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Posted: Fri, 14/10/2022 21:01 (2 Years ago)

Title: Winner/Next Round

The winner of the second week is Altreo, I enjoyed everyone's entries, so don't be discouraged for not winning everyone else! I'll be send the prize now!

Round Three: Alstroemeria

Good luck everyone!

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Posted: Fri, 07/10/2022 16:54 (2 Years ago)

Title: Winner/Next Round

The winner of the first week is MoonlingXD, I enjoyed everyone's entries, so don't be discouraged for not winning everyone else! I'll be send the prize now!

Round Two: Tree-Flower Hinata

Good luck everyone!

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Posted: Fri, 30/09/2022 05:42 (2 Years ago)
This round's Pokemon is Ellie! Good luck!

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Posted: Fri, 23/09/2022 19:16 (2 Years ago)
This is a game/contest that I plan to hold weekly. In it, I'll link a Pokémon on site (if I link someone else's, I will get that users permission first so don't be worried about that) that has been named. To enter, simply come up with a story how this Pokémon got this name. It can be goofy, serious, an outright fabrication, or even the truth, so long as the piece follows site rules! A winner will be chosen based on whichever story I like the best, it may be because it's so funny or because it seems the most realistic, so get creative if you'd like!

The winner will be chosen when the next Pokémon gets linked or at the end of 7 days if there's a delay in choosing a Pokémon or something of that nature. The prize for each story winner is 100 nuggets. The first Pokémon link will be in my first reply to this thread!

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Posted: Mon, 12/09/2022 14:43 (2 Years ago)
The market for most/all Hisuian Pokémon hasn't leveled out yet, especially the shinies, I believe, so there's honestly no way of knowing how much one will go for until you find someone offering or selling.

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Posted: Thu, 30/06/2022 12:41 (2 Years ago)
Wyrdeer being ridden by a shiny Mr Rime, holding its cane by the bottom and lasso coming off of the hook end like a cowboy pose. Even if you don't make it, I hope the mental image makes you laugh!

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Posted: Wed, 15/06/2022 02:57 (2 Years ago)
I don't recall ever seeing a way to make that function on this list, so I'd say your best bet is to copy it from somewhere else and hope it stays correctly or use an emoji since the site now supports the use of those.

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Posted: Thu, 09/06/2022 15:15 (2 Years ago)
This would really help with the puzzle pieces on mobile! Full support!

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Posted: Wed, 11/05/2022 16:22 (2 Years ago)
@Frozawolf101, thanks for reaching out! When you're able to start, just PM me any questions you have about dragon cats you need/want to know! :D

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Posted: Thu, 05/05/2022 03:03 (2 Years ago)
I'm looking for a couple types of art for the D&D campaign that I'm trying to run, and as I have trouble wording things the way I want I was hoping to commission art from whomever for the MANY things I need drawn. It's a whole bucket-list and each thing pays by itself so if you see one thing you can do but not another, don't worry!

Scenery The base pay for these are 1k nuggets, potentially negotiable depending on artist
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1) A forest with trees so large that their trunks are larger than most houses, the roots of which cross between the trees and stick up over the ground, like tall enough to keep carriages or horses from easily passing through. The bark is a bit dark and the trees themselves are tall enough that you can't see the top of them from the ground. Leaves, if you choose to show any at all, are a dark green color. Forest green, in fact. If it helps inspiration-wise, this is the forest in which the Elven Monarchy controls, they live on top of the trees far above the ground I don't care if you want to draw something up close to the trees or as a far away shot, feel free to reach out to me for any questions!
2) A city on top of trees so large that a huge city can expand on top of them, the buildings are made of beautiful white stone and branches from the trees below (see previous item for more information). Mainly elves live up here, as they don't often give permits to enter the city to those who aren't city-born elves. Despite it being so high in the sky, they don't allow for flying as it is seen as a show of power and a risk for attack. There are guards posted regularly all around the city, fully equipped and some of them have a mount with them so as to keep the sky cleared. The guards use Pegisi and Griffins as mounts. While the "ground" beneath sometimes looks like the branches may fall away at any moment they're actually sturdy enough to hold a full-grown muscled, armored, and mounted man. Lower-class elves still look rather well off in the city as they only allow the best of the best in the city, but it's definitely easy to tell when a rich or noble person is around as they're still much more fancily clothed. (There are NO winged elves in this city, as it's incredibly important to my story that winged elves, aka Avariel, are considered extinct, but pretty much any other kind of elf is acceptable)
3) If you read the first two items you may be wondering "If flying isn't allowed, then how do they get up into the city?" Well, simple! This is something that I want to see drawn with all my might, actually! Inside of one of these giant trees is an elevator. It looks relatively small inside of the moving box that people use, but outside of that, still inside of the tree though, is an extensive, more than 500 strong, community of gnomes who live in and maintain the elevator. They receive aid and protection from the elves in return for guarding and maintaining the precious and extremely large elevator.
4) A pure and clean, extra large lake with 4 rivers sprouting off of it, flowing outwards and in different corners. To one side of the lake is an ancient city in ruin, overgrown by fields and trees here and there, crumbled stone and whatnot. Eerily enough, there's no sign of any life anywhere except for vegetation. I don't care if you want to draw something up close to the trees or as a far away shot, feel free to reach out to me for any questions!
5) This is a twofer and is worth at least 2k nuggets A tear shaped "island" which is actually a piece of the continent which has been torn away from the rest and now stands as a large sheer-cliff formation poking out of the sea/ocean/water. On the cliff/island is a city, the royal grounds/mansion at the tip of the almost triangular shaped land and normal housing on the other end. One picture is to be a general image of something in the city (there are a number of areas so if you're interested in drawing this one, then please PM me!), and another is to be one of the cliff/island off in the distance, from the view which has the castle in perfect view. I don't care if you want to draw something up close to the trees or as a far away shot, feel free to reach out to me for any questions!
6) A mountain range of 5 mountains total, the largest in the middle. The 5 surrounding it are all small enough to fit a city on and DO in fact contain a city each, all inhabited by dwarves (although this part might not be needed for information for drawing). There's 2 cities to the left, 2 to the right, and one in front of the largest mountain, each side has one mountain farther back from the other almost like a star shape is being made with them. I don't care if you want to draw something up close to the trees or as a far away shot, feel free to reach out to me for any questions!
7) A small ruined city by the waterside with a river leading out towards the beach, it winds around the city, or perhaps it was simply built up to the riverbank, no one knows anymore. There are plains pretty much anywhere you look, although if you're facing the south from the ruins the fields suddenly lose all signs of life at a sudden point. The city is filled with dragonborn and elves, they mill around doing daily life things like selling or buying things, preparing to go hunting or fishing, or crafting one thing or another. The buildings are old, but the ones which are livable have a base of a ruined building followed by a top half and/or roof of a more modern-for-the-times feel.
8) A large town/small city built in the hilly plains, well maintained roads leading into it from 2 sides. I have a map more detailed map of how it generally looks but there's no set-in-stone picture for it, PM me if you'd like to see it to do this one. To one side of the location is a very large building which is bustling, people entering, leaving, and generally hanging around it. In front of it two paths/roads which curve around the building meet up, and behind it each path/road has a large building of their own, albeit much smaller than the one in front of them. The largest building is actually a very old but extremely well maintained ancient building.
9) A mountain with a city bustling with humans inside it, a castle built in the part closest to the top of the mountain.
10) An island covered in forest with a town bustling with gnomes and orcs living peacefully with each other, gnomes making inventions and orcs implementing them/doing the heavy lifting.
11) A volcano on an island, smoke coming off of it. The land nearby appears livable and animals happily carry on their lives here. The volcano isn't actually too near the water as the island is rather large.
12) A place of worship in a city filled with dragonborn, it's the centerpiece of the city and people come and go from the place of worship. It may look more like a church or really any kind of religious but grand place you can think of/want to draw. It pretty much just needs to be grand but beautiful.
More will be added once I've gotten all of these, as this is only ONE of the continents I need scenery art for. Like I said, the price I'm paying STARTS at 1k nuggets and I'm happy to talk higher prices for these pieces so long as they look how I need!

Dragon Cats The base pay for these are 400 nuggets, potentially negotiable depending on artist
Oh... So many Dragon Cats... I need a pile of them to cuddle in... Anyways! I've actually got quite a few Dragon Cats I need drawn and each kind has a similar appearance except for something to do with the kind of dragon that they come from. I'll list the different kinds of dragons and let you come to me if one color sounds interesting to you but you need more info!

Black - Webbing on feet for easier swimming
Blue - Rugged but orderly specialized scales on its underside to allow for easier digging
Green - More narrow torso easier swimming
Red - Visibly more muscular legs for better climbing
White - Pointier feet for better digging skills and a more narrow body for easier swimming
Brass - Wing-like frills along the tail for brushing dirt around while burrowing
Bronze - Visibly smoother scales for more aerodynamic swimming
Copper - Claws are better placed/suited for gripping rocks while climbing
Gold - Wing-like webbing from its head down until its tail (passes by but doesn't intersect with wing spots), tip of tail has similar webbing to act as a paddle while swimming
Silver - Basic looking Dragon Cat, no specialized body parts
Amethyst - Large tail to help propel through water
Crystal - Joint protrusions for better burrowing and climbing, crystals floating above head as protection/digging tools
Deep - Blind with rugged bodies
Emerald - Slender, long body for slipping through tight spaces while burrowing
Moonstone - More elven/magical/fey-like
Sapphire - Shiny but strong and hard narrow body
Topaz - Angular and extra smooth scales to bounce water off without losing speed while swimming

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Posted: Wed, 09/02/2022 04:27 (2 Years ago)
Hey Mars! Can I have dragon?
Examples: Crimson
Full or Head?: Heads
Shaded?: No need
Colored?: Yes please!
Custom background?: Plain works for me
Payment?: 25k PD work for you? 5k for each head, but I'd be willing to pay more for each head since there's a lot of heads!

If you don't want to do him, then that's fine, thanks for reading at least!

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Posted: Mon, 24/01/2022 14:44 (3 Years ago)
@-Koukio-, yes to both questions. I appreciate you asking for clarification!

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Posted: Mon, 24/01/2022 04:04 (3 Years ago)
@-Koukio-, you sure can! I'll need to know what easy shiny, if any in particular, you want and need payment before I can add you to the list for my hunts. You can send the payment with a Pokemon so you feel more at ease that I'll only take it once the Pokemon is ready or you can decide to trust me on getting it to you and refunding you if you decide you no longer wish for the Pokemon/hunt!

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Posted: Sun, 23/01/2022 19:56 (3 Years ago)
By PokéRadar - 1 Minute and 51 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Drampa hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #61)!

Order complete! Next is to hunt 2 Axew for ~Techno!

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Posted: Sun, 23/01/2022 18:45 (3 Years ago)
@ShinyMegaGardevoir, sorry for the late reply,the notification got buried and I only just checked the forum after this long week! If you're still checking here, send me the payment and I'll add you to the list! :D

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Posted: Sun, 16/01/2022 01:26 (3 Years ago)
I now welcome the original person who said they'd join as a hunter if I started this and thus got me to start it to our Hunters list! Feel free to check out their, and in fact all of us hunters', information!

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Posted: Fri, 14/01/2022 20:27 (3 Years ago)
@~Techno, as we had decided before I'm accepting the request and I have now confirmed that I have the payment, I'll add you to the list asap!

On another note, I'm happy to announce that there's a new Hunter for the Union of Shiny Hunters! Please check out the overall post for further information! It may take a few minutes for me to get the new information up, so if you're subscribed to this forum please be patient as I get the information in there and properly formatted, thanks!

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Posted: Fri, 14/01/2022 04:35 (3 Years ago)
@Izure, in case you forgot, as I checked and didn't see it, I need payment first. If you'd like, for your own way of safety, you may offer it with the Pokemon required for the trade once I've hunted it but if you do so then I'll only count it as paid so long as said trade is made to me (so if you decide to cancel halfway through all you'd need to do is cancel the trade and I'll see that when I go to check my private trades and take you off the list, no payment made and no hunt, no harm no foul). If further clarification is needed then feel free to PM/PP me or make another post to this forum space!

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Posted: Thu, 13/01/2022 18:46 (3 Years ago)
Sorry for the wait, I've been sick for a few days and it allowed me to sleep 12 hours last night.
@FreeHugz, I'm more than happy to have you onboard! I just need you to PP or PM me the details of how you wish to sell, if you need more clarification on what I need then I'll be happy to answer you there!
@Izure, I can definitely do that! I go by order in which I've received payment for everything which would put you on the bottom of my list but hopefully my hunts will be very fast for everyone's sake!

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Posted: Thu, 13/01/2022 00:31 (3 Years ago)
Welcome to the Union of Shiny Hunters! This shop is open to all, and I intend to keep it always accepting new hunters! The way things work here is pretty simple:
1) Choose your hunter/user who you'll be paying
2) Ask them right here if to do the shiny hunt, how many, and any other specifications you have
3) They will either accept or deny your request (all hunters may accept and deny based on their own reasons, no reasons need to be given if they don't wish to divulge)
4) Upon your request being accepted you send the payment first, some hunters may require that the payment and Pokemon be put for trade at the same time and others may ask that the payment be sent first
5) Their hunt list will be updated upon payment, please note it doesn't mean that that's the order that it will necessarily be hunted in, it's just the order in which the orders have been accepted)
6) Your Pokemon will be hunted and sent when ready, please be patient!
Please note that hunters may also sell extra slots of a hunt if they so please!

Looking for a shop to hunt for?
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As a hunter for the Union of Shiny Hunters you can set your price and change it at any time so long as you notify the creator, FaithfullyBlindAbs, so that the update may be put on the page! You accept and deny whoever you want to hunt for and can set clear boundaries for what you will and won't hunt. For example, if you wanted to exclusively hunt legendaries you could, and similarly if you only wanted to hunt Ponytas then that's perfectly acceptable! You can charge gems and other items, nuggets, and PD; whatever you currently want payment in is what you'll be able to get it as!

Current Hunters
FaithfullyBlindAbs's Hunt List
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x2 Axew: ~Techno
Drampa: ~Techno
Drampa: Izure
x2 Drampa: ShinyMegaGardevoir
Mareep: -Koukio-

10 Normal gems - 1 Easy Shiny Pokemon
15 Normal gems - 1 Medium Shiny Pokemon
20 Normal gems - 1 Region Variant Pokemon
25 Normal gems - 1 Hard Shiny Pokemon
50 Normal gems - 1 Rare Shiny Pokemon

Grei's Hunt List

Selling Litwick Slots, 70k PD each
No gender specifications allowed

SmolBeanRey's Hunt List

Selling Pikipek Slots, 75k PD each

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