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Posted: Sun, 12/07/2020 13:34 (4 Years ago)
*Talla looked at Benton in the eyes. His eyes usually showed pride and superiority, but now they only showed uncertainty and fear.* Benton, I gave you half of the 501st for your little coup of the council and now I expect to be repaid. Now tell me, *Talla leaned forward* where is my sister?

*Benton looked unsure. On one hand, he wanted to save his own skin but on the other hand he still need Maddy. No, he wanted her. He closed his eyes and looked down knowing he would regret this* Please, I want her Talla. Just give me a few more months with her and then she'll be all yours.

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Posted: Sat, 11/07/2020 17:49 (4 Years ago)
*Snow watched the live feed of Nova. His eyes followed her movements and his jaw tightened when she would mention his name. A man walked into his office and stood at attention.* Orders sir? *Snow looked at him and stood up* Cut the feed and smoke them out. I want Miss Nova to be either dead or in custody by the weeks end

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Posted: Sat, 11/07/2020 03:48 (4 Years ago)
*Dylan flipped Blossom off after she left. His veins were pumped full of adrenaline and he wanted to just lash out. But he knew he couldn't. He had so much planned and if he lost his cool now, everything he had done and worked for over the last 5 years would be undone. He bit his lip and sat back on the bed*

*Maddy nodded and heard something outside her room. She waved her hand for Star to hurry away and Star jumped down to run away. But then she heard something. A males voice that sounded familiar. It was Benton's, but he wasn't alone. Another voice spoke out from the room. A female's voice from a time not long forgotten. Star then heard Benton speak again* Miss Talla, please. We need more time!

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Posted: Sat, 11/07/2020 03:12 (4 Years ago)
*Tears began to form from Maddy's eyes as she recollected what Benton had done to her to Star. She told Star everything, except how Benton felt her belly before using her when she was first captured. Star looked horrified*

*Dylan slammed his hand on the bed in anger and stood up* At least I listened to her and helped her! Tell me, what exactly have you been doing, hmm?! Nothing! If you just let me get into her room to talk to her before she got all mopey and depressed, she might be awake right now and we would have more information than we do now!

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Posted: Thu, 09/07/2020 22:05 (4 Years ago)
*Dylan got slightly annoyed with Blossoms question and looked at her* You dont. But in case you didn't notice, trust is in short supply nowadays. And hell, if you dont trust me, ask Tani when she wakes up.

*Maddy opened her mouth to speak but then realized something. If she answered truthfully, then they would attempt to rescue her, putting all of them at risk. She looked up at Star and shook her head*

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Posted: Thu, 09/07/2020 21:49 (4 Years ago)
*Dylan looked at Gwen and shook his head* I got nothing. Although it's weird, Tani told me she was having trouble sleeping late at night so she asked me if I could give her something to knock her out. *Dylan laid back on the bed and looked at Gwen. He placed his hand on her shoulder* You know, we could make some good news. If you wanted.

*Maddy read the little letter and smiled. She looked at the apples and hid them under Benton's bed as to eat them as time went on.*

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Posted: Thu, 09/07/2020 04:49 (4 Years ago)
*Tani tried to get up and scream but Dylan covered her mouth and pushed her head to the pillow.* Ssh, I'm not going to hurt you, Tani. *Dylan took out some of the things Blossom got from the store before everything went to hell, including the items Benton recommended. He mixed it all up with his free hand and splashed Tani with it. Tani slapped his hand away and began to lose feeling in her hands* Wha- What did you do to me? *Dylan began to clean up the mess and rolled his eyes* Relax, its temporary. The stuff I just doused you with will knock you out for 24 hours and fir the next few days, I will be dousing you with it to by myself more time. *Tani began to feel woozy* You- you- traitor.... *Tani fell asleep and Dylan hid the items he used to knock her out* All in due time, my dear.

*Winter's continued his story* She decided the best way to send a message to the people of the town was to slaughter the entire family afterwards to show what happens to rebellions. But you stopped her. Well, tried to at least. You know, the funny thing is is that we never did find the girl you managed to save. But anyways, the reason you are crazier than her is because no one, and I mean no one would have ever had the balls to stand up to not only Talla, but your own father. The Slayer of Kings, The Great Massacrer, The Black Eyed Death. And yet you did *Winters heard a horn blow in the distance* Oh christ! *Winters ran out of the room and left Maddy all alone in the room. She began to realize why all the Cloakswere moving around after seemingly leaderless. Talla was never the leader, it was my father. That's where they all went. Back to find my father. And that's where they will all be*

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Posted: Thu, 09/07/2020 04:26 (4 Years ago)
*Maddy finished the tomato and began to lick the juice of it off of her fingers* What do you mean by 'I am crazier than her'? *Winter squinted and looked at her* You seriously dont remember? *Maddy shook her head* Bits and pieces but not the whole picture. *Winters chuckled and leaned backwards* That's right, you had your little cliche Hollywood memory loss thing. Well you see, *Winters leaned forward as to tell a story but was interrupted by another soldier* You summoned me? *Winters looked at him* Hollywood, get out of here and back to your post! *Hollywood began to back up and run back to his post, causing Maddy to chuckle. Winters looked back at her* Like I was saying though, about 7 years ago, we were all out on a raid down near the Southeast creek when Talla took the towns leader and cut his head off with her sword. *Goosebumps jolted out of her skin. The sheer thought of someone dieing that brutally still scared her*

*Tani began to roll around more quickly in her bed. She began to remember what she saw the night she was almost burned alive. She saw flames and smoke surrounding her. And then she saw the leader of the attackers, with his silver eyes and- Wait, he only had one silver eye. But that would mean. Tani woke up in a stir and shouted* It was Dylan! *Dylan stood in the corner of her room and began to slow ckap* Congratulations, you've figured it out Tani. It was me

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Posted: Thu, 09/07/2020 04:09 (4 Years ago)
*Tani rolled around in her bed, dead asleep. Dylan silently cursed under his breath and turned to Gwen* She's asleep. Look, why don't you go into town with Star and scout out Benton's home. I'll stay here with the others and wait for her to wake up. Ok? *Dylan looked around* Hey, where is Star?

*Maddy looked at him and swallowed some of the tomato* What do you mean? I thought Talla was the leader of the Cloaks. *Winters sarcastically laughed* You were always the naive one. Talla is just a general in the army, but her father is the king. The mastermind of the whole thing. *Winters watch Maddy as she ate the tomato. He chuckled* You know, I use to think that you were just as crazy as Talla but after that stunt you pulled. Man, after that I realized you were crazier.

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Posted: Thu, 09/07/2020 03:50 (4 Years ago)
*A couple hours went by and the sun had set on that dark day. Dylan walked back down the tunnel he came from and saw Gwen waiting outside their shared room* Hey Gwenny. Are we able to talk to Tani yet?

*Maddy sat alone on the floor of Benton's room. He stomach began to rumble and she felt like she hadn't had water in days. She heard footsteps from outside the door and finally, the door to the room was opened by Winter's. He looked pissed off and mumbled to himself* I use to lead armys and now I am a freaking babysitter to my mistress's afterthought of a sibling *Winters slammed a tray with old and borderline rotten food. Maddy didn't want to eat it, but she knew that if she didn't, she would eventually starve. She picked up a mushy tomato in her hand and began to eat it as Winters watched her* My god how you have fallen from grace. Your father would have been so disappointed with you

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Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 23:08 (4 Years ago)
*Dylan yanked his arm away from Irin and began to walk away until he heard Irin mention Maddy. He then turned around and pinned him to the wall* Let's get one thing straight, if you so much as lie about what you know or what has happened to you, I will personally make sure that you never lie again. Understand me? *Irin looked at Dylan with a furious gaze. Dylan let Irin go and he turned around to continue walking down the tunnel* And dont grab my arm ever again!

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Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 22:52 (4 Years ago)
*Dylan raised his voice* Gwen, you haven't seen what I've seen. His father was nuts, and it definitely transferred over to his kin. So if you want him to stay, fine but dont expect me to stay here and watch. *Dylan stormed out of the room with his sword in hand. He began to walk down one of the tunnels to cool off.*

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Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 22:42 (4 Years ago)
*A red light flashed when he heard that name. He pulled Gwen into the room and closed the door* Gwen, you need to get rid of him. His father, that man was a lunatic from beyond the Eastern seaboard. He brought exploding flames with him, and they brought nothing but destruction

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Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 21:50 (4 Years ago)
*Dylan stood up and looked at Gwen, who looked slightly shocked to see things broken in the room.* Sorry about the mess, Gwrn. But what do you need a second opinion on?

*Tani collected herself and let go of Blossom. Her eyes were bloodshot as she looked at Blossom.* Thanks for the comfort Blossom, but I think I need to be alone for alittle

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Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 19:58 (4 Years ago)
*Tani made a scoff like chuckle with her voice and shook her head in disbelief* No. No no no no no, your just joking. She's here somewhere isn't she? *Tani looked around and her eyes began to tear up* Maddy? You can come out now! Maddy?! It isn't funny anymore! *Tani began to cry. A wave of emotions hit all at once* Maddy! Please come out! I get it you missed me, but this joke has gone too far!! MADDY!? MADDY?! *Blossom took Tani into her arms and comforted her. Tani's breath was staggered as she cried*

*Dylan was furious. He began to break things in the room in his blind anger* This is never going to freaking work!! *Dylan drew his sword and threw it at the wall. He sat down on the bed and placed his head in his hands. He heard Tani's crying in the next room but put it off. They must have told her about Maddy. Poor kid*

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Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 19:48 (4 Years ago)
*Dylan sighed and covered his face with his hand* Fine, but not much longer than that. *Dylan moved his hand and looked at them* We are at war after all. And if Benton finds us we are all as good as dead. *Dylan walked away from the two and stormed into his room*

*Tani looked at Blossoms face as she asked where Maddy was* Blossom, where is she? I want to see her. *Tani looked around and saw nothing she had hoped* Is she out hunting?

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Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 19:32 (4 Years ago)
*Dylan looked at Sage with a serious but somewhat panicked gaze* Sage, if she knows anything we need to figure out as soon as possible. Does she even know the stakes of what we are up against?

*Tani nodded her head* Where's Maddy? Is she here? I want to see her

*Benton lead Maddy to her room and threw her to the wall* How dare you try to bargain with me! *Benton grabbed her by the hair and bashed her head against a mirror. Maddy fell to the ground and Benton kicked her. Benton bent down and grabbed her by her hair and pulled her over to a bucket of water. He shoved her face in it and began to talk again as Maddy struggled to free herself* Consider this a lesson, Maddy. *Benton lifted Maddy's head out of the water and she began to paint and heavily cough* Next time you are insubordinate, I will do much worse to you then what I've done now *Benton shoved Maddy's head back into the water and she began to struggle alot more. He took her head out one last time and let go* Understand?! *Maddy coughed up water and looked at him. She wanted to fight back but if she did, she feared what may happen to everyone. She looked down and nodded her head.*

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Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 18:35 (4 Years ago)
*Dylan looked at Gwen* For now, we need to head back. Later tonight we will come back to study the city. *Gwen nodded her head and the two walked down the tunnel and were greeted by an extremely happy Sage.* Sage! What's wrong?

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Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 17:43 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 08/07/2020 17:42 (4 Years ago)
*Snow smiled* A shame really that some deaths will come very soon today. *Nova looked at the screen and noticed something in the background. A television televising the tribute center* I can see the headlines, "Rebel forces destroy tribute center" and how fitting too. *Snow looked away from the screen* Cut the feed. *The screen went black*

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