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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from MaiqTheLiar.
Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 16:57 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 16:56 (3 Years ago)
Pokemon: Purrloin
Name: Serenity
Gender: female
Appearance: Serenity is built like an average purrloin. She is an albino, her fur is white and her eyes are red.
Anything special: Does not like the thieving stereotypes of her species. She is awfully calm almost no matter the situation. She is blind in the left eye, but she learned to live without depth perception.

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Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 16:12 (3 Years ago)
Hoodie nerd

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Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 15:50 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 12:16 (3 Years ago)
Charlie was half asleep, she always got sleepy when it was dark. Most of her Pokémon seemed discontent with being underground, especially Torterra. Torterra needed light, Torterra needed to photosynthesis? Photosynthe-whatever. Boldore was her only Pokémon content with being underground, for she had caught it underground in a nearby cave. Lopunny was annoyed with the dirt getting on his ears, and so was everyone else. Charlie patted Torterra’s head, “I’m just as tired and bored as you are. But being down here is just for the best. I heard there’s beasts out there waiting to kill us.” Charlie realized what she said may have frightened her Pokémon. “But we’re safe here. Don’t worry.”

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Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 12:13 (3 Years ago)
You do sorta look like a minccino

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Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 12:10 (3 Years ago)
I'm here to help!

Username: Zane_From_Ninjago

Character Name:Charlotte but goes by Charlie




Pokemon Team(5-6)

Growlithe [Ability: intimidate] [moves: Flame wheel, Crunch, Wild Charge, Roar] (she could never find a fire stone.)
Torterra [ability: overgrow] [Moves: Earthquake, giga drain, synthesis, stone edge]
Boldore [ability: sturdy] [Moves: Power gem, Iron defense, mud slap, bulldoze]
Clefable [ability: Magic guard] [moves: metronome, moonblast, hardboiled, shadow ball]
Lopunny [ability: Klutz] [moves: switcheroo, return, Ice punch, bounce] [held item: flame orb]

(This spot may or may not be filled with a Tyrunt.)

Appearance: She looks a lot younger than she is. She looks 10, which leads to her not being took seriously. She wears an olive green jacket with a jaw fossil necklace (she got the fossil as a souvenir from a trip to kalos.) and sweatpants. She doesn’t dress too formally. She has dark skin, brown eyes, and curly black hair.

Anything else? I will add more detail to this later.

Also, Asparagus

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Posted: Thu, 19/08/2021 19:00 (3 Years ago)
A vampire I think

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Posted: Thu, 19/08/2021 16:15 (3 Years ago)
Startled park ranger

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Posted: Thu, 19/08/2021 13:03 (3 Years ago)
Banned because of your lack of a signature

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Posted: Wed, 18/08/2021 16:17 (3 Years ago)
Castlevania I think

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Posted: Tue, 17/08/2021 18:42 (3 Years ago)
Walking cheeto

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Posted: Tue, 17/08/2021 18:11 (3 Years ago)
Kitsune girl

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Posted: Tue, 17/08/2021 18:08 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 17/08/2021 11:52 (3 Years ago)
A digimon that I forgot the name of

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Posted: Thu, 12/08/2021 15:48 (3 Years ago)
Banned because that’s one heck of a poll.

(The What do you think of me poll)

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Posted: Thu, 12/08/2021 14:31 (3 Years ago)
I trace drawings. 1000 pd a drawing. Or one nugget. Send 51 nuggets, I’ll send 50 back.

I turn your art on paper into digital art within a week.
Just take a photo, take it directly from above to make things easier on me and more accurate when I draw it.
I don’t have any examples right now, but you won’t be too disappointed. If you’re disappointed, you’ll get a full refund.

I’ll do my job for 1k pd, but for 2k, I’ll put even more effort into it!

Order form
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Payment: (pd or nuggets?)
Any special requests?

I also do spriting!

I do Pokémon. Order forms:

Pokémon dressed as fictional character:
Show hidden content

Hey! That (Pokémon) looks like someone I know!

Fictional character:
1000pd or 2000pd?
Any other requests?

Show hidden content

That (Pokémon) is oddly colored!
Colors (up to four):
1000 pd or 2000pd?

Also retyping:
Show hidden content

Is that a new regional variant?
New types:
1000 or 2000pd?:

Example of turning paper art into digital art:
Show hidden content
Remade= boop!

Please note: if a detail in a drawing you photo is obscure, your result may or may not be what you expect.

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Posted: Thu, 12/08/2021 12:57 (3 Years ago)
Banned because cosmog

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Posted: Wed, 11/08/2021 14:00 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 11/08/2021 13:54 (3 Years ago)

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