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Posted: Fri, 10/04/2020 20:46 (4 Years ago)
That is why Feraligatr is spelled like that as opposed to Feraligator, yup! We wouldn't change it here of course since Feraligatr is still the official spelling of the word, though.

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Posted: Tue, 04/02/2020 22:41 (4 Years ago)
Exactly whay cosmym said, it’s not that high of a priority. It really doesn’t matter as much as you think it does.

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Posted: Tue, 14/01/2020 01:57 (4 Years ago)
The average should be 2750 if each number has equal odds of happening. In actuality, it's probably lower numbers having a higher chance of appearing, thus being the reason why the average would be lower than 2750.

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Posted: Tue, 14/01/2020 01:55 (4 Years ago)
Unfortunately, there's not much you can do. Events will breed their regular counterparts most of the time and rarely breed the actual events, so you'll mostly be getting Espurr. Increasing their breeding rate through premium and flutes is the best way to help with this.

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Posted: Thu, 09/01/2020 02:10 (4 Years ago)
It is convention to only have one thread per. suggestion, with few exceptions. Usually, the newer one is locked, so this thread most likely will be at some point. It's understandable not to have seen the older threads, especially since (in my opinion) the forum search is difficult to navigate. Either way, it's best to go show your support on the oldest thread so that everything is gathered in one thread.

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Posted: Wed, 08/01/2020 03:24 (4 Years ago)
Gosth, please link suggestions when you say that. Otherwise, you have no evidence of this being suggested.

Considering the safari zone is required to get the eggdex entries for Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus, as well as required to hunt them, major support. If the safari zone had no legend ties, then it’d be whatever. But locking people out of completing the eggdex and hunting because of their device is a big no.

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Posted: Tue, 07/01/2020 02:19 (4 Years ago)
Could I grab two Rookidee slots and two Yamper slots? Thanks!

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Posted: Tue, 31/12/2019 09:56 (4 Years ago)
She probably accidentally put it in regular wonder trade instead of shiny wonder trade. Regular Pokemon can’t be put in the shiny wonder trade but shiny Pokemon can be put in the regular wonder trade.

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Posted: Sat, 28/12/2019 01:17 (4 Years ago)
My favorite is Gen 4 but really, any generation of games except 6 are great.

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Posted: Fri, 27/12/2019 23:22 (4 Years ago)
Name: KrazyKarp
Shiny you want (either current or reserving for a future hunt): All 5 Zygarde Forms
Number of Shinies: 5
Read and understand rules?: Yup
Payment (specify PD, Nuggets, or Gems/Items): PD and/or nuggets

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Posted: Thu, 12/12/2019 05:27 (4 Years ago)
Check your Emera Bank tabs for both PD and nuggets, it may help.

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Posted: Tue, 10/12/2019 00:22 (4 Years ago)
Shedinja is actually obtained much differently here. It's just found as it's own separate Pokemon in an egg, rather than being related to Nincada.

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Posted: Mon, 09/12/2019 22:57 (4 Years ago)
Many of the legends do it, though. When you go to battle them on rumble missions to get the summon item, for example, they can appear shiny in the battle. However, that also does not guarantee shininess.

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Posted: Fri, 06/12/2019 22:09 (4 Years ago)
Thank you to everyone who has supported this! I've put Princess' idea in the front post since I think it's a good thought!

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Posted: Sun, 01/12/2019 04:02 (4 Years ago)
I'm just looking at what makes the most sense. It'd be pretty weird for official Pokemon to not count towards completion of one of the dexes. Ultimately, it is a matter of opinion though. But my stance remains that since Meltan and Melmetal are 808 and 809 respectively, the numbers fit into the Alolan dex. Also, as I said before, they do fit best into the dex with all the other Generation 7 Pokemon since they're all from the same generation.

Given the information you've brought to light, I now see it's not a perfect fit like I thought before. But in my opinion it makes the most sense - much more sense than excluding official Pokemon from the count needed for completing individual dexes.

But ultimately, the whole situation is somewhat petty - what does it matter that you need two extra Pokemon for dex completion? Meltan candy is already pretty cheap, and prices will decrease. I think it just comes from people being upset that most of them couldn't get Type: Null instantly, and that this doesn't actually relate to people disagreeing with the specific requirement of Meltan and Melmetal for Type: Null. Once people calm down about not being able to get Type: Null instantly, no one will really care about Meltan and Melmetal being required.

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Posted: Sun, 01/12/2019 01:05 (4 Years ago)
Why would Meltan and Melmetal be included in the Kanto pokedex? They were released in Generation 7 with official dex numbers of 808 and 809, with the Galar pokedex starting at 810. They very clearly belong in the Alola pokedex and thus it makes perfect sense for them to be in that dex and necessary for Type: Null. And it makes even less sense to put official Pokemon in the Emera dex.

I'm not sure why some people have made such a big deal about Meltan and Melmetal being in the correct pokedex and I don't understand the desire to move it to a wrong pokedex. They were introduced in Generation 7, all the Generation 7 Pokemon are in the Alola dex, therefore Meltan and Melmetal go in the pokedex section for Generation 7 Pokemon, which is the Alola dex.

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Posted: Mon, 04/11/2019 22:46 (4 Years ago)
This wiki page should help you out! :)

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Posted: Sun, 03/11/2019 18:55 (4 Years ago)
Bumping this up since Sword/Shield are coming out soon. Meaning, megas will then officially be eliminated from the Pokemon games, having zero presence and not mattering at all anymore. Megas are supposed to be rare? More like, they aren't supposed to exist anymore to be completely honest. It'd be difficult to just wipe out all the megas on PH, so the second best thing is for us to stop putting so much importance on them - we're not in generation 6 anymore!

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Posted: Sun, 27/10/2019 18:22 (4 Years ago)
For Eclipseon's pokedex entry:

"Being such a rare sight makes it very popular. Many travel miles to see it show up a few times a year. Don't stare too much tough."

It looks like it should be "though" instead of "tough" :)

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Posted: Mon, 21/10/2019 22:25 (4 Years ago)
I'm sorry I just don't buy that this is a common enough thing that "many users" and "a lot of users" do it. Or, that harassers make new accounts "a lot of the times" when permanently locked. I have seen harassers create new accounts but it's rare, and I've never heard of someone changing their name to "throw harassers off the trail".

Plus, I don't see how it could in any way be effective because:
1. If you change your name, you can still go to your profile by typing in your old username into the profile url for quite a while.
2. If you don't completely change your profile and get rid of any Pokemon you have that you're known for, e.g. ones you always have in your party, you're still easily identifiable.

It's so easy to find people if they change their username that a username change is negligible in preventing harassment.

I'm not really hell-bent on this suggestion being implemented. I like it and voted yes but it doesn't matter a lot to me. I'm just doubtful about the credibility of your claims and, specifically, your word choice that makes it seem like people are often changing their username to throw off harassers.

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