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LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Sun, 20/12/2020 16:38 (4 Years ago) |
Eh, at least Clamor had gotten some pokemon out, namely Emerald. He grinned, happy to have done something good. He was also surprised that he managed to get into the jail and back twice in a day... Wow! He wouldn't be going back if he could help it, though. They would probably ramp up the security a ton. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Sun, 20/12/2020 15:51 (4 Years ago) |
Clamor used takedown again, blocking their path, and used crunch with giant, black astral jaws. He hoped to free one or two more pokemon before leaving, but that might not be possible. If the guards escaped, Clamor would leave too. However, Clamor would try and knock them out before that happened. He felt comfortable now, battling. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Sun, 20/12/2020 15:05 (4 Years ago) |
Of course they improved the locks... if they knew he could get through one, they must have. His ears flicked towards the direction of guards. As much as Clamor wanted to help Emerald out of the cage, he knew he had to deal with the guards first, or even more guards would come, and he would become trapped. Quick as a flash, he used takedown, ramming two guards into a wall. It was a sudden, surprise attack, which would impact the damage. Then he turned to face the other two with a glare, and used thunder wave. It was clear that if they tried to run or spread word about his arrival, Clamor would attack, so they wouldn't have time to do so. They had to fight him back. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Sun, 20/12/2020 14:29 (4 Years ago) |
I'm getting you out of here, Clamor thought to himself about Emerald. He examined the lock, and used a powerful crunch to try and break it. Would it work a second time? Clamor wasn't sure... [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Sun, 20/12/2020 02:54 (4 Years ago) |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Sun, 20/12/2020 02:15 (4 Years ago) |
Being a huge bookworm, Audax preferred to read than to exercise, and was pretty burnt out by the end of the day. He had to keep his energy up... He ate a few berries while lying down, exhausted. Clamor saw the Lycanroc run back off to the castle. Perhaps the two were friends...? How had they found themselves on opposite sides of the battlefield? Either way... Clamor made a choice: he made up his mind to try and start another jail break. Clamor had escaped jail once before, and he thought he could do it again, and even with more security, this time he started outside the jail. He needed to keep his promise and keep the riolu safe, and this was the best way to do it... besides, Clamor found himself getting fond of the pokemon. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Sun, 20/12/2020 01:29 (4 Years ago) |
Audax nodded, ready to continue. He padded back to the trampoline, his mind buzzing. Clamor huffed and puffed. Why this? This was why he hated the loyalists... they didn't bat an eye while they arrested an innocent riolu. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Sun, 20/12/2020 01:16 (4 Years ago) |
"Oh!" Audax was surprised. A neutral pokemon, so deep in loyalist territory and ranks? It was shocking for sure, but also a good sign. He smiled. Impulsively, Clamor attacked one of the knights taking Emerald away. The young pokemon seemed too pure to go to jail. Besides, he didn't want to fail at his mission to help out the riolu. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Sun, 20/12/2020 01:03 (4 Years ago) |
Audax hesitated. "I just want to help other pokemon." It wasn't a lie, he really did, just not in the loyalist way. He hoped the instructor wouldn't push it. Clamor was too interested in battle to notice. He shielded Emerald from a few incoming attacks, using Crunch inventively to stop them. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Sun, 20/12/2020 00:46 (4 Years ago) |
Audax nodded. He guessed it was sort of like his book bag: Heavy at the start, but lighter and lighter as he wore it for longer. Now when he wore it, he barely noticed it. What was the umbreon doing!? Attacks that small were pretty pointless to him, and not worth his time, at least for the moment. He glared at her. There were plenty more knights attacking him at the same time, and he needed to focus. He directed his attention back at them, taking them down one by one. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Sun, 20/12/2020 00:33 (4 Years ago) |
Audax nodded. That was good to know; that meant he'd probably get to see the plans at some point or another, and that was enough for him. "Isn't it hard to jump with such heavy armour on?" Audax asked, diverting the topic away from his suspicious question. The shadow ball hit hard, but didn't do signifigant damage due to its tiny size. In fact, it mostly just alerted Clamor of the umbreon's presence. She wasn't even a knight and was looking for a fight... that was just foolish in these times! He sent another thunderwave her way before directing his attention at different attacks coming at him. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Sun, 20/12/2020 00:17 (4 Years ago) |
Audax sighed, exhausted from the bouncing. He supposed he could try learning about loyalist plans now... "Is that noise I hear a battle?" He asked. "Who strategises plans for them?" He was genuinely curious, but also needed the info for the neutrals. Clamor tussled against various loyalists, doing his best to stay near the newly recruited Riolu and fend off attackers. Though the blue pokemon seemed to just be standing there for now... what was he doing? He didn't have time to question it as yet another loyalist dived at him. He slammed a paw down instantly on the umbreon's head, using thunderwave. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Sun, 20/12/2020 00:00 (4 Years ago) |
Audax did his best to follow the grovyle's instructions. As he did, he felt his jumps get just a little bit higher. He tried hard to time the bounces just right, hoping his legs wouldn't buckle. "I'm going," Clamor jotted down to tell Emerald. "I guess it's up to you if you come, but I'll battle with you for now if you do." Clamor knew that the knights had a mentor and training system, and had suggested earlier that the republicans get one too, though it hadn't been implemented. It seemed to help new recruits on the loyalist side, so he would try to do the same for Emerald. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Sat, 19/12/2020 23:49 (4 Years ago) |
"Got it!" Audax scampered over the the trampoline, and began bouncing. "Any tips?" He asked Dalsin. He thought he heard something, but ignored it for now. Clamor moved his head into a more comfortable position in the hug. Yup, Emerald seemed fine to him, at least for now. A noise caught his interest, and his round ears flicked up. It seemed to be the noises of battle... [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Sat, 19/12/2020 23:40 (4 Years ago) |
"Oh-! Okay!" Caught a little off guard, Audax hesitated a moment, then leaped as high as he could. With stubby legs and no run up, it wasn't the highest. Still, it was decent for his size. Clamor grinned. It wasn't every day that someone was accommodating enough to lend him a notepad to speak with. He happily grabbed the pen, and scribbled down: "I'm Clamor. Nice to meet'cha!" [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Sat, 19/12/2020 23:33 (4 Years ago) |
The grovyle certainly looked very regal in his uniform. Audax supposed that when he wasn't gathering info, training would be great, which was why it was a good idea for him to participate wholeheartedly in his knight training. It would also make him blend in better. He smiled, realising he'd get to experience what Fortem had, and that maybe they could talk about it after. "I'm Audax," He introduced. Clamor was surprised by the Riolu's immediate affection, but huffed, amused. A smile spread across his muzzle. Right then and there, Clamor decided he would show this kid the ropes, maybe help him out a little bit. He seemed nice enough. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Sat, 19/12/2020 23:18 (4 Years ago) |
Audax stumbled into the training room. Wow, the loyalists really were no slouches when it came to speed - both training wise, and the speed that they had gotten him from regular citizen to training squire. He looked around the space. "Hello?" Clamor still didn't have his chalk board, so he tried to greet the riolu without one. He calmly gave him a tail wave and a respectful dip of the head. The riolu seemed a little nervous, and Clamor half wondered if it was because he was a new recruit concerned about the loyalists, or if it were for some other mysterious reason. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Sat, 19/12/2020 23:05 (4 Years ago) |
Audax couldn't believe that he was technically a squire now... or that the knights would believe him so fast, or that knighting ceremonies could happen so quickly. He wondered if he'd be serving under any other knight, like how Emerald had been training under Fortem before this chaos begun. He wondered how Emerald was doing in with the Republicans, and felt a knot of dread tighten in his stomach. Back at the arena, Clamor watched the little riolu try to prove himself with interest. Hadn't he spotted him hanging out with that lycanroc a while back? What were they up to? He decided not to interfere, as either the riolu had wisely changed his mind, or he and his friend had something planned. The lycanroc had been good to him, so he wouldn't say anything. He went up to introduce himself, and although the breakout had happened just this morning, it felt like long ago already. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Sat, 19/12/2020 22:48 (4 Years ago) |
Audax nodded, though nervously. "I will," He told Emerald. [Read more] |
LucarioLover99 OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 304 |
Posted: Sat, 19/12/2020 22:17 (4 Years ago) |
Audax accepted the outfit, then looked at his paws. There were probably ways to avoid fighting, but maybe it would be inevitable... either way, he would put it off as long as possible, and just gather information. "It's gonna be ok," He tried to smile at Emerald, hoping to reassure them both. [Read more] |