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LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 17:26 (4 Years ago) |
Audax nodded. Thea was a pokemon he could trust; besides, she said that she was neutral before, like him. "A high ranking member of both sides were killed, and each side blames the other," He stated. "It's a little weird that it happened simultaneously... almost as if it were planned." [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 17:18 (4 Years ago) |
Audax nodded, out of breath. "We have to do something!" He exclaimed. This was a bold statement for Audax. Though he was usually indecisive, this was one thing he knew was the right choice. As he and Xatina battled, Clamor noticed the pokemon being struck down all over the field, filling him with more anger. A twinge of guilt hit him for a moment, but that was just the price that had to be payed for their voices to be heard. They were sending a message... [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 17:09 (4 Years ago) |
"Thea?" Audax shouted into the mostly empty halls, his voice echoing through the large, open space. Hopefully he could get her to help in time... The absol fighting without help would make things easier for Clamor (though a part of him wanted to test his mettle against more...). He was struck by megahorn, but positioned himself to get hit oh his sturdy shoulder, a place that wouldn't hurt too badly. He used the momentum from the attack like he had in training, and fell back onto the absol, using crunch on her horn. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 16:15 (4 Years ago) |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 15:38 (4 Years ago) |
A good choice. Audax nodded as he ran in, trying to find good pokemon he knew, like Fortem or Emerald or Remus to lend a hand. Thea would be good too... he raced in the school's direction. Clamor would have been hurling insults if he could speak. Instead, he brushed off his face before diving back in to battle. He wouldn't retreat! Using takedown to approach and dodge, he finally slammed into the absol knight while using crunch simultaneously. A furious gaze was plastered to his face. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 15:21 (4 Years ago) |
Audax shrugged. "I care more about getting neutral pokemon to safety. It should come before any battle." He stated his thoughts, relieved to not be lying, and relieved that he actually believed it. Maybe he was a decent pokemon after all... His statement might have surprised the shiny glaceon, but he payed no mind to it. After all, he had to make good on his word. Not wanting to waste more time, he bounded into the fray. After lots of thunder waves, volt switches, crunches and take-downs, clamor found himself in front of the absol once again. Oh, of course she was the one to speak, one of those murdering republican knights! They were hurting the citizens more than the republicans, and they were supposed to be ruling! He sprang at her once again, quickly slamming a paw down and using thunderwave. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 15:06 (4 Years ago) |
"Good idea," Audax commented, as he went back into battle, having learned a little more about the Snowstar priestess. He fended off the loyalists and republicans from the neutral pokemon, helping his 'side'. Clamor continued to twist and turn, all while striking down as many knights as he could. It was reckless and dangerous, but he felt invincible. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 14:38 (4 Years ago) |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 02:26 (4 Years ago) |
"Sorry..." Doubt and guilt pricked at his fur. Audax eyed the glaceon. "What are you going to do?" He asked, blatantly. He himself was planning to do his best to use his protect move to help the pokemon in need, but he wanted to know this first. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 01:57 (4 Years ago) |
In the midst of the fighting, Audax spotted the shiny glaceon and sprinted up to her. He stayed silent. There were no words to be spoken about this. He was curious to see what she would do, though... "Do you see?" He spoke finally, loudly this time, his words tinted with sadness. Clamor slammed a amaura knight into the wall of a building and watched with satisfaction as he collapsed, his legs buckling. Suddenly, a streak of white caught his eye... the absol from yesterday! Blinded by his ambition and pride and flaws, Clamor raced after her, hungry for more revenge. This was his way of speaking, these slashes and moves. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 01:41 (4 Years ago) |
Fortem's eyes went wide as he was thrust suddenly into battle. No no no no, this wasn't supposed to happen! Why couldn't things go back the way they were before? Tempest had been a fine leader... Fortem was fighting a republican and his own mind at the same time. He rock throwed and stone edged frantically, tears blurring his vision as he struggled to console himself about the fate of his lifelong home. The thought about wanting to live through historic times hit Audax again, at precisely the wrong moment. It wasn't supposed to be this! In the chaos of battle, Audax was slammed to the ground by a republican thinking him for a loyalist... which he was pretending to be. Struggling out of her grip, Audax bolted off to the side. He couldn't just watch... but what else could he do? He wouldn't be able to alert the knights... they were loyalist, obviously. Audax looked around the crowd for familliar faces, namely a specific lycanroc, a riolu, a zoroark or a glaceon - to ask for help. Clamor sprang into battle instantly. This was what his claws were made to do! A silent roar built in his throat as he attacked like a whirlwind, viciously pummeling the loyalists. Revenge was sweet. He was doing this to avenge his fallen comrade, but... a small part of him wanted to be recognised too, and knew that. The thought fueled his thunderous attacks as he unleashed all the power he'd earned for himself onto the battlefield. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 01:21 (4 Years ago) |
Audax heard gossip from both sides, placing blame on the other. Of course, this would only fuel the rift between them... where had luminia gone so wrong that this had to happen? Sighing, he let his feet guide him to the plaza, where a crowd of pokemon was gathering. Being a lover of knowledge, Audax needed to know what was happening. Those loyalists! Those scoundrels! What were they doing, killing a pokemon just trying to speak? Clamor didn't doubt the information, after all, it fit with his previous opinions on the loyalists, and it was something he.. was actually eager to believe. More of a reason to be doing what he was doing. He unsheathed his claws as he followed some other republicans to the plaza, eager to slash something. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 01:10 (4 Years ago) |
"No need to worry, I won't snitch." It was true. Audax was neutral, and sharing the information would give one side some advantage. "Stay safe out there." With a flick of his tail, Audax marched away, before realising he forgot to ask about the star and why it was given to him. Oh well... maybe another time, if he did happen to meet the glaceon again. He put the thoughts aside before strolling through the suburbs, gossip beginning to make it's way into his large ears. Clamor would have asked tons more if he could speak. Instead, he stood frozen, mouth gaping, until the expression on his face turned almost murderous. Who was killed, and did Clamor know them??? Who had done this!? Who needed to pay!? [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 00:56 (4 Years ago) |
Clamor concentrates on observing the situation: He listened carefully to hear the conversations, and watched for strange happenings. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 00:36 (4 Years ago) |
Clamor's ears perked up as he switched directions, nonchalantly heading for the base. He sneaked inside without being seen, and looked to see what the commotion was all about. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 00:21 (4 Years ago) |
Clamor grabbed his slate while his injuries were getting treated, and thanked the linoone for the good fight. Afterwards, he padded out of the arena, unsure of what he could or should be doing now. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 00:15 (4 Years ago) |
If this was a real battle, Clamor would have dealed some finishing blows. Instead, he stepped off the opposing pokemon, flicking his tail triumphantly with a smile. Hopefully the linoone understood that he'd like to stop sparring. He held a paw out to the pokemon to help them back up. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 00:03 (4 Years ago) |
Clamor tried something new. He took the headbutt, but braced himself for it, and used the power of the attack to launch himself up in the air. Then, he dived down, using thunder wave and pinning the linoone down to the ground. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Thu, 17/12/2020 23:17 (4 Years ago) |
Clamor just barely dodged the quick attack, and he felt the breeze from the speed rush over his shoulder. He tried to dodge while figuring out the pattern. It almost looked like a dance... Clamor used thunderwave, trying to catch the linoone by paying attention to the pattern. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Thu, 17/12/2020 23:01 (4 Years ago) |
Audax hesitated, turning his head to get a better view of the pokemon, just in case. Clamor was struck in the side by the headbutt, sending a small wave of pain to the area. He slammed a paw into the linoone to use discharge, making sure to not use 100% of the move's energy. After all, this was just a practice spar, and the two of them were fighting on the same side. [Read more] |