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Searching for: Posts from juliewolffang64.
Posted: Sat, 14/11/2020 03:48 (4 Years ago)
Really like how interesting other folks' got their usernames. Mine is just my usual artist pen name - back when I signed just about every piece of art with this name. The numbers 64 - is a strange thing as that was always what comes to mind in terms of game console: the Nintendo 64. Probably because of the games for it like Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, Mario Kart 64, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Smash Bros., and so on...

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Posted: Sat, 14/11/2020 03:03 (4 Years ago)
Still a bit "new" so I figured I would try to gush about something I enjoy - that's not drawing... I'll eventually work up the courage to maybe share an "online portfolio" someday.

Going back on topic, I figured I would ask and see if folks would like to talk about some of their favorite literature. Anything that is published would do, maybe I'll leave the fanworks from others online to another user. For me, I'm into the fantasy genre such as vampires and other supernatural beings. My recent find and enjoyment that is "new" to me was The Dresden Files: Storm Front by Jim Butcher. The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod is my personal favorite series (and something I try to gush a little more on my Tumblr blog, heh heh...). Yes, I have touched a bit on the Twilight Saga and own all four parts of the series. It was - rather iffy. If I manage to pick them up and read them again it'll be more than likely for guilty pleasure (sort of).

In terms of what I've read recently, I've actually been trying to read through as much as possible Anxiety: Expert Advice from a Neurotic Shrink Who's Lived with Anxiety All His Life by Mark Cross. Big heads up: there are some topics being brought up during the book that are considered triggering/cringing for most folks but it does seem interesting coming from another person that has dealt with anxiety. It does feature other folks' stories and personal experiences as well as Cross' own. It was a library digital rental but still fascinating.

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Posted: Thu, 12/11/2020 00:03 (4 Years ago)

Title: Wednesday, Nov. 11th

While I have noticed that the in-game clock runs much much faster than my local area clock here in the mid-U.S. (as it's 5:40 in the evening at the time of composing this). Got around to finally access the site on a PC after being restricted to just mobile.

Not only will I be using the time through the PC to do some writing here and a bit of extra checking but also another switch with the avatar (very sorry folks...). I was able to give the Safari Zone a try - and I wasn't quite as good as I thought I would. I did manage to catch a Beedrill though! Regardless, most of the nags are just on me as my USB mouse was on a less than stable surface and that could've been well improved for the next try at it... Although, mostly any of my playtime here will be strictly on mobile. Probably because I'm a bad creature of habit and like to have that bit of flexibility. Just having the easier access to just tapping away - or just the fact that I find it a good excuse as an easy stimming moment - was the main factor as to why I'm going mobile mostly.

As for journal/diary entries, that's up for personal debate. I do like the PC method as the keyboard is much easier on the fingers (and temper, heh heh...) but at the same time I like the mobile method as well. The real kicker though - is that my mobile browser is a bit picky as where if I tap an area that's not clickable or doesn't activate an action, it freezes and then proceeds to crash. I have let the developers know by review (not the best method I admit), but confrontation is not my strong suit. Regardless, I try to work around it and when it does happen, shrug and move on.

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Posted: Thu, 05/11/2020 20:52 (4 Years ago)
Not exactly sure how the diary works but I'll give this a try...

Thursday, November 5, 2020
Been slowly learning the features of the game as well as trying to get the trainer level up. Most of the time spent here is just - mostly gardening. I admit that my time on playing the main PKMN games have disoriented my expectations. Although I wouldn't use "disoriented" as much as I would say - I've gotten used to long waits and trying to backtrack to the place where I planted the berries. Although Pokemon X/Y made it easier with the berry garden being the only location and gen 7 games with the pelago.
Non-PkHeroes related but I've been trying to get 2FA set up again on my phone so I could be more secure. Unfortunately an error has prevented me from really getting up and running and now beginning the recovering progress... The usual spam emails from phishing dorks have gotten my mood in a tight spot but most of which I was able to laugh off. Regardless, came on here after that break and just interacting with other player's Pokemon has really lifted my spirits and gives me joy.

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Posted: Thu, 05/11/2020 19:52 (4 Years ago)
Name: Julie

Gender: Constant Waves of Change - aka Genderfluid which is indeed a real term and don't forget that punk.

Age: Old enough to know better but still young enough to learn even better as well.

LGBTQ+ Stuff: Ace, Greyromantic to a degree - and probably Nebularomantic...

Local Time: 5 hours behind server, or 6 hours during DST...

Favorite PKMN:

Important Stuff to Remember!

I take a lot of issues you have with me rather seriously. If there is something that bugs you I might of done, please notify me of it and I will take care of that.

I'm someone that is plausibly on the autism spectrum as well as someone with anxiety. These are not my excuses for the way I behave nor do I condone folx that blame me for these neurodiverse differences. Therefore, I wish for those that use ableist views to buzz off! I do not feel comfortable with you commenting that tone here.

Aside from reporting trolls masquerading as average users, please refrain from asking me to participate in any drama. I've left a few sites because of it but here, it's a bit more easy to ignore such things.

Please respect my wishes to decline access to extra code information in terms of gaming. I'm one of those weirdos that doesn't give my friend code out to just anyone! I rather have folx online that I communicate with most often and feel comfortable with talking to and playing with like they do have my friend code in their address book. So unless you're friends with me and I've added you back and talked, please don't ask.

I am actually religious person in real life, but I promise I don't shove it down folx's throats... Please keep this bit in mind when you subscribe to this diary. I know some may not be into religion for various reasons and thus, I want to respect those people and their boundaries by putting a warning for that.
Pokesona Stuff

Species: Lucario (Common color pallette)
Nature + Personality: Timid; loves to eat, scatters things often, often short tempered
Been a fan since Pokemon Yellow and sort of still play with the recent games being Ultra Sun and Pokemon Shuffle with a grudge. I mostly like the forth generation of Pokemon (DPPlt/HGSS) as well as Generation 6 (XY/ORAS). I'm not at all competitive but rather I like to play for fun. EV training is something I kind of work on but never really invest in personally. I just pick favorites and figure out how to utilize their full potential in the best way possible.

I admit that I like a rather "overrated" Pokemon everyone loves to throw muck on, but to each their own. There are some Pokemon I feel the same way about but not very vocal enough to broadcast my distaste for them so there's that part of me... While I have rather wild ideas on making an art blog of some form (tried and disliked the site I used) or even a book review blog, my experiences with folx online and offline alike dampened the chances of them being implemented so to speak.

PalPad + PM Policy
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When it comes to PP messages, those are limited to just friends only. PMs are just as strict though.

Do not ask for trade requests or battles unless you are on my friends list. I rather know the person first before engaging in activities with them. The trades also include those that require that in order to evolve for the dex. I probably expect it to be traded back as I am also working on mine as well.

Unless the Pokemon are in the GTL Candidates box, they're not up for trade. I did this so I don't end up releasing or trading off a Pokemon I have all intentions of keeping a hold of.

Don't ask for PD/Nuggets as this is an automatic report. I rarely do that out of the blue but if there's an issue with getting PD via interactions for you, feel free to ask me for suggestions to help keep you focused on clicking and tips that could help with that. I sadly do not condone handing these out as they are against PH rules.

Friends List Policy + Heads up on Feed Posts from me...
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Don't add me to your friends list and expect to be added back. While most users are okay with having new buddies around their list to interact, I tend to be rather overprotective and want to know who gets to be on that list of friends. PMs are your best starting point as I recommend connecting with me beforehand. This doesn't mean I automatically will say "Let's be Friends!" but rather it's that I'm willing to open up a little to you. I've listed that on the profile numerous times so please respect that boundary.

I do not feel comfortable with users that still have the default silhouette profile picture... I admit this might be enough to set someone off a bit, but it's another personal boundary I'm starting to establish. Most of this is due to how I've been around a lot of sites for so long where anyone that has the default icon/avatar on a site is usually a bot or maybe a possible trollster... It may be different for some as they can't find a decent image to use for their avatar, but I think there's plenty of places to go to find one, even the forums here have a few threads where they offer free avatars. Interactions with Pokemon or just sending a plush do not cause me to block you per say, but if you comment on a feed post or PM me - that might be enough to where it causes alarm. Please don't take that boundary personally...
I try to not post a whole lot on my feed and thus, diary posts are the main source of my blabber mouthing. Both sources have their chance of being a personal vent and I try to not do any callouts against anyone regardless of how they wronged me. Personally, that type of posting is not exactly helpful but hurts more than heals.

Do not comment on my feed posts to read your post/diary entry.... If I want to read it, I'll do that on my own free will. I'm not a robot meant to make you happy. I'm a real person just like you with real feelings and thoughts. If there is something that is concerning to you, fee free to reach out to me about the feed post. I'll try to respond to you as soon as possible. Be cautious on your wording though as I can sometimes take things out of context... I tend to be better when I can hear the tone of the person's voice - reading text on a PC however is difficult to find out their tone.

I tend to share a bit of personal opinions and that's just what they are: personal opinions. I do not in any way want to shove that down people's throats as they have the right to maintain a different stance on the matter. I do ask for the same since they are just my opinions and not exactly reflective of the overall population of the world.

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Posted: Tue, 03/11/2020 20:21 (4 Years ago)
Recently heard of this site through another person on social media and I figured I would give it a try. As with my username, name's Julie - and I'm a 24 year old nerd that likes a wide range of video games. Of course, Pokemon is on that list. I do enjoy a bit of reading and drawing. I'm also an individual with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and anxiety. Because of that, the events of the real world have been putting my mental health in a tail spin like almost everyone else.

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