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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Wed, 16/12/2020 01:53 (4 Years ago)
Fortem let Yung treat him on the bubble with another "thank you", of course. He would never stop being polite, even in the midst of... all this.

Clamor's face was grazed by the slash attack, leaving a thin trail of red. Injured from the big fight, but still unfazed and defiant, he used thunderwave, hurling the attack at tha absol's general head area. Then, directly after, he used takedown, barreling towards her as well.

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Posted: Wed, 16/12/2020 01:43 (4 Years ago)
"I guess I could stay over till everything clears up over there..." Fortem paused, thoughtfully. Fortem thought a sleepover would be cool too... but these definetely weren't the best circumstances for a sleepover. Nevertheless, he agreed. "Thank you, Yung." He said sincerely.

Looking up finally, Audax was half surprised and half expecting it when he found himself in front of his old house in the suburbs. It was empty now, his few belongings having been moved the the school of magic for protection and convenience since the unrest began. Still, he wandered inside, pleased to have somewhere to rest up a little. He curled up on the floor, trying to ignore the distant battle cries and shouts of pokemon pleading for help.

Clamor was glad he couldn't talk, or he would have wasted time with this loyalist absol. Besides, she was probably expecting him to say something back before attacking. Without hesitation, he pounced like a lightning bolt at Xatina, using a fierce crunch attack.

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Posted: Wed, 16/12/2020 01:37 (4 Years ago)
Fortem sort of wished he could do more, but he nodded, a little panickedly, and followed Yung upstairs. His paws ached from all the running he'd been doing all day, and he hoped Dainn wouldn't wonder where he was, though it should be pretty clear with all the commotion.

Audax nodded at the braixen. This might be the loyalist speaker from earlier. He quickly reminded himself that the school of magic saw him as loyalist... otherwise, he wouldn't be able to stay there. He had to embrace his acting role a bit, at least for now. Audax thought the idea to find somewhere safe was a good one... he'd had seen enough pointless battle for the day. No, a month. A year. He padded away from the plaza, not sure where his paws were taking him.

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Posted: Wed, 16/12/2020 01:27 (4 Years ago)
"Yung!" Fortem bounded to the door. His pelt could be seen as lightly scratched if one looked closely, but otherwise, he was mostly unharmed from the fight. "There's a big battle happening at the plaza!"

Audax, undecided as always, wasn't sure where to go. Seeing as there were more pokemon injured, he quickly moved to the other side of the battle where a luxio seemed the be battling some knights... the same one as before! He must be a republican. He didn't want to interfere with the battle, but seeing an injured knight on the ground, he tried to help by pulling him away...

Clamor kicked off a couple knights before charging towards an eevee. This knight shouldn't get a free pass! A lot of knights were also family positions, inherited by the next generation. They lived easy while tons of Luminian pokemon had rougher lives. Why should the bolthund get to go?

Intimidated by the Luxio, Audax froze in his place. He curled up into a ball, using protect around himself and the fallen knight, doing his best to keel them safe.

What was the eevee doing!? Clamor batted a paw at the protective bubble. Seeing as he couldn't break through, he turned to face the new knights. Just a little more... Turning to face the Absol he'd met earlier, Clamor glared harshly, his fur bristling as if it was aflame. Catching his breath, he waited for the her to make the first move. No one said these things in a real battle, it just wasted time! He thought.

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Posted: Wed, 16/12/2020 01:02 (4 Years ago)
Fortem huffed and puffed. He'd done all he could to help the pokemon escape the battle, or so he hoped. Now, he just needed to pray that it was enough. The way to the castle was through the plaza... well, no going back that way, at least for a little while. He decided to head to Yung's place once again, and let him know what happened.

Audax chose to try landing one more hit before fleeing. He threw his weight into the leavanny, trying to stun them for a while so they couldn't harm others. He'd be lucky if he could make it out of here mostly unharmed.

Clamor quickly knocked open the visor of the knocked out knight. It was a bolthunt, possibly the very same one that had treated him like he was an idiot and not mute. Almost satisfied, he tried to zap down one more of them before reinforcements arrived. The knights weren't even good enough to face him! He'd knocked down one by training himself. Yet another flaw with the system. Clamor spat at the fainted pokemon before continuing his attacks. One might call him too prideful.

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Posted: Wed, 16/12/2020 00:29 (4 Years ago)
Fortem attempted to dodge the attacks, as per usual. He'd rather not hurt anyone. He made an attempt to retreat.

Luckily, Audax was saved by his protect. Not wanting to go to the level of hurting by using his moves, he whipped around, kicking the leavanny. The bug pokemon had attacked first, technically giving him permission to fight back.

As Clamor was stuck by a harsh attack, he realized he was outnumbered. However, despite knowing he'd have to retreat soon, he wouldn't admit defeat just yet. Staggering a little bit, he continued his flurry of attacks.

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Posted: Tue, 15/12/2020 23:07 (4 Years ago)
"I'm not looking for a fight," Fortem stated, though he still stayed on guard as he dodged a stray seed bomb attack.

Audax leaped in surprise, staring at the leavanny. He tried to stay calm, taking deep breaths and using protect on himself as a cautionary measure. "What do you want?"

Clamor growled in his mind, slamming into one of them using take down. He was a tornado of slashing claws and kicks and electric attacks. You'll pay! He thought, not actually thinking much about what he was doing. If one of them happened to be a knight that had wronged him, even better.

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Posted: Tue, 15/12/2020 21:18 (4 Years ago)
Fortem huffed as he pulled a fainted pidgey to the side. He couldn't be older than 10. What had happened to the Luminia he knew? He still had faith in it, of course, but it was beginning to waver. The fact that some loyalist would fight against the people as fiercely as the republicans did made him question his loyalty slightly, but he shook off the thought. Now wasn't the time.

Arriving at the battle, Audax quickly used protect over some injured pokemon to stop them from getting more hurt. Seeing his acquaintance Fortem helping the pokemon as well, he was filled with confidence, and knew he had made the right choice. Following in Fortem's example, he helped break up fights and help pokemon, though he protected pokemon that seemed neutral more than others.

Meanwhile, Clamor was still battling. He'd lost hope in Luminia's government a long time ago. Blind to his own recklessness, he continued slashing his 'enemies', sending shock after shock to their metal armour. A firm glare seemed to be sculpted to his face as if it were stone. The knights didn't deserve his mercy.

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Posted: Tue, 15/12/2020 21:12 (4 Years ago)
When I'm sending Christmas gifts and Sky gifts, sometimes I want to send to many different users, but won't be able to remember which ones I've sent gifts to, and what I wrote in them. I think a feature that allows you to see the gifts you've sent would be pretty useful.

Hopefully this is clear enough, what do you think?

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Posted: Tue, 15/12/2020 21:01 (4 Years ago)
It was moments like this where Fortem really wished he knew a healing move. He leaped into the fighting, dodging attacks to the best of his ability, and dragging out the weak or fainted pokemon to the outskirts of the plaza. The side of the pokemon meant nothing to him as he tried to rescue the wide-eyed, terrified pokemon.

Audax paced worriedly as the battle begun. Who had started it? He paced the balcony as the rope of stress began to press around his head. An idea came to him in the heat of the moment. Remus and Emerald and Fortem and all the pokemon he knew wouldn't want him to stand idle... he could do something! His protect move could come in handy. He could try to spare the neutral pokemon like himself from getting seriously injured. Racing past the three expert mages, he sprinted to the plaza. For once, he wouldn't, no, could'n't sit indecisive

If he could, Clamor would have let out a bone chilling yowl as he leaped into battle, slashing as many knights as he could find. This is what they got for treating him like trash all those times! This is what they got for not giving their citizens, their own people, a say! All his training came to good use as he used unconventional but effective fighting methods, whirling and slashing through the crowd.

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Posted: Tue, 15/12/2020 20:48 (4 Years ago)
Fortem waved goodbye with a flick of his tail, and scanned the crowd. Many pokemon seemed to be wearing accessories with what seemed to be the makings of a simplified version of the royal crest, as well as some with a new symbol: most likely that of the rebels. He would do his best to get the neutrals and pokemon who didn't want to battle out of the fighting if he could. Taking some deep breaths, he braced for the storm.

Audax hurried over to the balcony once more at the sound of pokemon, and watched worriedly as the rebels and loyalists down at the nearby plaza were getting louder and louder... he gulped, not seeing that there was much he could do to help.

Clamor padded into the fray of shouting pokemon. In the crowd, he spotted many familliar rebels that he's worked with before. He unsheathed his claws; if things got more intense, his intentions were clear.

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Posted: Tue, 15/12/2020 20:40 (4 Years ago)
"I think it's a good idea to leave," Fortem pitched in, a little late. "I might stay a minute or two longer though..." It was clear to see why. Though things were getting a little louder, both sides were making interesting points. Besides, Fortem was a knight. He had training to deescalate situations like this and help pokemon that could be caught in the crossfire. Though he might need to fight against fellow loyalists, Fortem thought that it was worth it.

Clamor awkwardly tried to leave. There wasn't much to gain, and it would be even more awkward speaking with his board to these possible loyalists, though they seemed to be leaning neutral.

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Posted: Tue, 15/12/2020 16:28 (4 Years ago)
Fortem was honestly surprised that none of the speakers had been attacked by someone in the crowd, yet. Both were important members of the other side... He was on high alert in case that did end up happening.

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Posted: Tue, 15/12/2020 16:13 (4 Years ago)
"Really?" He flicked his tail. Fortem recalled Yung saying something about having Remus over... "I'll make sure to ask then."

Despite knowing about the other master mages, Audax had never met them. He observed them carefully.

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Posted: Tue, 15/12/2020 15:21 (4 Years ago)
"I... guess I could... it's not far from the castle, after all..." Fortem pondered the question.

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Posted: Tue, 15/12/2020 15:15 (4 Years ago)
Fortem grinned. It was good to have Emerald back. even if things weren't the best at the moment. Helping each other is what friends were for, right? Distracted by Emerald, he missed the sight of Remus.

Audax recognised these mages, the master of light magic and the master of anima magic. Supposedly, these two knew every spell in their branch, similarly to Thea. If these two were loyalists... what could happen to the republicans? He winced, not knowing what to say.

Well shoot. Clamor would probably get exposed as a republican somehow, with all these powerful magicians... Clamor had similar thoughts as Audax about what the mages of each side could do. He stayed silent, but for different reasons.

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Posted: Tue, 15/12/2020 04:58 (4 Years ago)
"Hmm?" Fortem turned to Emerald, his tail slightly wagging from side to side.

Audax returned another grim nod. He was still balancing on the edge of said coin, but spoke nothing of it. Clamor huffed. He probably wouldn't get anything meaningful out of this situation, but he supposed it was nice to be around others... besides, there was always a chance.

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Posted: Tue, 15/12/2020 00:29 (4 Years ago)
Oh no... this wasn't good. Fortem looked uncertainly as the pokemon sided on the republican side, barely processing Emerald's words. It did seem that everyone wanted to just get back to daily life...

Clamor and Audax had to agree. Each nodded as Thea mentioned the sides trying tamer strategies. Audax sighed.

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Posted: Mon, 14/12/2020 23:32 (4 Years ago)
Ah, so Mordred was a loyalist too. Fortem sat down and continued to listen to the fiery debate.

Clamor took a step back. Right, he was close to the school of magic, there were bound to be loyalists... but perhaps he could learn something. No one knew he was a republican. This could be a useful trip after all...

Audax watched the situation unfold, eyeing the absol and luxio suspiciously.

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Posted: Mon, 14/12/2020 18:56 (4 Years ago)
Clamor felt a push on his side, and whipped his head around to glare at an absol. Ah... he should probably try to be a little bit more respectful... that is, if this pokemon was a republican. He dipped his head at her in a nod.

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