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ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Fri, 07/08/2020 16:00 (4 Years ago) |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Fri, 07/08/2020 15:53 (4 Years ago) |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Fri, 07/08/2020 15:40 (4 Years ago) |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Fri, 07/08/2020 15:39 (4 Years ago) |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Sun, 02/08/2020 03:17 (4 Years ago) |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Tue, 21/07/2020 21:19 (4 Years ago) |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Tue, 21/07/2020 20:50 (4 Years ago) |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Thu, 09/07/2020 00:35 (4 Years ago) |
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Bug - Mystery Boxes, Golden Game Slot,
Royal Tunnel, Treasure Hunt, Bulletin Board, Emera Beach
Dark - Mystery Boxes, Golden Game Slot, Royal Tunnel, Rumbling (Silent Forest), Treasure Hunt, Bulletin Board, Emera Beach Dragon - Mystery Boxes, Golden Game Slot, Royal Tunnel, Treasure Hunt, Bulletin Board, Emera Beach Electric - Mystery Boxes, Golden Game Slot, Royal Tunnel, Rumbling (Fiery Furnace), Treasure Hunt, Bulletin Board, Emera Beach Fairy - Mystery Boxes, Golden Game Slot, Royal Tunnel, Treasure Hunt, Bulletin Board, Emera Beach Fighting - Mystery Boxes, Golden Game Slot, Royal Tunnel, Rumbling (Fiery Furnace), Treasure Hunt, Bulletin Board, Emera Beach Fire - Mystery Boxes, Golden Game Slot, Royal Tunnel, Rumbling (Fiery Furnace), Treasure Hunt, Bulletin Board, Emera Beach Flying - Mystery Boxes, Golden Game Slot, Royal Tunnel, Rumbling (Windy Prairie), Treasure Hunt,Bulletin Board, Emera Beach Ghost - Mystery Boxes, Golden Game Slot, Royal Tunnel, Rumbling (Eternal Tower), Treasure Hunt, Bulletin Board, Emera Beach Grass - Mystery Boxes, Golden Game Slot, Royal Tunnel, Rumbling (Silent Forest, Windy Prairie), Treasure Hunt, Bulletin Board, Emera Beach Ground -Mystery Boxes, Golden Game Slot, Royal Tunnel, Rumbling (Bright Beach, Rocky Cave), Treasure Hunt, Bulletin Board, Emera Beach Ice - Mystery Boxes, Golden Game Slot, Royal Tunnel, Rumbling (Rocky Cave), Treasure Hunt, Bulletin Board, Emera Beach Normal - Mystery Boxes, Golden Game Slot, Royal Tunnel, Rumbling (Silent Forest, Windy Prairie, Bright Beach, Treasure Hunt, Bulletin Board, Emera Beach Poison - Mystery Boxes, Golden Game Slot, Royal Tunnel, Rumbling (Eternal Tower), Treasure Hunt, Bulletin Board, Emera Beach Psychic -Mystery Boxes, Golden Game Slot, Royal Tunnel, Rumbling (Eternal Tower), Treasure Hunt, Bulletin Board, Emera Beach Rock -Mystery Boxes, Golden Game Slot, Royal Tunnel, Rumbling (Rocky Cave), Treasure Hunt, Bulletin Board, Emera Beach Steel - Mystery Boxes, Golden Game Slot, Royal Tunnel, Rumbling (Fiery Furnace), Treasure Hunt, Bulletin Board, Emera Beach Water - Mystery Boxes, Golden Game Slot, Royal Tunnel, Rumbling (Bright Beach), Treasure Hunt, Bulletin Board, Emera Beach Pokemon Starter Show
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Charmander Squirtle Chikorita Cindaquil Totadile Treecko Torchic Mudkip Turtwig Chimchar Piplup Snivy Tepig Oshawott Chespin Fenniken Froakie Rowlet Litten Popplio Grookey Scorbunny Sobble Easy Show
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Weedle Pidgey Rattata Zubat Tentacool Geodude Ponyta Gastly Weezing Goldeen Magikarp Sentret Pichu Cleffa Igglybuff Poochyena Zigzagoon Wurmple Azurill Bidoof Kricketot Budew Shellos Medium Show
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Nidoran (Female/Male) Odish Diglett Psyduck Poliwag Machop Doduo Grimer Krabby Voltorb Rhyhorn Staryu Scyther Ledyba Togepi Mareep Aipom Sunkern Wooper Girafarig Pineco Dunsparce Snubbull Sneasel Teddiursa Slugma Remoraid Phanpy Seedot Surskit Shroomish Slakoth Whismur Makuhita Aron Electrike Gulpin Numel Spoink Trapinch Cacnea Shuppet Burmy Buneary Stunky Riolu Hippopotas Skorupi Croagunk Finneon Mantyke Snover Hard Show
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Sandshrew Paras Venonat Mankey Slowpoke Magnemite Onix Lickitung Tangela Tauros Yanma Gligar Heracross Houndour Miltank Nosepass Wailmer Torkoal Spinda Zangoose Seviper Corphish Duskull Absol Snorunt Cherubi Chingling Bronzor Gible Rare Show
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Meowth Growlithe Seel Shellder Marowak Horsea Eevee Porygon Shuckle Smeargle Elekid Tyranitar Lunatone Feebas Kecleon Clamperl Relicanth Bagon Happiny Special Legendary Alolan Galarian Event Show
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Disguised Exeggcute Impasta Autumn Mareep Woopice Unown Flake Larviprop Crystal Aron Space Spinda Gooseboarder Selunar Keggleon Raylóng Tom Nook Retro Show
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Charmander Squirtle Pikachu Zubat Tentacool Mew Chikorita Cyndaquil Totodile Sentret Any others looking, this is an incomplete list. [Read more] |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Mon, 06/07/2020 21:27 (4 Years ago) |
Which Pokémon: Besaray (my profile pic, they're 5ft 2in), leaning against Abs (normal Absol height, so about a foot shorter than the Besaray), shiny Caterpie in front, with a Cydaquil and Ponpin (with a large x shaped scar on it's chest) on either side of it Color?: yes Payment: 17-20k PD If there's anything here you can't do, please tell me! I'll also need to know the total price [Read more] |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Mon, 06/07/2020 20:56 (4 Years ago) |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Sun, 23/02/2020 16:46 (4 Years ago) |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Sun, 23/02/2020 16:34 (4 Years ago) |
If you click a lot, you're bound to get a whole bunch of golden game chips, and using them can take FOREVER, so I'm suggesting the ability to spin the slots multiple times with one click. Either it keeps going until you run out or even more preferably you can spin the golden slot 5 or 10 times at once and it tells you what you get afterwards. This would make things a lot easier and for everyone too, since it's against the rules to use bots of any kind, because they would give you an unfair advantage. [Read more] |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Wed, 05/02/2020 03:44 (5 Years ago) |
Username: ShinoTheShadowShinx Reference: Crimson Headshot, halfbody or fullbody?: Fullbody Payment: Pokedollars, I don't normally buy art so I don't know how much to ask for this complicated character Other: In case you want a description of him since the pictures could be unclear; he's a D&D dragon the size of a mountain who has 6 legs, and 5 heads. Each of his heads are a different color of D&D chromatic dragon (black, blue, green, red, and white), and crimson colored red feather beards each having a set of crimson colored eyes. His horns don't curve or anything like that, just sit back and then at the ends go up a bit, and his body scales are all crimson and platinum colored. He has a skeletal body, and his wings have tufts of feathers at the ends. On his front right foot is a platinum gauntlet, and his tail is that of a D&D wyvern's. Also, he has crimson colored spikes going down his back and just to be clear he actually has about even crimson and platinum scale counts. Password: Have Fun! [Read more] |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Mon, 03/02/2020 06:54 (5 Years ago) |
My suggestion is as follows: whatever the weather is the lab has a slightly higher chance of spawning an egg of that type. For example, if it's weather that boosts Steel type Pokemon, any Steel types (as in the type that shows up after waiting 30 seconds for non-premium players) are more likely to show up just a little bit more than others of their same difficulty. Easy ones would only compare to easy ones, and so on, so it's not like a medium would necessarily be more common than an easy egg, if that makes sense. If this has already been suggested, please tell me, but I think it would be something that helps with the lack of value of almost all bug type Pokemon from the insane amount spawned at the lab. [Read more] |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Mon, 20/01/2020 15:48 (5 Years ago) |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Thu, 16/01/2020 20:07 (5 Years ago) |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Mon, 13/01/2020 08:56 (5 Years ago) |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Sun, 12/01/2020 11:14 (5 Years ago) |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Sun, 12/01/2020 11:12 (5 Years ago) |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Sun, 12/01/2020 11:03 (5 Years ago) |