiracy, Insurrection, Attempted Assassination, Prison Escape, Destruction of Public Property [Theme Song] The Stains of Time - Maniac Agenda Mix [Other] [PalPad?] [(Y)/N] [Read more] |
ShimmeringSuicune OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 40 |
Posted: Tue, 09/07/2024 03:04 (8 Months ago) |
shortly going back to a dinosaur as she smiles at it feeling a sense of calmness, a special kind of calmness that she would only get by doing this, it made her felt that he was by her side again, giggling to herself upon remembering fond memories and a smile they would get when she would give a little crochet animal by her, not that she knew if they still had them, but she liked to think they did, hoping that they wouldn't get rid of something that was important to her but was also important to them also as they said. "Only if you were here, I bet you would treat this fuzzy back dinosaur well like you did with the rest!" she talked under her breath to herself as it wasn't like anyone could hear her, but she still wanted to at least be quiet and not loud enough to wake up others around her, the last thing she wanted was someone banging on her door and then tell her to be quieter which she wouldn't be mad if they did, not everyone was a hyper Insomnia Maniac like her. [Read more] |
dotohdot OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 442 |
Posted: Sun, 14/04/2024 10:33 (11 Months ago) |
There is no NPC called Maniac and in the item shop selling things is hardly profitable. Best to sell the items on the item market/trade them with Leah for more valuable items. Eg. Relic copper can be traded all the way to relic crown, and shoal shells/salt can be traded for rare candies [Read more] |
CreamDaBunny OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 7 |
Posted: Sat, 13/04/2024 04:42 (11 Months ago) |
Maniac OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 333 |
Posted: Sun, 24/03/2024 14:40 (11 Months ago) |
° Tall Grass 1.0 ° Started: 14th March 2024, 16:00 Ended: 24th March 2024, 16:00 Rowan's lost shipment Delivery Delibird dropped a large order of Tadbulb eggs all over Tall Grass. Now we have to help find them all! Rewards at [x] returned Tadbulbs: ![]() [3] Increased shiny chance for
Tadbulb eggs from the Tall Grass during this event
[5] 1x Thunderstone [10] 20x Electric Gem [25] Wo-Chien egg [40] Increased shiny chance for Tadbulb eggs from the Tall Grass during this event [50] 100x Electric gem [60] 1x Mega Stone [75] 250x Electric gem [90] Increased shiny chance for Tadbulb eggs from the Tall Grass during this event [100] 1000x Electric gem [125] Shiny Tadbulb egg [200] Shiny Wo-Chien egg All rewards claimed. Thanks for your help! Sitewide milestone: At 10.000 returned Tadbulbs, the radar scanned twice as fast for eggs in the Tall Grass (lasted for 24 hours). [Read more] |
~Yanma~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 300 |
Posted: Sun, 17/03/2024 12:35 (1 Year ago) |
Nrtya OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 58 |
Posted: Sat, 27/01/2024 11:58 (1 Year ago) |
OmegaDusk OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 5 |
Posted: Thu, 11/01/2024 02:06 (1 Year ago) |
MarinerX OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 45 |
Posted: Wed, 13/12/2023 00:49 (1 Year ago) |
Legacy of the Mariner is the title of the Pokemon book I am currently writing IRL. I am running out of ideas, so I think I will start this as a way to fill up some pages, for some side adventures, and for any books I decide to make after this first one. There will be multiple RP's each with 1-4 people depending on the characters they chose. The characters are premade but I am interested in any new ideas you may have. The characters are listed below. You can PM or Palpad any suggestions for characters or stories to me. Characters: Evie-Female-Main Character's Love Interest and Fiancee-Specializes in ghost and psychic types-researches into the occult and hunts down people who claim to have supernatural powers-Not a Hex Maniac Peter-Male-Main Character's adopted son-Actual father was a good friend of the main character, so when the actual father died, the main character felt obliged to take Peter under his wing- Specializes in Fighting types-Studious Percy-Male-Peter's real father-Dies in the book, but his RP will be set before that- uses Pokemon associated with Tech (Porygon Line, Rotom, Golett line, Voltorb Line, Magearna) Gerald(M), Adair(M or F), Murray(M), Astra(F), Blitz (M or F), and Azar(M or F)-The new leaders of Teams: Rocket, Aqua, Magma, Galactic, Plasma, and Flare, respectively. More characters are to be added soon! You are also welcome to post here if you are interested or have any questions [Read more] |
Serendibite OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 116 |
Posted: Tue, 28/11/2023 02:42 (1 Year ago) |
Narcisse Michon"Andrael," he greeted coldly. Still can't refer to me by title, I see. I might as well return the favour. "I appreciate the concern, but like everyone else, you can head down to the Investigative Department and await your assignment." At least she was professional. He did his best to treat her cordially, but something about her set his teeth on edge. Her hair, maybe. Or possibly just the way her eyes fixed on a person and in just a moment, seemed to see right through them down to the marrow of their bones. A true profile analyst. She really was good at her job. He might've liked her for it- if it wasn't so unnerving. He vowed to get an empathy test done on this girl, ASAP. Screw stereotypes, this whole thing was just... Breathing out, he allowed a cold smile to settle on his lips. "If no one else would like to make an impromptu entrance, this meeting is officially adjourned. Miss Moreau, please meet me in my office. Third door down the hall." Jace Mawer (NORA)"You are very crea-tea-ve. Your puns are quali-tea. Tea-hee." She laughed. "I can keep going on all day! This kind of thing is my cup of tea!" Nora was never one to pass up a challenge, after all. And this was one she would win. Niwa Atsushi"Someone else?" Niwa tipped his head to the side. "No, Eloi. Androids aren't like that. Nobody'd help anyone if there wasn't to, at least in their twisted, broken world. It's a human trait, empathy. Only humans have it and we're almost dead now." He shot Eloi a smile. "A-Another thing though... we're also able to enjoy superhero comics! And read and discuss them with our friends!" Friends... was that too soon? No, Eloi wanted friends. He was desperate for them. Niwa was glad to be his first. Andreja Buivis"Naw, that's not me don't worry. Andreja's probably someone else." Andreja shrugged. "Actually, I'm a Head Detective. Didn't you hear? They promoted a child genius. Me!" She tilted her head to the side, grinning so hard she knew her cheeks would feel it later. "You're lucky to be getting my guidance on this super awesome case, because my guidance is also super awesome. Just lock the door to keep out all the crazies and we can get started! No hassle no problemo!" Adrik VolkovAdrik hovered outside the office tacked with Jace Mawer's name. She'd offered to help him... but he wasn't sure how far that went. Or how much he'd owe her in return. He bit his lip, torn between rapping on the door or running away and looking even more like a Maniac for it. God, why had he just stood here for ten minutes? He either would go in or he wouldn't. Why couldn't he just make a decision for himself? Just make a fist, put it to the door and- “…Adrik?" No... Not that voice! Not here! "Iliya." The name was just a breath, faint and whispery on his lips. He cleared his throat and started again. "Iliya. Funny seeing you here." There was a bitter note to the words that he couldn't quite hold back. He had no reason to be angry with Iliya, but... all the same... He closed his eyes and breathed in and out. You're okay. Just stay calm. Don't let him get to you. [Read more] |
Dorky OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 47 |
Posted: Mon, 27/11/2023 01:42 (1 Year ago) |
🌹Cadence Laurier's POV🎯"Yes, I would. I'll be alright on my own, but thank you for offering, Michon." So... Jemu had no idea what was going on, either. Hm... she wasn't so sure if she should ask Michon about it, either, though. He'd probably deny knowing what she was talking about. But Cadence shook the thought away. No, it wasn't important. She should focus on work. Still... what was up with him? 🧣Eloi Torres's POV🌧Eloi gasped. "Wait, is that..." "Or so was said in Spiderman 7, by Uncle Ben's clone from dimension X..." "I remember that! Did you see it too? I-" But then he remembered someone else was with them and suddenly felt self-conscious, lowering his voice. "I mean... well... I- brought some of my comic books with me today, I thought you might want to see them although I... don't know when I... thought we'd have time to look at them." ♟Laurence Walton's POV📖"Andreja! You're going to get us both in trouble!" Aughhh. Why did he even bother?! I should just forget about it and start cleaning. What is WRONG with that girl? He skidded to a stop, puffing and panting. "Have... either of you two... seen a really irritating light-blue-haired Maniac... hff... running through here with no regard for anyone... hfff... wearing something probably completely inappropriate to the dress code... hfff... instead of doing her job?" 🧣Eloi Torres's POV🌧Huh? Someone... else was here? "A-Ah... yeah, actually... they- went that way, I think." "...Thank you. I'm sorry if she caused you any trouble. Anyway... I better be going." Just as quickly as he appeared, he was darting off. 📚SAWYER LAURENS'S POV🍭"Heyyy! Soo, uhh, I get that my chair is really fun, and I know that gum is really tempting! But, could you have asked before barging in here? I was kinda, y'know, about to use my office for work stuff. I found this new case and I really wanna do it!! Sooo, could you go spin in another chair, please? Thanks!" 🥽Suzume Fujimori's POV🧪"Oh, I... that's alright. Happens to me too, sometimes. That's... really cool, honestly, maybe you could show me sometime?" The words came out before she could stop them. "If that's a good idea!" "I brought some drinks." "Thank you. That's... very helpful, actually." She nodded appreciatively at the person who had just appeared. [Read more] |
Serendibite OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 116 |
Posted: Sun, 26/11/2023 18:43 (1 Year ago) |
Andreja Buivis"'Old man', huh? Did no one ever teach you to respect your elders?" Laurence paused briefly. Some strange emotions seemed to be fighting for control over his face. It was such a weird thing to look at that what he'd just said took a moment to sink in. Was that a joke? Walty has a sense of humour after all?! And a half decent one too?! Andreja decided nope and put that thought on the backburner for later. Just remember the Buivis family motto. "Sweep it under the rug, it's probably fine." "Huh. Makes sense, that he'd find himself working here. Probably trying to live up to his family legacy, I suppose." "Family legacy?" She broke out into giggles, then cut off abruptly. Staring him down, she enunciated very carefully, very clearly, "Sweetheart, there ain't any legacy left for anyone here. This place is the end of the road. For all of us." Then she twisted her expression back to her usual cheerful grin. "Best you can hope for is amazing friends like me! Your experience so far has been pretty sweet, I'd say!" "You... consider me-" Hm? She tilted her head to the side. Laurence shook his head at her and she pouted in return. "Andreja Buivis, with all due respect, which is none, you were making fun of my fellow intern and beating me into the ground!" "Beating you into the ground?" she teased. "Can't you just do it simple and say that I kicked your ass? No shame in being weak as hell if you're next to Angie." She reached out and patted him on the head. "Come on, smile for me!" She poked his cheek, then brought her hand back to her side. "Or just be like that. Sour-puss." Or... yeah! Work worked! "Let's go!" she cheered. Snatching up his hat, she took off down the hall. "Can't catch me, suckah!" Niwa AtsushiOh, good! Laughs! He was making progress. "I'm, uh, Iliya Volkov. It's nice to meet you, sir." Iliya bowed slightly. The way his face moved... Niwa took a moment to admire the nervous twists and turns of his features. He must be nervous. That was what people did when they were nervous. Iliya must want to impress his senior... or something. Wow, that's a first. Maybe he still thinks I'm competent. He'll learn soon enough. "Would you happen to know where i can find Aleksandr V- Konstantin?" "Detective Konstantin?" He echoed. "Oh- oh yeah. Probably in his office. Which is just down from my new one which is..." He spun on his heel. "Uh... right next to us." Despite the way I was running down this hallway like a Maniac. "Want me to introduce you two?" "N-Niwa! There you are! I-" Oh! Eloi! Niwa turned around to face him. "Oh... I... um... sorry. Was I- interrupting something? I can leave... if- if you need me to. Sorry." "No, no it's okay! We're just about ready to head into the office now. You can come with us, if you want." Narcisse MichonThe door creaked open once more. Was everyone determined to invade his personal space today? Narcisse turned around, ready to give a young intern a tongue lashing, but then he saw- he recognised- He inhaled sharply. Why did he recognise him? Who was this? "I'm going on break, anyone... Anyone need drinks?" The redhead seemed totally oblivious to Narcisse's intense stare. He wasn't young- probably around Narcisse's age, if he had to guess, so definitely not an intern. A janitor? He studied the man's uniform and came to the conclusion that yes, this must be one of the new custodian hires. "I- I suppose if you're offering..." Narcisse murmured. "Tea, perhaps?" He'd already had his black tea this morning, but with the way his brain seemed to be wading through mollasses today, he suspected October 7th might be a hard one for him. More caffeine would definitely be welcome. "Hmm... The murder's a bit of an oddball. Aside from that it all seems pretty standard. Nothing too much to handle." "The younger detectives, then." He nodded his thanks and pushed the blue folders off to the side, where he'd assign them later. "Hmm. May I see? Perhaps I can be of some assistance." "Of course." He passed the red case file down her way. "I'm afraid it's a little... gory." [Read more] |
Dorky OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 47 |
Posted: Sun, 26/11/2023 02:12 (1 Year ago) |
♟Laurence Walton's POV📖"'Old man', huh? Did no one ever teach you to respect your elders?" His irritated expression was immediately replaced with one of confusion. Why was he... joking about it? "Huh. Makes sense, that he'd find himself working here. Probably trying to live up to his family legacy, I suppose." "Hassling young interns? What a way to put it. I was just giving my new friend Walty a little lesson 'bout loosening up a bit, you know? Looks like he didn't take it to heart after all." Friend? It looked as though there was almost this softening upon his face, if only for a moment. "You... consider me-" He immediately shook his head, as if to shake the thoughts away. "Andreja Buivis, with all due respect, which is none, you were making fun of my fellow intern and beating me into the ground!" Friends. With THIS Maniac. What a ridiculous thought... "Ugh, if you must. You're such a stick in the mud. You'll get the credits either way, and you'll be outta here in a year. Calm down already.” He took a deep breath. "You're right. I'm sorry. Let's just..." He brushed at his sleeve, as though there was something to wipe off of it. "Get to work. We can talk later." ...wait. What had he just said? "--or you can just get to... whatever it is you do when you're not destroying this facility." He coughed. No, I did NOT just imply we would talk later. I did not. What was I thinking? 🥽Suzume Fujimori's POV🧪Oh, great. Nothing had been sent in to analyze yet. Suzume tapped her foot almost impatiently. There was this awkward silence, as she attempted to do equations in her head regarding physics theories to keep herself occupied. But it was hard to focus on that. There was this "Greetings. It's... Megami. Megami, right? That's your... name. Here. Right? Isn't it?" Wow. Great job starting conversation. Bravo, 11/10. You deserve a medal. "This sure is... desolate, isn't it? But, I'm sure they'll send in some material for us to analyze, soon enough. I'm... Suzume Fujimori. In case you forgot." Wait- would that- make her feel like Suzume thought she wasn't capable of remembering that? Ah, great. This was going wonderfully. WONDERFULLY. 🧣Eloi Torres's POV🌧[Read more] |
Dorky OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 47 |
Posted: Sun, 19/11/2023 19:43 (1 Year ago) |
♟Laurence Walton’s POV📖"It's a skill issue, Wart. Sure, run along home. You're stuck with me tomorrow, though... and the day after... and the day after that day, and-" WART?! What the hell? How was she somehow making it even worse? Laurence’s eyes twitched and he had to bite his lip repeatedly to muffle himself, so as not to scream at her. His trembling hands curled their way into fists. "The doors will automatically lock in ten circa minutes. Any remaining employees, please make your way to the nearest exit." Thank God. Or rather, the robot overlords. He shuddered. “Skill issue sounds ridiculously informal,” he sniffed. “What, are you addicted to those ancient ‘video games’? Stuck with you… every day. That sounds lovely. Good night, Miss Buivis.” The boy pulled his trenchcoat on and walked a little faster than usual, though he did not run. Anything to get away from that… Maniac. 🧣Eloi Torres’s POV🌧"Multiple ways?" “Yeah… um… not just the alley. It’s a possibility.” "I really think he's in the alley. Please." Upon seeing the pleading look in his friend’s eyes, Eloi nodded. “Okay… let’s check the alley!” Still holding on tightly to Niwa’s hand, he gathered himself and headed there… He was kind of relieved, to be honest. He didn’t want to split up from Niwa. It felt… safer to have him here. He felt less… lost. With Niwa here, he’d be okay. 🌹Cadence Laurier’s POV🎯Ah, yes. The work day had ended once again. Cadence Laurier put her various finished, perfectly organized papers away, finishing up filing away her many efforts. She wondered if she should check on Michon… she had the feeling something was amiss with him… She wasn’t exactly sure why. Something just seemed to be off. Cadence knocked on the door of his office. “Michon?... You there? I thought it appropriate to ask you about something.” It would be… embarrassing if he was alright. But he was another one of the Head Detectives, and she had to make sure that everything was in order. 🍓Cali Mabey’s POV💟Another lonely day was over. Cali sighed longingly. What he would give for some company… this job was so… empty sometimes. He got into the business to help people, and yet he barely even got to talk to anyone. But, it’s okay. Maybe tomorrow will be better! Tomorrow was another day. He gathered up his things and left. 🥽Suzume Fujimori’s POV🧪Oh, another day was over. What a shame. The work didn't end here, though. When she got home, Suzume was hardly going to be getting any sleep. Because she was going to be doing so much... research. Yes, that was why. There was no other reason that she'd struggle to sleep at night. Certainly not. She was perfectly alright. She packed up for the night, and made her way to the exit. [Read more] |
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