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Posted: Sun, 11/03/2018 22:44 (7 Years ago)

Title: Reserved


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Posted: Sun, 11/03/2018 17:31 (7 Years ago)
Heya, MegaMio here, and in this forum, I will put down notes, such as battle stuff, or bb code stuff.

No commenting / posting or I will report you.

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Posted: Thu, 08/03/2018 03:09 (7 Years ago)
MrJerkWad's got a point <3
You can sell shinys and mega ables slots from the shiny mega hunt, if you're doing one.

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 12:22 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 01:42 (7 Years ago)
They've been gifted.

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Posted: Mon, 05/03/2018 11:53 (7 Years ago)
A Shinx Shiny Mega hunt? If so, then I decline, other people can accept but I currently decline. I only accept shiny or mega able hunts that have the rarity of easy.

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Posted: Sat, 03/03/2018 00:20 (7 Years ago)
But where on the friendslist?

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Posted: Sat, 03/03/2018 00:19 (7 Years ago)
Username: MegaMio
Favorite Type of Pokemon: Fire
Difficulty willing to shiny/mega hunt: Easy, for now.
Other ways of pay (items and such): PD, Nuggets.
Favorite color: Red and Yellow.

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Posted: Sat, 17/02/2018 22:01 (7 Years ago)
I don't think it'll show up if you're doing a Rowan Quest.

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Posted: Sat, 17/02/2018 16:45 (7 Years ago)
Hmm, maybe people are just training your Flying Lemon?

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Posted: Tue, 13/02/2018 03:31 (7 Years ago)

Title: Additional Info

Oh, if anyone wants an Incineroar, Torracat, or Litten, contact one of us~
I give them free

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Posted: Sat, 10/02/2018 03:12 (7 Years ago)
I like the idea, but no support.
If it's been there for a month, it'd probably already be removed by the owner so they can put it up again. If it HAS been there for over a month, and the owner of the trade is banned, the user will most likely not offer, plus, it's sorted by date, and so the most recent offers are first.
Plus, this would be in the trading section, not the other suggestions.

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Posted: Sat, 10/02/2018 03:07 (7 Years ago)
It makes sense, but their energy should only be increased by 50% because that would give non-premium users a high disadvantage

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Posted: Sat, 10/02/2018 03:04 (7 Years ago)
lol what is this
No support
you're not descriptive enough.

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Posted: Tue, 06/02/2018 11:42 (7 Years ago)
No Support
Sorry, but I agree with Lemon

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Posted: Fri, 02/02/2018 01:17 (7 Years ago)
Don't forget to change what dragon type pokemon you'll be hunting, that might help <3

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Posted: Thu, 01/02/2018 20:23 (7 Years ago)
Woah, it was cool while it lasted, lol

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Posted: Thu, 01/02/2018 00:44 (7 Years ago)
Woah... it's weird but cool, lol

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Posted: Wed, 31/01/2018 01:36 (7 Years ago)

Title: lol

That happens sometimes, you just have to reload and it goes back to normal.

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Posted: Tue, 30/01/2018 20:56 (7 Years ago)
Did you try reloading it?
Reloading in battle doesn't mess up anything, and fixes some stuff, that might help~

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