Forum Thread
Your Choice Shiny And Mega Shop By TheJerkWads
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Shiny Hunting → Your Choice Shiny And Mega Shop By TheJerkWadsThere will be a form and a set of rules you need to follow to get the required pokemon.
There will also be a becoming a breeder if you want to be a breeder.
Breeders and what they prefer to hunt

MrsJerkWad Anything other than Legendary or Event
MrJerkWad Anything other than Legendary
MegaMio For now Easy
Astral For now Medium
pokemonblack all except ffor Special and Legendary
As for the rules

1. First come first serve if you want shiny slots for current shiny hunts.
2. You will also have to be patient with the breeders as we will not stop a shiny hunt just for one person.
3. If you want a Shiny Mega then you will have to pay extra as it will take longer to get. Ask one of the breeders and we will negotiate a price.
4. If you want to cancel a shiny slot then you will be able to by contacting the person you purchased a shiny hunt from.
This concludes the rules.
We will also accept these for shiny slots and hunts

MrJerkWad will accept the following

MrsJerkWad will accept the following items

MegaMio will also accept the following for shiny hunts
Just pokedollars and nuggets
Astral will accept the following

BrianaWalters1991 will also accept the following

These are the prices for the pokemon below.
The pokemon below are just references for the types listed for pricing.

Easy = 75,000

Medium = 100,000

Hard = 130,000

Rare = 180,000

Starters = 220,000

Event = 250,000

Shiny Megas = 1.8 million

Shiny Request Form is below

Your name:
Amount of said pokemon:
Shiny or Mega:
Breeder you want to do shiny or mega hunt:
Becoming a breeder form is below

Favorite Type of Pokemon:
Difficulty willing to shiny/mega hunt:
Other ways of pay (items and such):
Favorite color:
If you want shinies from our current shiny hunts then here they are.

MrJerkWad is hunting Shiny Wreafki Senpai_xD and

Astral is hunting Shiny Mega Manectric for AceTranerMax

EeveePower is hunting Shiny Audino

Shinies Available:
Mega Ables Available:

Astral is hunting Shiny Mega Manectric for AceTranerMax

EeveePower is hunting Shiny Audino

Shinies Available:
Mega Ables Available:
Future Hunts