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Poke Transformation (open)

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Poke Transformation (open)
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Tue, 18/02/2014 20:32 (11 Years ago)
In this RP you are either A) A human transformed into a Pokémon with no memories of a past life or B) A human transformed into a Pokémon with memories or C) Some random Pokémon/villager. It's your choice. You can create teams with people you want to team with. Are allowed more than 4 to a team. Can be rivals with someone else.

- No swearing.
- No god moding or super characters
- Follow Pokeheroes rules.
- There are no humans here, don't ask to be one.
- You are allowed to have a maximum of 2-3 characters and 1 of them may be a minor legend ( not a Pokémon like Arceus, giratina, Ho-oh, lugia, etc)
- The move set doesn't have to be proper moves, you can make 1-2 up. However, make sure you put what the move looks like, its effects, power and accuracy. Same with the ability, just nothing too overpowered.
- You may 'hook up' with another character and have eggs if you wish.
- If you wish you can be one of the villagers or a random Pokémon who has grown up in the wild.

Transformed without memories:

I would like to RP with no memories!
Name in RP:
Picture (description if you don't have a picture):
Move set:
Anything else (no history. You don't have any memories):

I would like to RP!
Character name:
Picture (description if necessary):
Move set:
Anything else:

My character:

I would like to RP!
Username: Sylva
Pokémon: Latios
Character name: Ryu
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: Very protective of his friends and mate/wife. Would sacrifice himself for his friends if that meant saving them. Will go back for those who are hurt.
Picture (description if necessary): The lower half of his body is blue with jet-plane wings and fin-like feet, slightly wider than a Latias. He has a red triangle marking on his chest. He has white and blue arms that can be tucked into his body. The upper-half of his body is white. He has triangular ears and a blue face with a white pentagon in the middle. The feathers/scales covering his body can be used to reflect and refract light so that it makes him invisible to others. Has scars over his body and 1 over his right eye sealing it shut.
Move set: Luster purge, dragon claw, shadow claw, protect
Ability: Guardian (all attacks become directed towards this Pokémon. However, miss rate increases by 5 (5%) if not aimed at this Pokémon in the first place. When the Pokémon is hit defence and special defence increases by 1 level.
History: Was the Hero of every school he went through, defending others against school bullies. However, this lead to him getting several scars, 1 over his right eye. Completely blinding him in this eye.
Anything else: Nope

I would like to RP with no memories!
Username: Sylva
Name in RP: Sylva
Gender: Male
Pokémon: Shiny Umbreon
Age: 16
Personality: A loner, has been beaten up at ever school he went to by bullies because he looked different and behaved different. However he is mentally strong and very smart. Has a small phobia of people.
Picture (description if you don't have a picture): Is an Umbreon with the blackest fur. His rings glow blue and have black flames wreathing them. Bright grass green eyes.
Move set: Shadow ball, Aura sphere, Psychic, Dark pulse
Ability: Dark Aura
Anything else (no history. You don't have any memories): Nope


Those who have joined:
- Sylva (Ryu (Latios) and Sylva (Umbreon))
- WaningGrimalkin (Mosly (Mosica Lume, Venonat) and Kay (Kayati Sumetre, Mawile))
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 119
Posted: Tue, 18/02/2014 21:16 (11 Years ago)
I would like to RP with memories!
Username: WaningGrimalkin
Name in RP: Mosly (Mosica Lume)
Pokémon: Venonat
Age: 15
Personality: That quite kid who sits in the back of class, drawing on his desk, never saying a word. Very quite, but has large aspirations, to be famous. His dream is to sleep all day.
Picture (description if you don't have a picture): A normal Venonat, but one of his antenna is broken. Thusly, his reception is all a little fuzzy. Pretends that he receives everything just fine, though.
Move set: Psybeam, Bugbite
Ability: Run Away. Can flee from any encounter.
Anything else: In his human life, he went deaf in one ear after he nearly drowned on a field trip. That transferred into this world as a broken antenna. Kayati was his friend in his other life, but she doesn't seem to remember him. He hasn't told her about his human memories, though.

I would like to RP with no memories!
Username: WaningGrimalkin
Name in RP: Kay (Kayati Sumetre)
Gender: Female
Pokémon: Mawile
Age: 14
Personality: A very hyper individual. Is generally happy, but has a distinct feeling of loss she just can't lose. Likes to play pranks, and angers easily.
Picture (description if you don't have a picture): A Mawile.
Move set: Crunch, iron head.
Ability: Intimidate. Can be very scary sometimes.
Anything else: Class clown. Was friends with Mosly.

Only... 200 levels left to go...
YAY! Needs Mega stone!
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Wed, 19/02/2014 09:05 (11 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Wed, 19/02/2014 19:14 (11 Years ago)
(I'm going to start the role play)

With Ryu:

"Oh god, I thought I was hallucinating but no. I actually fell into a portal made of light and was transported to another dimension." Ryu said as he looked himself over. "And I'm an entirely different species, Pokémon from memory... Blue feathers, red triangle on chest, fin like feet. I'm a Latios or something." He turned his head and saw a black shape next to him.

With Sylva:

Sylva woke up with a splitting headache, in fact his whole body ached. Looking down he was startled to find that he was not human anymore, he was a Pokémon. Examining himself further he saw that he was an Umbreon, shiny to be exact, with glowing blue rings wreathed in flame. He of course noticed that he was still only seeing out of one eye. 'Wait still, I don't remember losing an eye. And how do I know what I am, all I remember was that I was human and my name.' He thought.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 119
Posted: Thu, 20/02/2014 14:57 (11 Years ago)
I open my eyes.
And they don't close.
This is rather odd.
I sit up to see a pair of rather odd hands. Small, tan. Missing thumbs. I've seen them somewhere before. Not sure where.
This is different.
I think I hit my head on something again. Hard. Ugh, someone told me to stop climbing... No, what? Who was that someone? What was I climbing? Um, where am I?
And more importantly,
what am I?
I am Kay. Human.
These are things I know. Yes, knowing stuff is good. Alright, more memories searching time. Hrrrghh
...WHOA. Wait what? Now I am not human. This is seriously not cool. What AM I anyway? Some sorta critter with a-
Aw, cooooool! I have a giant mouth as a ponytail! ...what do I eat with it, though?
Alright, I have confirmed that I am indeed a Venonat. I think I remember from some plush a kid in my class brought in for show and tell. From some game of something.
Something walks up to you. It looks more human then you are.
"Hi! Who're you? Are you also a human? Er, a human turned pokemon?"
...It's Kay. You must have been together when you... fell here.
" ....yeah."
"Really? Cool! Er, not cool. We need to get out of here, don't we. You comin' with me?"
" ...sure."
"Oh, BTdubs, name's Kay!"
"Alright Mosles! Let's goooo!"
It seems she doesn't remember you.
She turns around and walks up to a pile of glowing blue firey rings. Woah, cool. A mouth.
You look overe at the blue pile. It appears to be a pokemon. The rings were probably messing with your nightvision. Speak of vision, everything seems a little slow a blurry around here, like you're recieving things after they happen.
"Heyo there! Nice ta meetcha! You know where we are?"
Kay says cheerfully to the glowing ring pokemon.

Only... 200 levels left to go...
YAY! Needs Mega stone!
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Thu, 20/02/2014 20:14 (11 Years ago)
(someone has a phobia of people/others/Pokémon, just stand next to them and say 'hi' when they don't know you're there)


"Heyo there! Nice ta meetcha! You know where we are?" Sylva heard from behind me. He found that he must jumped 2 meters in the air because next thing he knew he was standing up in the tree looking down at Mawile. 'Wait how do I know that, I've never even seen a Mawile before.' He thought. However, soon afterwards all he could think of was the fear that was washing over him, he began to shiver in the tree because of it. 'I can't remember, why can't I remember. I don't even know why I have the fear of her.' He thought. Suddenly Sylva heard the sound of popping and he looked over to see a blue mass shift and seem to expand into the shape of a Latios. By this point he had given up trying to guess why he knew what the other creatures where around him. Curiously enough he had stopped shaking.


I saw another what seemed to be a Mawile, "Heyo there! Nice ta meetcha! You know where we are?" She said. The Umbreon, or at least I think its an, whipped around and jumped 2 meters into the air. Landing on a branch above him. 'Uh oh, that's not good.' I thought as he started to shake. 'He has Anthropophobia (an-th-row-po-phobia, fear of people/society), not even 1 person is near him and he is shaking. That's not good.' I got up and stretched, the bones in my back popping, which seemed to snap him out of his shaking daze.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 119
Posted: Thu, 20/02/2014 20:53 (11 Years ago)
((How would Kay know that Sylva has Anthropophobia? She's an outgoing character, it's only normal for her to go up and talk to the brightest thing in the room. Which would be Sylva, being blue and glowing. Sorry if I offended you or something.))
"Y'know, if you don't want to talk to me, you can just say so. Not very nice to run to the hills an' all."
A small pout crosses the Mawhile's face.
"Uh, Kay, um, he's probably, shy."
Mmmmmmmmmokay. Seeya glowy!
The little Pokemon walks over to Ryu.
"You shy too? Or just loud. Wow you're tall. Dude, do you have any legs? How do you think THAT works, losing all your legs? Or were you not human? Oh, Mosles, you were human, right?"
"Thought so! Not that I really know what a human is all that well. You know what a human is better?"
The little pokemon looks expectantly at Ryu.
Mosly wanders over to Sylva.
"...sorry for bothering you."
Then he wanders back to Kay.

Only... 200 levels left to go...
YAY! Needs Mega stone!
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Thu, 20/02/2014 21:08 (11 Years ago)
(She wasn't meant to and glowy???)


Sylva heard the exchange and at the end his jaw dropped when Kay called him glowy. That is probably one of the least offensive names he has been called for a while. She went over to the Latios and Sylva started to wobble slightly, when the venonate had gone over to the Latios then he fell out of the tree. Although you can't really blame him, he doesn't know how to climb.


"Yes. A human is the species often referred to as Homo sapiens meaning clever ape to put it simply. They stand on 2 legs and has a grouping of hair on the top of their heads, like most species they can differ greatly in personality. Your personality would be extreamly cheerful and not caring, hence the 'seeya glowy.' Mine is protective for I used to take care of others who were hurt before I came here. His *points to Sylva* is shy, very shy. Probably from bad experiences." Ryu finished as his eyes flashed and he started to levitate. "And I don't need legs apparently. Hence the fins. And the transformation is the moulding of matter using the equation E=MC2, meaning that matter can't be removed or added. So my total body mass is the same I think to that of my previous form. Or the energy has been taken from the surrounding area" He finishes as he looks down at the blackened, dead grass encircling him.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 119
Posted: Sat, 22/02/2014 21:17 (11 Years ago)
Kay has a rather dead expression on her face as she listens to Ryu's transformation explanation. Mosly listens quietly and intently. "Science stuff. Woah, cool." Kay sits back and thinks a good bit.
"Uh, I'm a lot smaller, then a human, so do you think my energy went into the grass as you took energy from the grass?" Mosly walks over to the spot he was and looks at the grass he awoke in. It's a bit taller then the grass around it. "Seems that way." He mummers to himself. "But how would a portal capable of shifting engery and psych come to be?"
A large whomp sounds from behind Kay. The umbreon has fallen out of the tree.
"Hey! You K, Glowy? Oh yeah shyness staying over here. Uh, you k though?" Kay walks a bit closer to Sylva, and then back again.

((Sorry for not posting. I was rather busy yesterday.))

Only... 200 levels left to go...
YAY! Needs Mega stone!
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Sun, 23/02/2014 09:22 (11 Years ago)

"Hmm. Well the portal would have to at least attempt to follow E=MC2. However, having enough energy to create the portal must mean there is a lot of energy here... which is not comprehendible to scientists here because there is simply an abundance of energies. Ripping a hole in the time/space continuum allows for you to pick out individuals in different dimensions. But then why us?


"I'm OK, thanks." Sylva said softly, just starting to get up but not coming over to the others because of the irrational fear. Sylva took a step forwards and tried to ignore the fear.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 119
Posted: Sun, 23/02/2014 22:26 (11 Years ago)
" It's OBVIOUS why they choose us! We're to only one's who can save the world! And we have to, in order to get back home! That's what these things are always about, aren't they?"
The Mawhile grins a bit, and then looks confused. "Wait, what things? What did I even just say?"
"You're probably so spacey that you forget you forgot something. The imprint of what you would say is still fresh on your mind. However, you lack the memories to back up what you say. Proving that your thought process is reactive. You really don't think before you talk.
[size=1]explains a lot, actually."[/size]
The little bug looks rather introspective. "I think what you meant was in popular fiction back in our world, people were taken from their world to another to save it. That is very possible. The majority of us may have a higher IQ then the citizens of this world. Still, they are just stories that we are basing this off of. It all seems kinda silly."
Mosly looks somberly up at the sky. "Pokemon, eh?"
Kay folds her arms and pouts a little, sensing that she's been dissed." Whatevs. So whataya say we go save the world!" C'MON, TEAM!" The little pokemon begins to scamper down the path, but stops and turns around.
"Oh, what's you guy's names? Well, besides Brainy and Glowy. Which I actually might keep calling you. Fairly easy to remember..."

Only... 200 levels left to go...
YAY! Needs Mega stone!
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Mon, 24/02/2014 10:29 (11 Years ago)

"My name is Sylva." Sylva said softly.


"And mine is Ryu." Ryu said. "So should we go into town?"
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 119
Posted: Mon, 24/02/2014 21:52 (11 Years ago)
"YEAAAAHHH!!!! Let's go, Brainy and Glowy!" Kay starts running down the path.
Mosly turns to Ryu. "How far away do you think is the town?"

Only... 200 levels left to go...
YAY! Needs Mega stone!
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Tue, 25/02/2014 07:48 (11 Years ago)

"Well judging from the large amounts of psychic energy or minds I would go *points north* that way."


"Or you could just fly up there and take a look and see anything." Sylva said quietly, the fear starting to abate a little.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 119
Posted: Tue, 25/02/2014 22:39 (11 Years ago)
"Oh, whoops."
Kay does a 180 and starts running north.
"Let's gooooo!"
Mosly starts to walk after her, and trips. He regains his posture, and starts jumping instead, with a very perplexed expression on his face.

Only... 200 levels left to go...
YAY! Needs Mega stone!