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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from RoyalUltima.
Posted: Thu, 27/04/2023 13:47 (1 Year ago)
blegh i really need to post more often oh ad pls pretend shes in 325 tysm

Inazumi listened carefully and made her decision. She would go, go to the castle. But only because she was the slightest hint curious about the mysteries of the castle. It seemed to be shrouded in mystery, one of the most magnetic forces in the world that attracted hundreds of people to try to solve them. Mysteries even got the invisible writers to wish to partake in the solving, despite them slightly attracted to the prize money.

She sighed slightly and tilted her head, really questioning her decision. It wasn't like it was mandatory, was it?

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Posted: Wed, 26/04/2023 01:56 (1 Year ago)
Inazumi Adaki looked hesitantly at the gathering people. She fidgeted, not liking that she would have to get to know all of these people and that she would be expected to socialize and make friends with them. From her own perspective, they were people who were practically expecting her to waltz over to them and be all chill and relaxed. As if.

She strayed a little behind, just because she wanted to admire the scenery and look for good hiding places (yes I have decided to make her a cringe person because why not). Everything was so... overwhelming. The different scenes, the different scents... Those were clouding her senses, yet she enjoyed them. For once, she wouldn't have an overwhelming headache, and she was happy.

uh yeah this is the first post in 10 hours, and also my first post but here is this bad post and don't enjoy because you wont

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Posted: Tue, 25/04/2023 21:18 (1 Year ago)
Inazumi looked at the letter in her hands. She... was invited to a wedding?

'Oh wow...' She thought as she kept reading the wedding invitation.

'I'm the flower girl...?' She looked at the letter in shock. 'I better get ready then...'

Inazumi quickly got ready and started to drift over to the wedding area...

I'm sorry for this poor-quality post. I started writing a book, and it's hard for me to get out of the habit of overdoing things and mentioning setting and stuff.

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Posted: Tue, 25/04/2023 02:24 (1 Year ago)
Crying For Rain - Minami

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Posted: Tue, 25/04/2023 02:23 (1 Year ago)
Fraudery :)

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Posted: Mon, 24/04/2023 20:31 (1 Year ago)
Arson :)

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Posted: Mon, 24/04/2023 02:21 (1 Year ago)
Name: Inazumi
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Sexuality(Optional): Pansexual
Pokemon(human form allowed): Mimikyu
Food(Fish, Steak, or Vegetarian option): Souls Vegetarian ^^"
Drink(Wine, Water, Juice, Soda, etc): Blood Water ^^"
Seat(Choose a seat that's not taken): 2C
Other: This was rushed because I decided to rush it :D

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Posted: Sun, 23/04/2023 15:14 (1 Year ago)

It looks cute! But... I have no idea what that is ^^"

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Posted: Sat, 22/04/2023 16:55 (1 Year ago)
For the machine part quest, you can only find one machine part per rumble map, and plus, it's a kind of rare to find a machine part, so it's mostly based on luck.

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Posted: Sat, 22/04/2023 13:57 (1 Year ago)

I mean, asking for clicks isn't bad, but it could be a little better...

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Posted: Sat, 22/04/2023 00:14 (1 Year ago)
Robbery ^^

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Posted: Thu, 20/04/2023 04:31 (1 Year ago)

I'm not the biggest fan... But hey, at least it looks cool!

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Posted: Wed, 19/04/2023 20:28 (1 Year ago)
In my opinion, 1.4 clicks a day is actually average.

Maybe the people are using a bot, but I don't think that the 'bot' is actually speeding their clicks up, and is instead, just clicking at an average speed for them...

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Posted: Wed, 19/04/2023 14:21 (1 Year ago)

𝔸𝕜𝕖𝕣𝕦 𝕀𝕨𝕒𝕞𝕠𝕥𝕠

Akeru had been traveling for a bit, but finally, she had arrived at the bustling Market District. She was in a rush, as she was late.

Oh dear, oh dear. I'm definitely going to be late... She thought as she ran through the narrow streets of the district and carefully weaved around the people that were shopping there. Of course, there was the 'occasional' bump-into... But Akeru was in a rush, so she hastily apologized, help them pick up their stuff, and got out of there in record time.

She stood outside of the Market District for a couple seconds, catching her breath. She wasn't accustomed to such difficult weave-long-distance running (omg I totally can't relate). She muttered a couple vulgar swears and stood back up straight, ready to tackle the walk to the Tower of Arcana.

You can see how that went, and as I am on a bit of a time crunch, I will not describe this... wonderful walk. :D

Akeru stood outside of the majestic Tower of Arcana, which stood tall and imposing. She shuddered a little, and walked up to the front door. There, she saw that someone else was there, and for a moment, she was happy that she wasn't late.

She went right up and hesitantly knocked on the door lightly.

the time crunch got to me so now this is rushed and I have to go to school soon so yeah I apologize for this mess

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Posted: Tue, 18/04/2023 14:30 (1 Year ago)

I mean, it's cute

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Posted: Mon, 17/04/2023 03:02 (1 Year ago)

Straightforward and simple &^^

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Posted: Sun, 16/04/2023 17:46 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Sun, 16/04/2023 04:11 (1 Year ago)

❀ Name: ❀
Inazumi Adaki

❀ Gender + Pronouns ❀
Female, She/Her

❀ Race ❀
Zenko Kaze Kitsune

❀ Age ❀
Actually 100+, but has transformed into a teenage girl of 14

❀ Appearance ❀

❀ Magic/Power(s) ❀
Transformation/Shapesift- Any Kitsune has the ability to transform into a human once they are around 100 years old. They are also given the ability to shapeshift into animals, inanimate objects, etc.

Wind Chakra- Inazumi is gifted with the ability to possess and perform powerful wind-based techniques, short distance-short time flight, and extreme speed. She is incredibly fast. Her ability to fly is a little faulty, and she cannot remain in the air for very long. But once her Jutsu requires too much summoning or hand seals, she will lose her abilities for a couple minutes. (I'm still learning, so I will fill this part out more when I know more about it)

Tree Climbing- I'm not sure if this counts as a power, but due to Inazumi being a Kaze Kitsune (a specific type of Kitsune), she loves spending time in trees. And since she spends so much time in the trees, she has learned the best methods of climbing trees quickly and silently.

❀ Personality ❀
Inazumi is very shy and keeps to herself. She has social anxiety and has a communication disorder, where she finds it very difficult to speak. She likes to avoid people (and spend time in the trees) and dreads public speaking and speaking in front of people.

❀ Any Knowledge of Lesandria ❀
Not really

❀ Backstory ❀
Inazumi was rather unsocial, and preferred hiding from people. So not much is known about her past, except for the fact that she doesn't like telling anybody. Basically TBRP'D

❀ Palpad? ❀
Already in!

❀ Other ❀

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Posted: Sun, 16/04/2023 00:55 (1 Year ago)
Inazumi backed away even more, practically hiding fully behind the trunk.


She quivered slightly, and she was starting to regret her decision of coming into the compartment.

'Large... Scary...'

Inazumi looked around frightfully, trying to find a way out. She checked every single little corner of the compartment, trying to find something larger to hide behind.

'The chairs are too large... The trunks belong to someone else... Maybe I could hide inside my own trunk...?'

She quickly looked in both directions before slowly starting to hide...

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Posted: Sun, 16/04/2023 00:40 (1 Year ago)
'Great... I've been spotted...'

Inazumi slowly looked up and saw a large and terrifying Absol.

'Something large... Seems scary...'

She cowered, and hid behind her trunk, which was fairly small. It was a small box, perfect for a small Pokemon like her to carry around. It was made of dark oak wood and decorated with small and thin black vines, which wrapped around the trunk. Small golden sparkles decorated the wood, and it seemed to glitter slightly, almost as if dancing in the light...

Inazumi looked up at the Absol, who looked so large and scary. Maybe they were soft on the inside, maybe they weren't. Maybe they were cruel, maybe they weren't. Appearances lied so often. They said nothing about the character, only their choice of fashion...

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