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Posted: Mon, 15/06/2020 18:24 (4 Years ago)
Thx 4 da support!!

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Posted: Mon, 15/06/2020 05:35 (4 Years ago)
@pixly, well if u mean "I think it looks fine" then sure, your opinion is greatly appreciated. But if u mean they look the same, you are vastly wrong in my opinion but at the same time just in general. U can tell what it is but it looks horrible

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2020 22:22 (4 Years ago)
Has anyone called you a boomer yet, and if not will I get locked if I say "Ok Boomer" to your answer?

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2020 14:10 (4 Years ago)
Plus, let's say u have a shiny shop and one of your rules is "Dont Resell without Permission" but I sold without permission, you could find the shiny and give me a warning saying I broke a rule

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2020 14:03 (4 Years ago)
@THE_MOTORIST, thanks!

@fuzzyrules, To see the example, try clicking Ephenia's example then click a shiny. My though process was like if I for example hatched a shiny Magikarp and sold it accidentally, I could either one, panic and tell people not to by it or two remain calm and got to the PR's clickable links and head over to whoever bought it and try to get it back. But then again, you could also just plain use it for finding shinies u hatched. But I do see your point and I'm sitting on it

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2020 13:54 (4 Years ago)
Yes, or the link wont work but people could freak out and assume it's a bug so a thing saying "Sorry, this pokemon doesn't exist" would be better

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2020 19:17 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2020 19:16 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2020 18:21 (4 Years ago)
Another bump

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2020 16:23 (4 Years ago)
No support, for the same reason Godfaking said but more. Premium members already have a large advantage over the majority of users but when u add premium users not only getting another chance to get things from rumble, but those things being rarer than what normal users get, it would throw the site way out of balance

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2020 16:08 (4 Years ago)
No support, your really limiting yourself with the "favorite only" thing and the Galar legends will be obtainable eventually

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2020 03:19 (4 Years ago)
Pass me the cop-inator

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Posted: Thu, 11/06/2020 15:52 (4 Years ago)
What did Riako have against Grimmsnarl?

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Posted: Thu, 11/06/2020 15:30 (4 Years ago)
Have u ever blocked someone (before or after becoming a mod)

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Posted: Thu, 11/06/2020 14:37 (4 Years ago)

Title: My Pokemon Teams

(Still WIP)
Well, I think it's time I did this, since as of 4 weeks ago I have finished every main series pokemon game, so might as well tell yall me teams from each game in order of oldest to most recent:

Pokemon Yellow:
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So, when pokemon yellow came out on the virtual console, I decided I wanted yellow cus.... I wanted to. And the team I used was:
Chester, the Pikachu, but I actually boxed it after Misty's gym cus I knew it couldnt become Raichu
Oswald, the Charizard cus Charizard can learn Fly
Squirt, the Blastoise cus I've always liked it and I had never used one up to that point
Hawking, the Alakazam cus I knew it was OP as all hell in gen one
Charger, the Tauros same story with Alakazam
Reptar, the Nidoking cus Nidoking has an incredibly large move pool that I knew would come in handy later on

Pokemon Silver
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So Pokemon Silver I got when it came out on the virtual console however, I never actually played it until around the time my brother died cus while it might have not seemed like it to yall, I was very depressed around that time and playing it was really the only thing that I felt like doing. And the team I used for that was:
Badger, the Typlosion cus Typlosion was my favorite pokemon for the longest time and I knew it was only really good in gen 2
Kenya, the Fearow cus i knew it would be helpful and it got gain experience due to it being a trade pokemon
Einstein, the Alakazam cus I knew Alakazam was still super OP in gen 2

Pokemon Dword
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Congo, the Rillaboom
Hellion, the shiny Grimmsnarl (I randomly encountered one and had it on my team)
Ravenclaw, the Corviknight
Drednaught, the Drednaw
Lamplight, the Orbeetle
and finally
Soldier, the Sirfetch'd

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Posted: Thu, 11/06/2020 05:52 (4 Years ago)
No support, its basically a worse version of the rumble areas

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Posted: Thu, 11/06/2020 05:41 (4 Years ago)
While I dont really think it would make a huge difference to the site, I can see how it could be convenient so.... supporr

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Posted: Wed, 10/06/2020 20:37 (4 Years ago)

Title: My Opinion of Every Pokemon (as of 6/10/20)

note to self, use this

After an annoying amount of time looking at every pokemon in the main series, I finally have it. With over 75% of the vote from a poll I did like 3 months ago, here is my opinion on every pokemon ever created as of June 10th, 2020. Now to make it so this isnt the longest thing ever created, each region will be in it's own little spoiler box, and each pokemon will have a brief thing saying my feelings about the pokemon and all major forms of pokemon will have their own little abbreviation (i.e. "M" means mega, "A" means alolan, "G" means Galarian, and "GMax" means gigantimax). So without further ado, my opinions on every pokemon as of June 10th are:

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Bulbasaur - Awesome
Ivysaur - Awesome
Venusaur - Awesome
M- Venasaur - Awesome
GMax Venasaur - Awesome
Charmander - Awesome
Charmeleon - Awesome
Charizard - Awesome
M-Charizard X - Awesome
M-Charizard Y - Awesome, but I prefer the other one
GMax Charizard - Awesome, but I'm annoyed it exists.
Squirtle - Awesome
Wartortle - Awesome
Blastoise - Awesome
Mega Blastoise - Awesome
GMax Blastoise - Hilariously Awesome
Caterpie - Boring
Metapod - Boring
Butterfree - Ok, I guess
Gmax Butterfree - It reminds me of Mothra.... I like it
Weedle - Slightly more interesting than Caterpie, but still boring
Kakuna - Memes
Beedrill - Ok
M-Beedrill - Awesome
Pidgey - Cute
Pidgeotto - Solid Middle stage
Pidgeot - Cool
M-Pidgeot - Awesome
Rattata - Meh
Alolan Rattata - Cooler
Raticate - Meh
Alolan Raticate - Wtf?! Why is it so fat?
Spearow - Cool, but sorta boring
Fearow - Cool
Ekans - Doog Ton (not good)
Arbok - Looc (Cool)
Pikachu - I mean, it's the most well known pokemon ever so..... ok?
GMax Pikachu - Fat Pikachu, but why does it exist
Raichu - Overshadowed
A-Raichu - Very cute
Sandshrew - Cute
A-Sandshrew - Cute, but its face is alittle weird
Sandslash - Cool
A-Sandslash - Its hot as hell.
Nidoran♀ - Cute
Nidorina - Better
Nidoqueen - Amazing
Nidoran♂ - I like it better than the female one
Nidorino - Better
Nidoking - Amazing
Clefairy - I mean.... sort of cute??
Clefable - Sort of cute, but after battling against many, I freaking despise it
Vulpix - Cute
A-Vulpix - Even Cuter
Ninetales - Cool
A-Ninetales - Beautiful
Jigglypuff - Funny in the anime, but it was the favorite pokemon of the person who broke my brothers heart so, I hate it
Wigglytuff - Not great
Zubat - Annoying, but somehow cute
Golbat - Wtf?
Oddish - Blazing
Gloom - Ugly
Vileplume - Meh
Paras - Cute
Parasect - Boeing
Venonat - Boring
Venomoth - Boring
Diglett - Boring
A-Diglett - Stupid
Dugtrio - Stupider
A-Dugtrio - Wtf?! The literally just slapped hair on it and called it new?!
Meowth - Meh
GMax Meowth - Why does this exist?
A-Meowth - Sleak
G-Meowth - Why does this exist?! It already had an Alolan form and a GMax form
Persian - Ok I guess
A-Persian - F*^$^#; terrible
Psyduck - Psy Yi Yi...... its ok
Golduck - Slightly cool
Mankey - Cute
Primeape - So Mankey got bigger and lost the tail.... that's dumb.... but its ok
Growlithe - Annoying in the anime
Arcanine - Dope af
Poliwag - Cute?
Poliwhirl - Ok?
Poliwrath - Boring
Abra - Cute
Kadabra - Cool
Alakazam - Very Cool
M-Alakazam - Kinda stupid
Machop - Ok
Machoke - Ok
Machamp - Cool
GMax Machamp - Very cool
Bellsprout - Boring
Weepinbell - Boring
Victreebel - Better
Tentacool - Annoying
Tentacruel - Annoying
Geodude - Ok
A-Geodude - Better than the regular form
Graveler - Ok
A-Graveler - Better
Golem - Don't understand how it went from man rock to monster rock, but its cool
A-Golem - Kinda stupid
Ponyta - Ok
G-Ponyta - So freaking cute! Cant wait to see its evolution
Rapidash - Cool
G-Rapidash - Waste of potential
Slowpoke - Meh
G-Slowpoke - Weirdly better than its original version
Slowbro - No
G-Slowbro - Very cool, weirdly enough
M-Slowbro -...............
Magnemite - Meh
Magneton - Meh
Farfetch'd - Meh
G-Farfetch'd - Amazing
Doduo - Cute
Dodrio - Cool
Seel - Dumb
Dewgong - Dumb
Grimer - Fun
A-Grimer - Even Funner
Muk - Cool
A-Muk - Even Cooler
Shellder - Ok
Cloyster - Its ok.... but it looks suspiciously like a va-
Gastly - Ok
Haunter - Better
Gengar - Amazing
M-Gengar - Knockout
GMax Gengar - Homerun
Onix - Ok
Drowzee - Creepy
Hypno - Ok, but fanart of it is nightmare inducing
Krabby - Cute
Kingler - Boring, but cool
GMax Kingler - Funny
Voltorb - Meh
Electrode - Worse than Voltorb
Exeggcute - Dumb af
Exeggutor - Not great
A-Exeggutor - The memes about it are amazing, but its ok
Cubone - Cute, and depressing
Marowak - Cool
A-Marowak - Freaking Fantastic
Hitmonlee - Cool
Hitmonchan - Not a fan
Lickitung - Gross
Koffing - Ok
Weezing - Tumor
G-Weezing - Funny
Rhyhorn - Ok
Rhydon - Very Cool
Chansey - Boring
Tangela - Boring
Kangaskhan - Boring
M-Kangaskhan - Boring, but after battling against them, I hate them
Horsea - Cute
Seadra - Cool
Goldeen - Boring
Seaking - Boring
Staryu - Boring
Starmie - Ok
Mr. Mime - Bad
G-Mr. Mime - Better, but not great
Scyther - Cool
Jynx - .......................die
Electabuzz - Cool
Magmar - Meh
Pinsir - Cool
M-Pinsir - Terrifyingly Amazing
Tauros - Amazing
Magikarp - GOD!!
Gyarados - Cool
M-Gyarados - Its fine.... but it needed to be dragon typed
Lapras - Amazing
GMax Lapras - I like it, but personally prefer regular Lapras
Ditto - Copycat gonna cop my glamour
Eevee - Cute
GMax Eevee - I like its dex entries, but why does it exist?
Vaporeon - Ok
Jolteon - Cool
Flareon - Worst of the three, but still good
Porygon - Seizure
Omanyte - LORD HELIX!! its ok
Omastar - Not great
Kabuto - Cool
Kabutops - Cooler
Aerodactyl - Awesome
M-Aerodactyl - Awesome
Snorlax - Amazing
GMax Snorlax - Hilarious
Articuno - Cool
G-Articuno - I liked it at first, but it's not my favorite
Zapdos - Not great
G-Zapdos - Very cool
Moltres - its ok
Dratini - Cute
Dragonair - Larger Dratini
Dragonite - Kinda derpy
Mewtwo - Dope
M-Mewtwo X - Not Great
M-Mewtwo Y - Somehow worse
Mew - Amazing

And my overall opinion of Gen One: Good

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Chikorita - Not great
Bayleef - Better
Meganium - Very disappointing
Cyndaquil - Awesome
Quilava - Awesome
Typhlosion -Awesome
Totodile - Cute
Croconaw - Kinda weird
Feraligatr - Awesome
Sentret - Cute
Furret - Cute
Hoothoot - Fine
Noctowl - Lets face it, if it werent for Ash's shiny one, no one would care about it........ its ok
Ledyba - Cute
Ledian - Weirdly cool
Spinarak - Cute
Ariados - Also weirdly cool
Crobat - Amazing
Chinchou - Cute
Lanturn - Cool
Pichu - Cute
Cleffa - Cute
Igglybuff - Same boat as Jigglypuff
Togepi - Cute
Togetic - Ok
Natu - Cute
Xatu - Meh
Mareep - Cute
Flaaffy - Cuter
Ampharos - The staple of all Johto teams
M-Ampharos - It got lighter colors and it threw on a wig..... that f@#$ing dumb
Bellossom - Why does this exist?
Marill - Meh
Azumarill - Indifferent
Sudowoodo - Meh
Politoed - Cute
Hoppip - Cute
Skiploom - Kinda weird, dont know why though
Jumpluff - Meh
Aipom - Ok
Sunkern - Cute
Sunflora - Bad
Yanma - Meh
Wooper - Meh
Quagsire - You know how in highschool there are the popular kids then there are the emo kids.... Quagsire is the weird and nerdy one. Thats why I named one from my HGSS Randomizer Egglocke Napoleon
Espeon - It's ok
Umbreon - Very cool
Murkrow - Meh
Slowking - Meh
G-Slowking - We havent seen what it looks like yet
Misdreavus - Cute
Unown - ?!
Wobbuffet - Like with Noctowl, if it werent owned by Jesse and James, this thing would just be an annoying nuzlocke ender
Girafarig - Meh
Pineco - Meh
Forretress - Meh
Dunsparce - Meh
Gligar - Meh
Steelix - Awesome
M-Steelix - Very good
Snubbull - Bad
Granbull - Better
Qwilfish - Bad
Scizor - Awesome
M-Scizor - Not the biggest fan, but it looks cool
Shuckle - Not a fan
Heracross - It's cool, but I hate Ash's Heracross
Sneasel - Meh
Teddiursa - Cute
Ursaring - Cool
Slugma - Meh
Magcargo - Meh
Swinub - Not great
Piloswine - Bad
Corsola - Cute
G-Corsola - Way better than regular Corsola
Remoraid - Meh
Octillery - Dont understand the evolutionary line..... it's ok
Delibird - Bad
Mantine - It's ok
Skarmory - Cool
Houndour - Ok
Houndoom - Cool, but alittle bland
M-Houndoom - Very cool, much better than regular Houndoom
Kingdra - Cool
Phanpy - Cute
Donphan - I'm mixed, on one hand I think its cool, but on the other I really hate it
Porygon2 - Better than Porygon
Stantler - Boring
Smeargle - Bad
Tyrogue - Not a fan
Hitmontop - My favorite of it's entire evo line
Smoochum - Bad
Elekid - Bad
Magby - Cute
Miltank - Horrible
Blissey - Ok
Raikou - Very Cool
Entei - Very Cool, but I prefer Raikou
Suicune - Same boat as Entei, but I like it less than the other two
Larvitar - Cute
Pupitar - Ok
Tyranitar - Amazing
M-Tyranitar - Very Amazing
Lugia - Cool
Ho-Oh - I prefer Lugia, but still cool
Celebi - Not my favorite

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Posted: Wed, 10/06/2020 02:44 (4 Years ago)
I want a spooky scary pokemon!
Username: RoyalGecko
Name of Breeder and Pokemon Hunting: tjsgamingtv/galarian zigzagoon
Shiny or Mega-able and Amount: 1 please
Payment Amount and Type: 150k
Other: no everstone

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Posted: Mon, 08/06/2020 21:11 (4 Years ago)
*Talla stopped coughing and laid on the ground. She took deep breathes in and out. From outside her cell she heard Lukas shout.* Guys! We have an inmate down! *She heard several different footsteps from outside and heard keys jingle as her cell door opened. Someone walked up to Talla and knelt down next to her. They poked her to see if she was still alive and her hand quickly jolted out and grabbed their face. Her veins began to surge a bright red as blood flowed to her hand. She looked at the guard and saw it was Lukas. She smirked and put him down.* You live, pet. *The guards closed the cell door and called for backup. Talla turned around and looked at them with a ferocious glare. Talla felt the earth below her and twisted her foot on the ground. She put her hands up towards the door and closed her eyes. She felt the power flow through her, and finally opened her eyes. She manipulated the earth under the cell to blow the door of towards the guards, crushing them up against the wall. She walked out of her cell and saw guards walking towards her with riot shields. Her veins turned a bright red and fire blasted out of her hands towards the guards.*

*Once she stopped, she looked at the charred remains of the guards and smirked. She walked over the dead bodies towards the door, until a guard stood in front of her with a gun aimed at her face* Stop right there, 24601!! *Talla saw a cup of water in a fellow inmates cell and she took control of it, turning it into a icicle and firing it at the guards face. It pierced through his skull, killing him instantly. Another group of guards walked up behind Talla and began firing bullets at her. She turned around and stopped them mid air. The guards looked puzzled as she grabbed one and flicked it. She looked at them* What? Did you think I was gonna Matrix dodge them? *She fired the bullets back at the guards, killing them instantly. She looked around and saw more guards just watching her.* Anyone else? *The guards turned and ran away.*

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