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RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Thu, 27/10/2022 03:45 (2 Years ago) |
-But she looked so human... -She acts so human... -Is she really?... "Stay back!" Nox warns. She brings her armed hand down to her side, but adjusts her arm so she could fire it forward or curve it to the side if necessary. "You foolish demon! You made a mistake coming in here! Why don't you come on out? I promise to make your death quick." [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Thu, 27/10/2022 01:13 (2 Years ago) |
Aster almost couldn't believe it. He was working together with Belphi of all demons. He rarely got the chance to interact with Belphi... Mainly because the demon was either half asleep or fully asleep. Aster was actually pretty impressed that the demon was awake right now. He couldn't have picked a better time to have awakened. The demons hunting humans in this world were weak, they weren't nearly as strong as Aster and Belphi. Most normal demons struggled against one human! -You mean like how you struggled to attack that girl? A dark thought reminds Aster. The memory makes him growl. He would get his revenge soon. He glances back at Belphi, just to make sure the other demon was keeping up before continuing forward. They were nearly there... [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Wed, 26/10/2022 15:47 (2 Years ago) |
~"We need to be able to control- erm, guide the masses that can't control themselves" -(Brad McKinniss)~ •=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=• Username - RaRaRasputin Age (12 - 18) - 18 District - 2 Preferred Weapon / Skills - Kara was trained by her mother for the Hunger Games. If she were ever picked then she was going to be a winner! No matter what! Kara has been trained for up close battles. She is skilled in fist fighting and is dangerous with a sword. But her preferred method of destruction is fire! Fire is important in her family. It allows her family to craft their weapons, it keeps them alive! It's almost poetic in a sense, she must use her family name to kill Gender - Female Appearance - She has long lengths of fiery red hair that falls to her shoulders. Her hair has strands of pink and orange mixed in within hair, although it's undeniably fiery red. She has dark green eyes on her oval shaped face. She stands at about 5'8 and is somewhat muscular Personality - Manipulative and two faced. She is amazing at changing her emotions at will. She can play any part, the snobby rich girl, the scared woman wanting to return to the warm embraces of her mother. She'll play every side, if needed, to survive Family (REQUIRED) - The Rhys family is a powerful name. Not only were they well known for their excellent weapon crafting. They also have two Hunger Game victors within their family name. Her mother was a woman of great social standing, while her father had been dead for years. Although there was a conspiracy that Kara's mother had something to do with his death, but that conspiracy was quickly swept under the rug History (OPTIONAL) - Kara just wants to be like her mom. Loved by the masses and powerful. But more importantly, she wants to stop fighting for her mother's love. She was only born simply because Kara's mother wanted someone to carry the family name. Kara's mother only married her father to strengthen the business. For Kara, she learned that love had to earned. The greatest love she could give her mother is being the third winner of the Hunger Games, which would only add more power to their name! Character's Greatest Fear (REQUIRED) - Kara is terrified of being abandoned by her family (hope this works) [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Wed, 26/10/2022 15:29 (2 Years ago) |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Wed, 26/10/2022 14:08 (2 Years ago) |
Sure, it wasn't like there were tons of food available to them but still, something about this starved dog was giving her red flags. Her gaze softens a bit when Liliac brings attention to her wound, but stays sharp when the girl requests stiches. What happened to you that you need to close a wound that deep? She couldn't figure this girl out. Was she dangerous? Or did she seriously need their help? Her heart begged her to believe Liliac, but her gut said otherwise. Then there was Cath and Abyss, who seemed to be having a silent conversation between them. Some things made sense, others did not. She sits back, ignoring the water for now and continues to silently listen to the three. Keep your cards close and allow them to slowly, and foolishly reveal their hand. She knew she could trust Cath. But Abyss and Liliac? She would have to keep a close eye on the two. Aster giggles at Belphi's words. He felt an odd sense of pride for being caught commiting arson and manipulating his prey. "Alright, you caught me!" He says while holding his hands up, wincing from the sharp pain in his right one. "But playing with your food is fun. If you ask me, baiting other humans is a waste of time." He lowers his head in shame, his pride taking a hit from Belphi ever so kindly pointing out his injured hand. "This human is different" Aster growls. "She has an ability that allows her to cloak herself in shadows. I can assure you, if she were any normal rat she would be dead by now!" He pauses and sniffs the air. He grins to himself and glances at Belphi with a daring expression. "She is somewhat close, with other humans nearby. Why don't we pay them a visit? You can see for yourself just how powerful she really is!" [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Wed, 26/10/2022 04:33 (2 Years ago) |
Aster wasn't too clear on what time it was when he awoke. The building had long since burned down. He had taken refuge on the ground nearby once the fire got worse. The overwhelming heat felt like home, it was such a shame that the fire had to disappear. But turns out, he wasn't far from home. He smelt a familiar scent in the air. A demon who has been alive for about as long as him. It momentarily makes him forget that he was supposed to be on the hunt. Aster follows the scent, interested in who was with Belphi. His hand still hurt, but fortunately, he could move it. He didn't think Belphi would fight him, but still, he knew enough about Belphie that he wasn't someone to underestimate. "What are you doing?" Aster asks once he nears Belphi. An amused smile appears on his face. "Dragging your prey around? I didn't expect you to be that savage. Why don't you just finish the poor thing?" Aster asks. [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Tue, 25/10/2022 21:10 (2 Years ago) |
A sudden voice makes her stand up again. This time, she grabs her katana instead of her dagger and turns towards the sound. "Were you expecting anyone?" She asks darkly. [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Tue, 25/10/2022 17:50 (2 Years ago) |
There it was, Cath had called Abyss "Neo." Abyss himself had called himself Neo. Where had she heard that name? She turns her attention to Cath. "I will be willing to work with you, no matter what it takes. I suppose I can work with-" -Wait. The dagger that Nox didn't realize she was holding clatters to the floor. A shocked expression appears on Nox's face. "Wait" she whispers. "Neo!?" No, Neo had died. There was no way he survived his final assignment! Yet here he was. Standing in front of her, most certainly alive. "H-how?" She slowly sits down in her chair, looking starstruck. "Is it really you?" She whispers. [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Tue, 25/10/2022 17:26 (2 Years ago) |
It would appear the Resistance is only a shell of what it once was. Still, her ideologies had yet to die with it. "You still care about helping the world right? It would appear we have something in common. Why don't we work together? You can use that great mind of yours to do the hard stuff, I'll put my energy into protecting you. Maybe we won't have to fight alone for long, there has to be more people in the other bases fighting the same silent battle as you." She hesitates when she hears Cath's question. "My real name is Dakota Thorne, but she has been dead for years." She glances away and sighs. Now wasn't the time to relive those memories. She glances up at Abyss when he starts talking. She could immediately sense the tension between the two. Did something happen? Now that she thought about it. They were an odd pair... Nox slowly stands up and glares at Abyss, almost daring him to attempt something. [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Tue, 25/10/2022 16:55 (2 Years ago) |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Tue, 25/10/2022 13:44 (2 Years ago) |
Don't be foolish Nox tells herself while side eyeing Abyss. She silently follows them to the kitchen, feeling far more comfortable with the silence than Cath seemed to be. She turns her attention back to Cath when she speaks again. Surprise fills her eyes when she learns about the current state of this base. She frowns when Cath mentions "the worst of times.". Nox takes a seat, taking her time to fully relax into the chair before she answers Cath's question. "I usually never go a few months without returning to a Resistant base. But things have only gotten worse within the outside world. Hmm, I would say it's been nearly two years since I've been at a Resistance base." She winces, and holds a hand up to her face, blinking back tears. Not now, not now! "It's been awhile since I found survivors... There aren't many signs of life out there. Things have always been bad, but they have only gotten worse" she explains. She sighs and shakes her head, quickly regaining her composure. "You mentioned 'discovering the future' with your science labs. What did you find? And who would be stupid enough to destory it?" She asks. [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Sun, 23/10/2022 14:33 (2 Years ago) |
"I am a demon hunter. I am not waiting for the world to be overrun by those... things. If I can stop their onslaught, I will!" She glances at the survivors and sighs. "I tend to find survivors during my travels, so I send them to the nearest Resistance base. I have these lands memorized by heart." She says proudly. She frowns and glances around. "It's been awhile since I dropped survivors off here... Where is everyone?" [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Sun, 23/10/2022 13:28 (2 Years ago) |
-The look of a killer. It resided in her eyes, and she could see it in his too. He seemed quite calm, that was another thing that worried her. In the offchance that this guy was living alone, he seemed way too calm towards about an armed person knocking on his door. She sheaves her dagger, but her hand doesn't stray too far away. "My name is Dakota Thorne, but I go as Nox" she says proudly. "You may have heard of me. I have loose ties with the Resistance." She watches him carefully while saying this and fights to keep the amused grin off her face. I know you aren't one of them. "I found two people" she continues while extending a hand towards the pair. Her eyes soften slightly. "They were attacked by demons and need serious medical attention. Can you, or anyone in this base help them?" Her tough demeanor breaks slightly. She doesn't even try to hide the desperation in her voice. Please don't let them die on my watch. [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Sun, 23/10/2022 13:03 (2 Years ago) |
The path seemed slightly beaten down, as if only a single person had treaded through here. Where were the other members of the Resistance? Did something happen to them? Nox glances behind her, staring at the man who looked like he'd collapse at any moment. He wouldn't be able to make it to the next closest Resistance base- that was clear. Maybe she'll get lucky. Maybe these Resistance members haven't bothered to leave the base, and were living underground like moles. She didn't see any signs of a struggle when she arrived at the entrance, but the door was slightly ajar. She raises up a hand, stopping the couple from moving closer to her. She unsheathes her dagger and strides closer to the door. The smell of distant burnt food was the only thing she could pick up. Other than that, the place seemed to be mostly abandoned. Still, the smell of food and the slightly beaten trail had to mean something, right? She knocks three times on the door, then steps away. She had no idea who could be inside or if they posed any danger to her. It would be stupid to stand in a place where she could easily be ambushed. She glances sideways at the camera on her left. Then returns her gaze to the door. Today had been a long day, she wasn't in the mood for a fight. For her sake and for whoever was living in this bunker, she hoped that they were friendly. [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Sat, 22/10/2022 17:31 (2 Years ago) |
He bristles at her words, but not for the reasons she would expect. How dare she underestimate the strength of the queen? How dare she slander fate? They gave him an opportunity to be strong, to be feared. If he had to use these strengths to be a lap dog then so be it. It had it's perks nonetheless. Like now, for example. He got to play a fun game of cat and mouse. He moves over to a window and watches her retreating form. He should chase her down and finish her off, but what was the fun in that? He would be able to find her again anyway, so he'd give her an opportunity to flee. Nightfall would be upon them soon anyway. It would be a waste of strength to take her on then. He would grant her a single night to live, then her time would come. He smiles at the idea of killing her and remains by the window while the whole building slowly bursts into flames. [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Sat, 22/10/2022 04:51 (2 Years ago) |
Yet, he was sitting on the ground like a fool. Blood dripping from his broken hand as he impulsively launched attacks against her. He glares at Mei and slowly stands up, his demeanor suddenly changing. He appeared to be calmer and far more serious. "You want to talk? Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not really in the talkative mood." He frowns at her, obviously struggling to understand her power. Suddenly, his eyes light up and he chuckles. "Where did you learn that little trick of yours? Has fate gifted you with abilities too?" Aster asks. He tries to act natural, he raises his head up at one of the lights and grins. "What a shame, I'm quite the jealous type. She should only have one favorite!" He moves towards one of the lights, smacking his broken hand against the glass. It was worthless to him now anyway. The glass shatters onto the floor and exposes the hot wiring beneath. He rips off a piece of his coat and presses it against the hot wiring. "Now is your time to run" he says with a smile. "I'm about to make this place seem like home!" He laughs out loud at the sight of the fabric smoking. Once it catches on fire he tosses it onto the ground, trying to throw it as close to Mei as possible. It would take awhile for the building to catch on fire of course. But oh, would it light. Years of dust and rotting wood assured that. But his goal wasn't to burn the place down. It was to fully expose Mei. [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Fri, 21/10/2022 16:06 (2 Years ago) |
Her eyes widen when she catches the sight of blood on the man's cheek. When she first arrived, she had noticed that he had a fresh wound. The two claimed that they were attacked by a demon, and it had feasted on his face. Somehow, they managed to stop the bleeding, but it was still badly infected. She notices blood on his fingertips and frowns. He had been scratching it? The three would already be walking targets to demons, but his blood would lure them in like sharks. She moves towards him and he visibly flinches. He tries to smack away her hand but she was faster. She uses a free hand to grab his hand and uses the other to grab his uninjured cheek. She forcefully turns his face and inspects the wound. It was bad. She could re-close the wound. But they would have to start moving to the closest Resistance base. The poor man already looked weak, she wasn't sure if he was at the point where he was past saving. The two were obviously traumatized and gave little resistance when she grabbed a small first aid kit from her pocket and began closing the wound. She had very limited supplies and preferred to save her stiches for emergencies only. She knows better. She should save these stiches for herself. Then again, she hunted demons for a living, so doing the smart thing wasn't exactly her strength. When she was done, she offers both a hand. They hesitate, but accept her hand and allow her to help them up. "Nightfall will be upon us soon" Nox informs. Her voice sounded raspy. She didn't talk to people often so that was to be expected. "We should get moving now. We have a few hours of walking ahead of us. Pack lightly, this is going to be a long journey." She eyes the man's wound again and presses a hand to her chest where she has her own scar. She lowers her head slightly, feeling caught up in all the emotions tied with it. Pain, agony, loss, rage. There would be a time to properly unpack it one day. For now, she would continue fighting. "Let's go" she snaps and begins leading the way. Mei's move had done as intended. While he had gotten lucky the first time and avoided crashing into the wall, Mei's unexpected move caused him to lose his balance. He painfully hits the wall, but catches himself before he could slide down and crash to the floor. Thank you fate, that would've been embarrassing. A furious and animal-like roar bursts out of Aster when he hears Mei's mocking laughter. Okay, now he was angry. There would be no 'bring Mei back alive.' His mind was made up, he was going to kill her. He slams a fist into the ground. Blood splatters onto the wooden floor as Aster tries to dig Mei out of the ground, thinking that, that was where she was. "Come out and fight!" He challenges. He punches the floor again, his arm nearly snapping in the process- his knuckles on the other hand, weren't so lucky. Fortunately, his bones would mend rather quickly. Blood and splinters coat his arm, yet he was still unable to locate Mei. [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Fri, 21/10/2022 00:19 (2 Years ago) |
Aster whirls around, he was unable to hide the surprised look in his eyes when he saw that the human was actually behind him. Again, he smiles in amusement. "A clever trick. I'm impressed!" He turns his head to the opposite side, looking far more serious now. "You seriously aren't running?" Aster asks out loud. "What a foolish mistake!" He leaps towards Mei, hands outstretched and ready to grab her. He would drag her back to Hell and generously present her to miss Persephone. Or he would kill her, but with the headache she was causing him he was leaning more towards kill. [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Thu, 20/10/2022 23:07 (2 Years ago) |
It was on the tip of his tounge, and bothering him. A donkey? A cat? A sparrow? Ah, no, wait, that's right! A dog! "You even brought me a little treat. How nice" Aster is unable to hide the hunger in his voice. He licks his lips, and drags a hand down the door. "I wonder what part I'll eat first? The heart, the brain, the meat? Ahh, I don't know if I can decide!" Aster was in no rush. In his mind, he was the apex predator. What would a lowly human and dog do against him? He had all the time in the world... Or at least, he had until he could no longer hold back on the urge to charge in and attack. He didn't even care that he was giving Mei plenty of time to plan, or maybe he was too foolish to realize it. [Read more] |
RaRaRasputin OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 259 |
Posted: Thu, 20/10/2022 22:07 (2 Years ago) |
He takes his time nearing the apartment complex. The smell of fear was the only thing stopping him from charging towards them like his instincts demanded. The knowledge that his target was afraid of him was delightful. He wouldn't want to waste this moment on something as trivial as hunger. He would have time to feast once he caught them anyway. Aster extends a hand out, clawing the walls as he worked his way towards the pair. "Come out, come out wherever you are!" Aster sings while kicking a door open at random. It, of course, wasn't the room the two were currently hiding in. Aster simply wanted to toy with the two. He resumes his pursuit, clawing the walls and kicking open doors. "Hmph not this one" Aster growls while kicking at the door closest to their room. "Ah, ha! So you must be here!" Aster grins and approaches Mei's room. "Found you!" He growls. He knocks three times and cheerfully shouts out: "room service!" [Read more] |