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LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 23:21 (4 Years ago) |
"Oh!" Audax whipped around to see the glaceon from before. "Ah, sorry!" He looked down at his paws, embarrased. "On the topic, what were those stars about? I didn't know others got one too. What were they meant for?" Clamor was pretty bored, unsurprisingly. There wasn't much to do here... He would try to make a loud noise or something, but that probably would do more harm than good. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 21:07 (4 Years ago) |
"For being a good friend," Audax told Emerald with a grin as he continued to poke the soft bubble. Somewhere in the castle, Clamor heard the distant noises of battling. At best, it was republicans come to invade. But more likely, it was just loyalists practicing. With a lonely sigh, Clamor just lay down and listened. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 20:47 (4 Years ago) |
"It's cool!" Audax smiled at Emerald. "Thanks!" [
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 20:39 (4 Years ago) |
Audax smiled, happy that Emerald was happy. He poked the bubble again. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 20:23 (4 Years ago) |
Audax followed Emerald over to the bubble. [
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 20:11 (4 Years ago) |
"That's good," Audax said, relived. He scanned the area once more, taking in the sighes of Luminia. "I'm ready to go, if everyone else is..." [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 20:01 (4 Years ago) |
"Ah, I see." Audax thought about it. That was smart... hopefully the trip down and up wouldn't be too strenuous, or it wouldn't help too much. It would be good to get away at night... it was also a safe place to plan. The one downside is that they wouldn't be able to know what was going on if things happened at night... "Do you have a way to catch up with Luminian news you may have missed?" Audax asked Yung. Clamor sighed again. He looked to see the republicans in the cells near him. These cells were supposed to contain real criminals, not ordinary citizens wanting a voice! He unsheathed a claw and scraped the ground. Might as well practice writing, since his was pretty messy anyway. He didn't know when he'd get the chance to communicate again, but he'd look forward to it. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 19:50 (4 Years ago) |
"Yep!" Audax called out to Yung. He hadn't expected to be leaving Luminia so soon, but he saw that it was a good idea to plan elsewhere. Then they could end this whole war eventually... that would be good. Clamor knew this would happen, but he didn't have much of a choice. Oh well, he could probably endure the loneliness... At least he had a lot of time to think and train, even if it was in this small enclosure. Once the knights had left, Clamor practiced his swipes and moves in the air, making as little noise as possible. Even now, he was a little bored. It would be more interesting to train against another pokemon. He sighed. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 19:37 (4 Years ago) |
Audax nodded, bounching along. He wanted to savour these last moments in Luminia before he could return. Hopefully no one staying in Luminia would miss him. Clamor flicked away the chalk. He wasn't going to reveal the information for so easily, even for freedom to go out. He would be giving more than it was worth. He thought of all the pokemon he met at the base, and all of their reasons for protesting. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 19:26 (4 Years ago) |
Audax blushed at the compliments, then comfirmed Winter's guess. "It's sort of ironic though," He said. "I'm kind of the opposite of bold." He laughed a little. Clamor stayed silent of course, all while observing the knights calmly. At least he was being given some respect, thought it wouldn't be enough to get him to share, even if he could speak. He flicked his tail, annoyed but interested. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 19:08 (4 Years ago) |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 19:03 (4 Years ago) |
"Nice to meet you, Winter." Audax hopped onto one of the bubbles, timing his jumps for optimum bounce height. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 18:50 (4 Years ago) |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 18:44 (4 Years ago) |
Audax nodded. "I have most of the things I need in my bag already, I think." It was true. Audax liked to be prepared, and kept tons of things in his heavy bag he'd grown used to carrying: A few books, some berries, the snow star, rope, pens, pencils, paper, and other trinkets. His back would probably be crooked in the future from carrying it... but eh. Fun didn't sound like a bad idea, though. He needed a distraction. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 18:34 (4 Years ago) |
Some knights would probably come to question him... Clamor smiled, knowing that he couldn't say anything anyway. He'd not give them any information, and at the very least, give the knights a minor inconvenience. Actually, he was looking forward to a questioning, so at least someone would come in here... it was a little boring and lonely all cramped up in this cell. He thought about that one time a knight almost put him in here over a misunderstanding he couldn't explain well. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 18:26 (4 Years ago) |
Clamor paced his cell, annoyed. He'd been captured! By loyalists! And even worse, he'd dropped his slate somewhere so he wouldn't even be able to talk. As an extrovert, that hit hard. He'd even settle "speaking" to a loyalist at this point. A permanent galre was fixed on his face as he struggled to find a way out, fighting both the bars and his loneliness. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 18:13 (4 Years ago) |
"Probably," Audax nodded. "I'll go find some, thanks!" He nodded at Thea before rushing out the door. Pokemon were talking all over the place, and Audax thought he heard something about a lucario and neutral pokemon travelling...? It was Yung probably, and if not, well, it didn't hurt to ask. Back at the plaza, Audax spotted Fortem, and dashed up to him. "Fortem!" He panted. "I'm a little rushed, sorry, but... have you seen Yung?" Fortem nodded. "He ran off that way, I think." With a grateful and apologetic nod, Audax rushed in that direction. Yung was a pretty well known pokemon, and he was neutral too... he would most likely be high up on the neutral side, if it really was a side at all. Clamor used the last of his energy battling. It was the one thing that he really knew how to do, and he clung to it. It was almost relieving... though Clamor began to question if that was healthy. After ages, Clamor found himself collapsed on the ground, and struggled to get up and knights approached him. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 17:58 (4 Years ago) |
Audax looked down. "Not really..." He was honestly too shy to approach lots of pokemon, and too scared, but he supposed he'd have to set that aside in the current times. Clamor huffed and puffed. He'd done good work today, knocking out many knights and loyalists. That was pretty good for one luxio, he supposed. He scampered to the side of the plaza as knights approached.... he didn't know if he could take on too many more. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 17:37 (4 Years ago) |
Audax nodded. "So what can we do?" He asked, his fur bristling with worry. Clamor pinned down the absol, clawing her once more in the face, before moving on. He'd gotten enough revenge... But somehow, that sad feeling was still in his heart. Battling like this couldn't help his loneliness. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 17:28 (4 Years ago) |
Well, now we know that it's very doable. [Read more] |