Forum Thread
Mystery Island (sign-up)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Mystery Island (sign-up)real rp
Main Island Pokemon
Gastly- dirtdude- 167- male- Gar
Deino- MegaMewtwoX Master- 13- male
Purrloin- Zane From Ninjago- 6- female- Serenity
Shuppet- ThatZoroSimp- 7- female- Klara
Pawniard- ZynxDaLynx- 11- female- Grey
Crystalfrost Mountain Pokemon:
Amaura- shimmeringsuicune01- 100- female- Casper
Bat Caves Pokemon:
Name: (optional)
Anything special:
I'm open to suggestions and new Pokemon.
Okay, I'll be
Pokemon: Pawniard
Name: Grey
Gender: female
Age: 11
Anything special: has a ghost tail, but no legs
Name: Gar (optional)
Gender: male
Age: 167 years old
Anything special: shiny, can mega and giga
also, pls make a new post when accepting others pls
Hail yeah
Fishy Fish
our lord and savior
Pokemon: Purrloin
Name: Serenity
Gender: female
Appearance: Serenity is built like an average purrloin. She is an albino, her fur is white and her eyes are red.
Anything special: Does not like the thieving stereotypes of her species. She is awfully calm almost no matter the situation. She is blind in the left eye, but she learned to live without depth perception.
Pokemon: Amaura
Name: Casper
Gender: female
Age: 100
Anything special: has the ghost white and dark bluish belly of a shiny, but there head membrane are a crystallized Light Blue including with her eyes and the gem on both sides.

Name: Klara
Gender: Female
Age: 7
Anything special: Klara tends to follow anyone she has an interest in. She usually claims to be clueless, saying she forgot about something (etc.)

"Men who can't wipe away the tears from a women's eyes, aren't real men." -Vinsmoke Sanji