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ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Thu, 23/02/2023 02:52 (1 Year ago) |
Description: When moving A LOT (over 100, not necessarily all at once) Pokémon, and/or checking their Pokémon pages swiftly and repeatedly via the link for each Pokémon's description individually, my internet browser crashes. I'm unsure if it's a bug or just that something might need touched up to have better support? I've been trying to sort out my starred Pokémon recently and keep coming up against this problem, either way. One time I got about 50 Pokémon check-boxed before it crashed, so it's not just a few Pokémon in, but it's still something I've had no problems doing on my laptop (where I use the same browser, so it's unlikely to be the problem). Screenshot(s): N/A since its a crash problem Device/OS/Browser: S22 Ultra/Chrome [Read more] |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Sat, 18/02/2023 18:12 (1 Year ago) |
Female: 4,000 - 8,000 Shiny Retro Totodile: - 150,000 - 200,000 Female: 160,000 - 210,000 [Read more] |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Sun, 12/02/2023 18:19 (1 Year ago) |
Planned Giveaways... Year End/Beginning Giveaway (Huge, December) Prizes for Year End/Beginning Giveaway Big goal prizes... Shiny Sinistharos (1k Nuggets) Shiny Caterpie (1k Nuggets) Shiny Pumpkabowl x4 (4k Nuggets) QoL goal prizes... Goldie Level 4k (50k PD) Goldie Level 4.1k (50k PD) Planned prizes for other goal completions... Hatch Pokemon (1k nuggets each) Complete Regional Pokedex (1k nuggets and 50kPD each) QoL (50kPD each) More prizes may be tacked on depending on the resulting difficulty [Read more] |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Mon, 06/02/2023 23:04 (1 Year ago) |
Technically: Starters - 2000 - 2500 [FEMALE] Starters - 3800 - 4200 Ones that have a chance to be mega tend to sell a little less, though. [Read more] |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Fri, 20/01/2023 16:59 (2 Years ago) |
The big prize for art the best art is 8k nuggets, and any that I like I will buy for 100 nuggets each! There are 3 options for characters to draw, each having varying difficulty and taking different skills! Drawing Style: Whatever you can do! But it must be your own work! Where do I submit it?: Please upload it onto an image hosting site (such as imgur or a site like it) and share the link. Background?: If you'd like to draw one, you can! Each character has a notes section for additional inspiration or information you may need for specific angles, and I'll add more if needed so feel free to ask questions. What if my art doesn't end up looking like the character?: I'll let you know, and if you want to change it then you can! I'm looking to buy A LOT of art, so I won't discourage anyone from drawing art of multiple characters or multiple pieces of art for one! This contest ends on the last day of February so that artists have plenty of time to make whatever art they want to! Character 1: Crimson, he's a D&D god from a campaign I played in 2018-early 2020. Description: Crimson is a D&D (Western) dragon the size of a mountain who has 6 legs, and 5 heads. Each of his heads are a different color of D&D chromatic dragon (black, blue, green, red, and white), and crimson colored red feather beards. His horns don't curve or anything like that, just sit back and then at the ends go up a bit, and his body scales are all crimson and platinum colored. He has a skeletal body, and his wings have tufts of feathers at the ends. On his front right foot is a platinum gauntlet, and his tail is that of a D&D wyvern's. Note: If you want to do a close-up of one of his heads, then a black-colored maybe blackbird needs to be sitting on his head, as his close friend and minor god of death he created (Bolt) lives on his horns! Character 2: Teller, Crimson's creation and a lonely questioner of the world. Teller has many friends but will never be able to see them again once it randomly teleports to a new world. Description: Teller is 6 inches tall. Its coloration is purple, but 8 white eyes with black lines going through it. The "main" eyes are a bit more angular, with 3 circular eyes on either side of them which get smaller down the side of the face. It has two nostrils which are teardrop shaped, akin to a lizard's in some ways, and it has bug incisors in its mouth. It has a long snake-like and forked tongue in said mouth, as well. It has fox/cat-like ears which are extremely fuzzy, but the rest of its head is scaley rather than furry. From the ears and neck down to the tail, Teller is coated in fur. It has feathered wings the same color as the rest of its body, and 6 legs which poke out from the side and appear to be sideways at first glance, but once you see it move the legs scuttle very swiftly from side to side. Each leg ends in a paw which has retractable claws (which Teller hardly ever uses as its a gentle-abomination). It has a short and stumpy tail like a dog with a docked tail. Note: Teller wouldn't ever wear clothes, and as it doesn't eat, drink, or use the bathroom, wouldn't ever be eating, drinking, or seen in a bathroom (those are far too unhygienic for it) Character 3: Bolt (No art and thus no Toyhouse page yet), a very simple bird who does his job and wishes he could have a family, but he's cursed/magically held to his best friend and major god who gave him sentience. He's seen some stuff as an effect. No one knows what kind of bird he is. Not even the DM. Description: Just a blackbird/black bird with VERY knowing eyes. As if the things he's seen as a regular bird still haunt him as a god, and in a way they do. Note: Bolt must be drawn on or near some part of Crimson's body as he cannot get farther than 60 feet away from the major god. He is essentially a speck on the bigger god's body, though, so very little detail needs to go into that part of the picture if you do any background at all! [Read more] |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Wed, 11/01/2023 02:16 (2 Years ago) |
Title: Extra NotesCherry_Blossom Mafia [
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Sun, 01/01/2023 19:38 (2 Years ago) |
Planned Giveaways... Year End/Beginning Giveaway (Huge, December) Prizes for Year End/Beginning Giveaway Big goal prizes... Shiny Sinistharos (1k Nuggets) Shiny Caterpie (1k Nuggets) Shiny Pumpkabowl x3 (3k Nuggets) QoL goal prizes... Goldie Level 4k (50k PD) Planned prizes for other goal completions... Hatch Pokemon (1k nuggets each) Complete Regional Pokedex (1k nuggets and 50kPD each) QoL (50kPD each) More prizes may be tacked on depending on the resulting difficulty [Read more] |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Sun, 18/12/2022 07:41 (2 Years ago) |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Sun, 04/12/2022 20:31 (2 Years ago) |
Title: More Dex Entries NeededPignite Dewott Simisear Roggenrola Timburr Venipede Darmanitan Zen Cinccino Ducklett Escavalier Ferroseed Klink Klang Chandelure Accelgor Pawniard Rufflet Zweilous Kobalion Terrakion Virizion Tornadus x2 Thundurus x2 Reshiram Landorus x2 Meloetta x2 Many Vivillion patterns Flabebe (Red) All Florges colors Pancham Many Furfrou Slurpuff Heliolisk Amaura Goomy Xerneas Yveltal Zygard (all forms) Volcanion [Read more] |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Sun, 04/12/2022 19:12 (2 Years ago) |
Title: Dex Entries NeededZapdos Unown A Unown D Unown H Unown J Unown L Unown M Unown P Unown Q Unown R Unown U Unown V Unown X Unown ? Steelix Snubbull Swinub Kingdra Porygon2 Tyrogue Hitmontop Smoochum Elekid Magby Pupitar Nincada Whismur Makuhita Barboach Corphish Lileep Anorith Any Castform but Cold (will transform Castform myself if need be) Wynaut Huntail Gorebyss Beldum Metang Regice Registeel Latias Latios Kyogre Rayquaza Turtwig Grotle Chimchar Monferno Shieldon Cherrim Sunny Drifloon Mismagius Honchkrow Mime Jr. Croagunk Magnezone Rhyperior Electivire Magmortar Gliscor Porygon-Z Dusknoir Froslass Rotom Forms Dialga Palkia Heatran Regigigas Giritina x2 Cresselia Manaphy Darkrai [Read more] |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Wed, 09/11/2022 16:52 (2 Years ago) |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Wed, 09/11/2022 16:33 (2 Years ago) |
Title: WinnerUnless I get proof in the future that people want this continued, this is the last round I'll be doing. Thank you everyone for participating in this fun experience/experiment! [Read more] |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Wed, 09/11/2022 07:39 (2 Years ago) |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Wed, 02/11/2022 03:06 (2 Years ago) |
Upcoming giveaways... Kyle Birthday Giveaway? Birthday Giveaway Year End/Beginning Giveaway (Huge) Prizes for Year End/Beginning Giveaway Big goal prizes... SM Venusaur (1k nuggets) Both SM Charizards (2k nuggets) SM Blastoise (1k nuggets) Shiny Cottonblu (1k nuggets) Shiny Mr. Bagon (1k nuggets) Shiny Sinitharos (1k nuggets) QoL goal prizes... Level 60 (50kPD) HoL Chain 40 (50kPD) Goldie Level 3.3k (50kPD) Planned prizes for other goal completions... Hatch Pokemon (1k nuggets each) Complete Regional Pokedex (1k nuggets and 50kPD each) QoL (50kPD each) More prizes may be tacked on depending on the resulting difficulty Prizes for Kyle's Birthday Giveaway 1st Place: A hatched Zacian from my hunt (if 3 are hatched during my upcoming hunt then it will be shiny) and 1k nuggets 2nd Place: A hatched Zacian from my hunt (if 4 are hatched during my upcoming hunt then it will be shiny) and 50kPD 3rd Place: 50kPD Prizes for Birthday Giveaway 4k nuggets For anyone else reading this, be on the lookout for more information in the future and assistance in the goals is appreciated! [Read more] |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Tue, 01/11/2022 15:05 (2 Years ago) |
Title: Winner/Next RoundRound Five: Bandana Split Good luck everyone! [Read more] |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Sat, 22/10/2022 11:36 (2 Years ago) |
Title: Winner/Next RoundRound Four: Shadow Flash Good luck everyone! [Read more] |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Wed, 19/10/2022 20:59 (2 Years ago) |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Wed, 19/10/2022 20:44 (2 Years ago) |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Wed, 19/10/2022 20:23 (2 Years ago) |
Turzai line (3 Pokemon) Summer Ampharos line (3 Pokemon) Spring Ampharos line (3 Pokemon) Autumn Ampharos line (3 Pokemon) Winter Ampharos line (3 Pokemon) Obsidionix line (2 Pokemon) Crystal Aron line (3 Pokemon) Torcharch line (3 Pokemon) Larviprop line (3 Pokemon) Mr. Bagon line (3 Pokemon) Von Bagon line (3 Pokemon) Dark Ponyta line (2 Pokemon) Cottonblu line (2 Pokemon) Rokkyu line (2 Pokemon) Festival Ralts line (3 Pokemon) Slowyore line (3 Pokemon) Do you know how many fairly rare EVENT Pokemon that would exclude? 47 event Pokemon! It might not be common, but that's mainly just because event hunting is hard. And do you know WHY it's hard? Because people don't want to deal with the daycare, which you don't have to deal with if you get the shiny forms of the event Pokemon from SWT! And Stonks is accurate to a degree, but I've often quoted it and been told by many other users not to use it to price Pokemon but that items were just fine because various factors can change the price of the Pokemon you're dealing with but all the items look at is the plain price, pretty much. [Read more] |
ShinxThunderFangCrunch OFFLINE Forum Posts: 552 |
Posted: Sat, 15/10/2022 14:59 (2 Years ago) |
Pokemon Show •Code: Big: [ pkmnbig](Dex #)[/pkmnbig] Shiny: [ pkmnbig=s](Dex #)[/pkmnbig] little icon: [ pkmn](Dex #)[/pkmn] Replace the dex number with whatever Pokémon's dex number you want to see (1 for Bulbasaur, 2 for Ivysaur, etc), get rid of the space between the first brackets and the pkmn [Read more] |