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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2020 17:53 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2020 17:46 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2020 04:55 (4 Years ago)
Talla and Maddy after looking at eachother: No

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2020 04:54 (4 Years ago)
*Maddy walked out of her room in her new dress on. Although it had only been a few days, Maddy's baby belly had become slightly more visible than in the past. Maddy awkwardly held baby Violet in her arms. She looked towards Faith* Faith? *Faith turned her head towards Maddy* I dont think I'm holding her right *Baby Violet whipped her hands around and slightly slapped Maddys face. She began to speak in a baby talk voice* Aww, you think your so tough dont you? Yes you do, yes you do- *Maddy looked at Faith more urgently* Alittle help here? *Faith walked over to Maddy and took Baby Violet* I dont think I'll ever get it right

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2020 04:47 (4 Years ago)
Everyone: Hard to tell

Maddy: I live in San Francisco and work as personal trainer

Maya: I am an actress who lives in Hollywood

Benton: I work at a top secret military base and live in Nevada

Marius: I work as a cop in The Bronx

Tani: I live in Sacramento and work as a photographer

Dylan: Well, technically my job is in the stock industry but my real job is to take care of my children in England

Talla: I live all around, going where the wind takes me. And by wind I mean my employer and by takes me I mean orders to kill

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2020 04:36 (4 Years ago)
Maddy: I can be both but I prefer going to be late

Tani: Same as Maddy

Dylan: I prefer to get up early and go to be late so I can work on things then spend time with loved ones

Benton: I get up early to work

Maya: I'm actually normal. I wake up at 8:30 am and go to bed at 9:45 pm. Always have, always will.

Marius: Nightowl

Talla: Sleep if for the weak

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2020 04:27 (4 Years ago)
Maddy: I love them all

Tani: RomComs always get me

Dylan: I like almost all of them, but romances aren't really my jam

Benton: I like Documentaries...... and the occasional Pixar movie

Talla: Horror, Action, and Comedy's

Me: Oh, we have 2 more guests arriving today. Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the supporting stars of Pokemon/Hogwarts Crossover Rolepkay, Marius and Maya!

Maya: Hello everyone! It's such an honor to be here among all of these *Maya looks at the 5 original people* characters used more than once

Marius: Ya, seriously, use us again. Its getting lonely being with Erik and Rictor from the long list roleplay

Erik and Rictor: LEAVE US OUT OF THIS!!

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2020 03:16 (4 Years ago)
*Maddy shook her head and yawned* No, I just need alittle sleep. *Faith nodded her head and got up. She and Maddy hugged on last time before Faith departed from Maddy's room. Maddy began to get dressed for bed and she began to reminisce on when she was saved. That woman who saved her, Maddy didn't know why, but the woman seems awfully familiar to her now. But she cant think of who the woman reminded her of now. Maddy finished getting ready and fell asleep in the comfort of her new home. She felt very blessed.*

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2020 02:43 (4 Years ago)
*Maddy nodded her head* I understand. But if something does happen, I will get involved. *Maddy felt Faith's hand brush her hair out of her face. She smiled playfully and hugged Faith* Thank you for your encouragement

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2020 02:28 (4 Years ago)
Username: RoyalGecko
Pokemon(Quantity): Shiny Tympole (1 please)
Breeder: Mochi
Tip(optional): I'll send u a plushie
Payment method: If I could, could u do a mix of fairy gems and PD?
Password: Luxray

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2020 00:01 (4 Years ago)
*Maddy nodded her head and looked down at her belly* 8 months, approximately. That's why I've been throwing up alot recently. But if I may be honest, I'm scared Faith. *Maddy tried to avoid Faith's eyes as she spoke* You know I never really had a good childhood or a person to look up to while I was growing up. So, what if I just mess it all up? *Maddy looked Faith in the eyes* What if I'm not good enough?

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Posted: Sun, 19/07/2020 23:18 (4 Years ago)
*Maddy looked at it with happy, yet sorrowful eyes.* Ya, he umm- *Maddy hesitated and began to breath heavily.* He gave it to me before he- *Maddy began to speak in a tearful and restrained voice* before he passed- *Maddy sniffled and looked back at Faith* about seven months ago. *Maddy tearfully chuckled* And to think, I was going to tell him something that would change both of our lives *Maddy put her hand on her belly and looked down* for the better

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Posted: Sun, 19/07/2020 23:02 (4 Years ago)
Does anyone know how to say "Your In" in sign language? I should have it memorized by now but your in

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Posted: Sun, 19/07/2020 21:43 (4 Years ago)
*Maddy nodded* Ya, I'm fine, just some stomach issues. Thanks for asking. *Faith smiled and looked like she had more she wanted to say* Come, sit down. I remember there was something you wanted to tell me, right?

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Posted: Sun, 19/07/2020 21:32 (4 Years ago)
*Maddy hurled into a toilet. Once she finished, she looked in the mirror, panting. She put her hand on her belly* Just a few weeks more. *Maddy straightened up and whipped her mouth with a piece of cloth that she threw away after leaving. She went to her room and sat down on her bed, closing the door behind her. She laid back and took a locket out and opened it. It had a picture of her and a man in it with an inscription TV hat read "From now, until the end of time, I'll love you. XOXO, Erik". Maddy closed the locket and kissed it. She heard a knock her door* Come in

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Posted: Sun, 19/07/2020 20:26 (4 Years ago)
*Maddy began to manipulate the water off of the book and created a giant icicle that she plunged through the book. The began to slow it movement after the icicle went through. She stepped off of the book and looked at it.* Burn it. *Maddy looked around and suddenly felt sick* Excuse me, I need to go really quick *Maddy ran out the door towards the restroom*

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Posted: Sun, 19/07/2020 20:13 (4 Years ago)
*Maddy somersaulted to the other side of the room and used the water she had on her from swimming and for her own defense to freeze the book in an ice block. Maddy stood up and stretched alittle* Why is it that people always do that? They always enter a room in an awesome fashion after next doing something like that before?

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Posted: Sun, 19/07/2020 19:49 (4 Years ago)
*Maddy nodded* Ya, no problem. *Maddy put her hand on the handle to walk in but then looked towards Faith* Are we going on three as in "One, Two," and then we bust in on three or are we going "one, two, three" and then bust in after three?

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Posted: Sun, 19/07/2020 19:42 (4 Years ago)
*Maddy and Faith walked towards the library, where they saw Reve and Drake outside the library. She looked at them* What's going on in there guys?

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Posted: Sun, 19/07/2020 18:51 (4 Years ago)
*Maddy ran towards the castle with Faith in tow. She looked around and saw the missing castle wall but no attackers. She looked around and didnt see anyone who looked like a threat*

(Idk, I was confuddled)

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