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WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Sat, 01/03/2014 19:31 (11 Years ago) |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Sat, 01/03/2014 19:16 (11 Years ago) |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Sat, 01/03/2014 13:46 (11 Years ago) |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Fri, 28/02/2014 21:24 (11 Years ago) |
Waning is holding up the new outfit. "The cape was better." Grimalkin checks one of the cuffs. "Wasn't it though?" Waning puts the costume in the window. In front of it, she writes, "FOR CINDY" "She should come pick it up soon." --- ![]() Here you go, CindaquilLuvsVan_Halen! Thank you for your business! [Read more] |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Wed, 26/02/2014 22:00 (11 Years ago) |
*GAAAAAAAASSSSSSSPPPPPPPPPP* Waning closes the at the small tip box. "Looook, Grimalkin!!!" "What is it this time?" The excited girl places the box carefully in Grimalkin's hands, as if it were something holy. Unperturbed, Grimalkin opens the box. "Oh." Her eyebrows raise a few inches. "Cool beans." Thank you very, very much for the tip Uchiha! I'm saving up for a Shiny Radar thing, and your pd really helps! When I do, I'm gonna reduce the price down to 700. Thanks again! [Read more] |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Wed, 26/02/2014 02:12 (11 Years ago) |
Waning grabs a sketchbook, and wanders up the stairs. She has a mildly glazed expression of joy, probably thinking up costume designs. Grimalkin stands up. She seems mildly concerned for a change. "Wane, we're not gonna use real fire this time, are we?" "Oh! Yeah, that wouldn't be a good idea, would it? Not after what happened LAST time... That was your fault, BTdubs!" "You were the one who designed the stupid grills! What were you thinking?" Grimalkin sits back down, scowling. Waning doesn't respond. "We'll have your project done in a few days, Cyndaquil...LuvsVan... Cindy. Yeah, that's good. Oh, and thanks for requesting. " [Read more] |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Wed, 26/02/2014 01:10 (11 Years ago) |
For the idea "24 hour users will get an advantage" that doesn't really work, because any time set you can have advantages and disadvantages. People who can connect all the time have advantages. 24 hours will give it a more even ground. And if it's still not even enough, why don't we just have hours that can be chosen at intervals of 2 hours? I.e, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16... All the way up to 24? [Read more] |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Tue, 25/02/2014 22:39 (11 Years ago) |
Kay does a 180 and starts running north. "Let's gooooo!" Mosly starts to walk after her, and trips. He regains his posture, and starts jumping instead, with a very perplexed expression on his face. [Read more] |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Tue, 25/02/2014 22:35 (11 Years ago) |
Username: Kitty How many?:1 What Gender?: Female! Password: [Read more] |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Tue, 25/02/2014 21:49 (11 Years ago) |
Uchiha_Sasuke, sorry this took too long! You only have to pay 900. The cool anime shades didn't really fit with the rest of her outfit, so I made 2. They are based of Kamina from Gurren Langann. [Read more] |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Tue, 25/02/2014 19:56 (11 Years ago) |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Tue, 25/02/2014 01:51 (11 Years ago) |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Mon, 24/02/2014 21:52 (11 Years ago) |
Mosly turns to Ryu. "How far away do you think is the town?" [Read more] |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Sun, 23/02/2014 22:26 (11 Years ago) |
The Mawhile grins a bit, and then looks confused. "Wait, what things? What did I even just say?" "You're probably so spacey that you forget you forgot something. The imprint of what you would say is still fresh on your mind. However, you lack the memories to back up what you say. Proving that your thought process is reactive. You really don't think before you talk. [size=1]explains a lot, actually."[/size] The little bug looks rather introspective. "I think what you meant was in popular fiction back in our world, people were taken from their world to another to save it. That is very possible. The majority of us may have a higher IQ then the citizens of this world. Still, they are just stories that we are basing this off of. It all seems kinda silly." Mosly looks somberly up at the sky. "Pokemon, eh?" Kay folds her arms and pouts a little, sensing that she's been dissed." Whatevs. So whataya say we go save the world!" C'MON, TEAM!" The little pokemon begins to scamper down the path, but stops and turns around. "Oh, what's you guy's names? Well, besides Brainy and Glowy. Which I actually might keep calling you. Fairly easy to remember..." [Read more] |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Sun, 23/02/2014 01:42 (11 Years ago) |
On a side note, those people saying "don't out bet me" are poor sports. I think a fair way of coming to auction agreements would be "When I get this, I will breed it and give you an egg". People who say those kind of things shouldn't be a reason not to auction item, as really, everyone wins in an playerVSplayer auction. Someone gets money, and someone gets an item. [Read more] |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Sat, 22/02/2014 22:52 (11 Years ago) | Here you go, Mirucia! This was a lot of fun to visualize. Is she cool enough? Uchiha_Sasuke, sorry for not focusing on your sprite. It's a little hard to visualize. Nothing to do with the sprites you choose, just a little artists block. I will have it done in a few days, though! [Read more] |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Sat, 22/02/2014 21:40 (11 Years ago) |
Here you go, Tina! [
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Sat, 22/02/2014 21:27 (11 Years ago) |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Sat, 22/02/2014 21:17 (11 Years ago) |
"Uh, I'm a lot smaller, then a human, so do you think my energy went into the grass as you took energy from the grass?" Mosly walks over to the spot he was and looks at the grass he awoke in. It's a bit taller then the grass around it. "Seems that way." He mummers to himself. "But how would a portal capable of shifting engery and psych come to be?" A large whomp sounds from behind Kay. The umbreon has fallen out of the tree. "Hey! You K, Glowy? Oh yeah shyness staying over here. Uh, you k though?" Kay walks a bit closer to Sylva, and then back again. ((Sorry for not posting. I was rather busy yesterday.)) [Read more] |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Fri, 21/02/2014 16:27 (11 Years ago) |