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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Thu, 17/12/2020 22:47 (4 Years ago)
"Oh, thank you!" Fortem replied gratefully. He eyed the package carefully, wondering what it might be. Knowing Remus, it was some kind of party decoration, or a balloon... Well, he'd have to find out later.

Audax replied with a thank you of his own, his eyes wide with surprise. He wasn't expecting to be payed, but the surprise was a welcome one. He was getting worried he wouldn't be able to pay for his needs, even if his room cost was being taken care of. After saying goodbye, the pair made their way safely back into Loyalist territory. Audax had judged that Fortem was most likely a loyalist, but possibly leaning a little neutral, due to the way he'd acted at the fight last afternoon. "Any plans for the rest of the day?" Audax asked the Lycanroc, who shook his head.

Though the fight looked difficult, Clamor was no slouch when it came to speed attacks; he was a speedy electric type after all! Besides, challenging himself is what he came here to do. Clamor weaved around the linoone, using takedown to boost his speed as he ran. The two collided for a bried moment, sending white sparks flying around their portion of the arena.

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Posted: Thu, 17/12/2020 22:37 (4 Years ago)
"Same goes to you," Fortem replied, as Audax nodded.

"We should probably go... the Antian District is..." Audax spoke, before looking down at his paws. Fortem looked like he understood. "Thanks, Remus, see you around!" With a friendly wave, he padded away, Fortem following. Hmm... what should he do for the rest of the day?

Clamor was almost caught of guard, but managed to spring in the air at the last moment, dodging the attack. As he landed, he went in for a Crunch, using his falling momentum to strengthen the attack.

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Posted: Thu, 17/12/2020 21:01 (4 Years ago)
Was this it? Was Remus so easily willing to accept that he'd left his job and Remus without a word? Audax hesitated before half whispering: "Sorry Remus! For not saying where I went..." He paused awkwardly as Fortem watched.

Clamor set his slate aside and analysed his opponent. Linoones were known for being more comfortable running in straight lines... if that were true for this one as well, he could use it to his advantage for dodging.

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Posted: Thu, 17/12/2020 20:49 (4 Years ago)
"Remus is over there!" Fortem pointed out. "You haven't seen him in a while, right? We should go visit!" He was perhaps more confident than usual.

Audax hesitated. The anthian district would be pretty dangerous for both of them, being seen as loyalists, but he was most worried about facing Remus. He hadn't even said bye when he left to stay at the school for protection... finally swallowing his fear, he nodded. "Sure, lets go."

Clamor took his slate, writing a message: "Anyone up for a spar?" He sat and waited.

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Posted: Thu, 17/12/2020 20:32 (4 Years ago)
Fortem admired the grand hall, giving off strong medieval vibes, but also mixed with something else... He spotted a familiar sillhouette out on one balcony and bounded over to check if he was the pokemon he thought he was. "Audax?"

Audax whipped his head around, hearing a certain lycanroc's voice. "Oh, hi Fortem!" Audax couldn't mask his enjoyment. His tail waved happily. He'd been pretty lonely, even for an introvert, and it was nice to see a familiar face. He began to catch up with Fortem, walking about what had happened recently and how everyone was, as they walked out of the building.

Clamor nodded at Dark, looking through the pokemon ready to go for a practice spar. Hmmm... who would he be battling today?

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Posted: Thu, 17/12/2020 18:59 (4 Years ago)
Not having been assigned to any patrols, Fortem assumed he had free time. Maybe he could check out the school of magic? It was loyalist after all, and he'd been meaning to check it out... He wouldn't sign up though. He wanted to do that with Emerald.

Oh, it had snowed! The familliar sight made Audax smile as he remembered his other winter memories in Luminia. Despite all the tension, it made Audax happy.

Clamor gave Dart a friendly wave of the tail. This was one pokemon who didn't seem to mind that he couldn't speak. Dart was also one pokemon Clamor felt relatively friendly with, as he saw Dart almost every day when he came to train, or defend the arena from those loyalists...

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Posted: Thu, 17/12/2020 17:59 (4 Years ago)
Fortem woke up with a yawn, finding himself back in day form. He'd brought the star back to his room yesterday, finding it was fun to play with and mess around with, like a fidget toy. Though it was probably a lot more important... Fortem still hadn't figured out who had put it there, since no one in Yung's house at the moment could make ice stars like this.

Audax sensed the atmosphere immediately, being observant. But what had changed? He stumbled out of his room, still sleepy, but not before noticing that the star still hadn't melted. Huh. Ignoring that for now, Audax made his way to the closest balcony to look at the city.

Clamor woke quickly, jogging outside to the fate arena. Though he was a little injured from yesterday's fight, he had to keep pushing himself. No way was he going to let himself get beat up so badly again! He needed to train.

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Posted: Thu, 17/12/2020 17:45 (4 Years ago)
At the castle, Fortem searched the area for anything important he'd missed before heading to his room.

Thoroughrly confused, Audax set down the star before drifting to sleep in the evening air once more.

Ah... maybe it was a waste of time. Clamor sighed before heading back to his simple house. On the way, a flash of something caught his eye... metal? Clamor shook his head. He thought nothing of it as he padded home.

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Posted: Thu, 17/12/2020 15:39 (4 Years ago)
"I don't mind," Fortem confirmed, surprising himself slightly. He used to prefer his alone time to rest, but found that it didn't really matter whether he was alone or with company anymore. Heh, maybe he had changed a little since then. After a while of
chilling with Emerald, he rolled off the bubble/balloon bed and onto the floor, where he stretched and stood up. "I should get back to the castle, thanks for having me over!" He was a little worried about the knights wondering where he was, especially if he was needed anywhere.

Audax took some more time to examine the snow star. Picking it up once more, he flipped it over in his paws. The icy blue shape reflected the warm lighting of his room, bouncing streams of pale light all around the room.

Clamor faked walking away, but turned back once the figure wasn't looking. He tracked the pokemon through the winding streets of Luminia, doing his best to look calm and collected, which wasn't too difficult.

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Posted: Thu, 17/12/2020 02:02 (4 Years ago)
Fortem grinned. "Sorry," He said, somewhat sarcastically, knowing that both he and Emerald enjoyed each other's company.

Audax halted. He remembered something he'd heard some time and place that he'd forgotten... that a glaceon was being trained to act in Tempest's place, and this star looked a lot like a glaceon's ice (he'd read about it somewhere), though he could be wrong completely. He glanced at the star once more. Being a logical eevee, he tried to put the pieces together... this couldn't be a coincidence, right?

As Clamor walked the streets of town, he noticed a strange hooded pokemon run away. Interesting... that was strange. Clamor supposed that in these times, it was a good idea to investigate strange things if he wanted new information about enemy or ally positions. Not losing track of the cloaked figure with his keen eyes, he padded up to him.

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Posted: Thu, 17/12/2020 01:28 (4 Years ago)
Fortem lazily opened his eyes, slowly adjustting to their surroundings. He reminded himself that he was at Emerald's place, as he found a small, glistening shape beside him, made out of something cold. Wait, cold? Fortem did a double take, figuring out that the little shape was, in fact, made out of ice or snow, but not melting... strange.

Audax jumped up from his bed in surprise as he discovered the star beside him. Who had put this here? He tilted his head in confusion. Maybe it was misplaced somehow... though it was pretty far into his room for this to be a mistake. Eh, probably not a big deal. Audax planned to practice his magic today, and he didn't want too much distracting him. Setting it aside, Audax found that it was actually pretty cold.

Clamor woke to a similar situation as Audax and Fortem, finding the star. He was extrememly confused, but wouldn't be able to voice his thoughts. He headed out to the anthian district, not thinking much of the star.

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Posted: Wed, 16/12/2020 21:00 (4 Years ago)
"Ah... sounds good then, thanks!" He yawned. "Good night..." It was clear to see that he was tuckered out for the day. Despite the battle, it had been a good one. He got to meet everyone again... Yung, Emerald, Remus, and possibly Audax. Fortem thought he had seen the grayish eevee in the battle, but he wasn't sure, and didn't have the time to check. With a last yawn, he fell asleep.

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Posted: Wed, 16/12/2020 20:53 (4 Years ago)
That would be perfectly fine, Fortem had a baloon bed anyway. Yawning as he shifted into his dusk form, he nodded gratefully at Yung. "Thank you!" He paused, awkwardly. "Where should I sleep...?" He hesitantly took a couple wobbly steps.

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Posted: Wed, 16/12/2020 18:18 (4 Years ago)
"Yeah I've been busy..." He turned to Yung. "Mind if I stay for the night?" He was worried that Dainn might not know where he was, but some knight who say him at the battle might tell him. It was too much to worry about that now.

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Posted: Wed, 16/12/2020 15:32 (4 Years ago)
"I guess it was fun having Emerald..." Fortem paused. "Though we haven't spent a lot of time together recently..." He spoke, his voice quieter than before. He shook his head, trying to be more optimistic. "And the bed is amazing, thanks!"

Without much left to do, Audax padded into his room at the school before promptly falling asleep on his couch, clearly exhausted from the day.

Sighing once more, Clamor climbed into his bed, which was now almost too small for him... Maybe he'd do something about that later. He realized he'd barely eaten today. Agh, losing his job at the school had impacted him after all. Despite having lots of stinging scratches, he fell asleep relatively quickly.

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Posted: Wed, 16/12/2020 15:19 (4 Years ago)
"Oh, thats a relief," Fortem sighed as he recalled bits of the conversation earlier. Yep, that seemed to add up. His head whipped around at the sound of a familliar voice, prompting a smile to cross his face. "Remus!" His tail began to drift from side to side, increasing it's speed with every wave. "Long time no see!"

Audax... woke up. Hmmm... had he fallen asleep in the house? As he yawned and stretched his ears, the noises of battle seemed to have quieted down; that was a good thing. An orange glow was beginning to shine through the window. He should get back to the school of magic... it was a little safer than his house very near to the anthian district, which had gotten more loud and dangerous since the tensions started. Besides, the school liked to do a roll call in these times, and he didn't want anyone wondering where he was. Sighing, he walked back to the school of magic.

Clamor arrived at his lonely little house, the rooms filled with musty air and memories long gone.He hadn't really cleaned in a long time actually... not since his mother... He shoved away the thought. Clamor set aside his slate and chalk before pulling out some bandages from one of the back cupboards, he did his best to wrap his injuries on his own, though it was a tedious and difficult process. His whole body stung with both injurites and the thought that he could have done better today. He had to work harder.

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Posted: Wed, 16/12/2020 02:28 (4 Years ago)
Clamor was glad the other knights were caught up in their own battles; there was no way he could face them all at once in this state. He had to look strong, though. Intimidation was half the battle, he'd learned in his self training. He was able to dodge this attack, but one more hit and he'd fall. He'd go out making a show of this, though. With a final glare, he simply... walked out of the plaza, making bold, confident strides.

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Posted: Wed, 16/12/2020 02:18 (4 Years ago)
"You're probably right," Fortem agreed. Yung always gave good advice. That wouldn't stop Fortem from being a little distracted though... "Do you know where Emerald is?" He paused. "He left before the battling began ... I'm a little bit worried, since it's been a while..."

The orb slammed into Clamor's chest, sending him flipping backwards. Luckily, his agile paws and luxio instincts helped him land squarely on his feet. Coughing a little bit, Clamor was determined to keep going. It had been his determination that had driven him through life, after all. He used Thunderwave again, his piercing gaze so focused that one could have imagine it burning. This was Clamor's biggest chance yet to let out his thoughts and test his mettle against the world, and he wasn't about to give it up just yet.

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Posted: Wed, 16/12/2020 02:06 (4 Years ago)
Fortem's grin grew as time went on, and he let out a laugh. The far off sound of battling didn't seem to be stopping though, making the atmosphere a little uneasy.

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Posted: Wed, 16/12/2020 01:57 (4 Years ago)
Fortem looked away shyly, a little grin blossoming on his face. What would he do without Yung and his family, he wondered?

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