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Posted: Thu, 17/03/2016 11:59 (8 Years ago)

Title: 17/3/2016

So my premium ended a few days ago (13 March) and it was nice hunt so far, but now since I'm not premium, I'll have to suffer the curse of this genderless hunt.
Tests going on on daily basis are going pretty smooth, principal called top three students from each class for a motivational lecture and I was also in group of three from my class, as the exams are close so he said that finish line is just infront of you, you have to sprint to achieve it. Well, I don't say I'm a book worm, I'm just an average student, but I won't stop from watching huge dreams and to realize them.
Oh and I want to say that these days I'm collecting mega Pokemon from auction house, I also brought many shinies from auction house in recent few days, that's all so far.

Oh! I also want you to know that I see some users sharing their opinions on some matters and I don't like some of them, I want to show opposition on that but I refrain from doing that, I don't want to cause any drama and neither I want to hurt anyone feelings, so I rather keep quiet on it.
Nothing more to say, =)
Bye and take care, hope to meet you on this Sunday.

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Posted: Tue, 15/03/2016 02:00 (8 Years ago)
First badge earned


More to be added

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Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 08:25 (8 Years ago)
help me friend dialga is scratching and pinching me hardlyy hellpppp i am fainted crkkkkkkk

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Posted: Sat, 12/03/2016 16:09 (8 Years ago)
Hi, I'm Torchic

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Posted: Wed, 09/03/2016 15:59 (9 Years ago)
YOu can take anything you like from here.

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Posted: Mon, 07/03/2016 15:02 (9 Years ago)
I Want A Pokemon!
Username: Fahad_Ali
What Pokemon You Want: Sandcrustle (no specific gender)
Who You Are Getting It From: Beedrillic_Harmony
What you are paying in and your total amount: 13,000 PD

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Posted: Wed, 02/03/2016 15:58 (9 Years ago)
Coding for trade shop (under construction)

You want to adopt some missing Pokemon from your Pokedex ? You are at right place Mr. / Miss. !
But you know every place has some proper rules and regulations , so do us. You should know them before we proceed , they are as following~

Show hidden content
• Follow all PH rules
• You can adopt 3 Pokemon max per day (of course they are for free)
• First come first serve
• If you edit your post you have to mention "edited (hh/mm) [hh= hour & mm= minutes]

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Posted: Wed, 02/03/2016 15:18 (9 Years ago)
My pokemon is smooth!
Username: Fahad_Ali
Pokemon: Pokesona (Chikoo)
Payment: 5k PD
Did you read the rules?: Hoi~

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Posted: Wed, 24/02/2016 10:06 (9 Years ago)
Today result of beauty contest was announced here is mine

I totally had no Idea so I thought of making some random things , I'm advancing to the goal of Shiny Mellota ^^

Lately, I've seen many users doing Legendary hunts, it is really pleasing to see them achieving their goals and making merry.

Oh! and less than a week is left for Kyurem event, so far there is no sign of Shiny version of it, as for me, I've got over 20 Kyurem during this event xD that's all

Today I got this thing from AH and with that my first Pokedex besides retro Dex is completed, my fried Phynn contributed a lot in helping me, I thank him very much for this kindness. Here is how it was, and this is the prize.

Last entry of this post.
I had forgotten that it is leap year xD
29 Feb will always remind me of "Mumtaz Q"... welp that's all I have to say about this day.
So Today is last day of Frosty Kyurem event and the amazing thing is that I got 2 Kyurem in less than 10K interactions in less than a difference of 10 minutes :'D
Last year I clearly remember that I got none at last day of that event even tho I made like 20K interactions on that day. Well it's luck :p
Also I decided to officially put another nickname of me on main post of this diary, you have to check it yourself, hint ? It is my favorite Pokemon related ,I guess xD
About R&T session at college, FLPs of first half book of each subjects are on going only 2 more left. I've performed very well in them as compared to Send ups so I guess I might get 85% + marks, let's hope for good, as for today, it was of Chemistry, I did my best in all but in the end in extensive type numerical problem I couldn't wrote correct balanced chemical equation so I messed up in 4 marks question I wrote 2 instead of 3 on nitrogen gas... Well I'll try not to repeat such mistake again. That's all I guess ? maybe ?

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Posted: Sat, 20/02/2016 17:14 (9 Years ago)
Hey diary! Sorry for spamming you but now I originally experienced the feeling of getting tricked and cheated, you know how it feel? I feels humiliated *wink wink *
Oh I'm fine , I'll be back to normal after a few deep breaths xD

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Posted: Sat, 20/02/2016 16:35 (9 Years ago)
I would like to trade 1x Light Rock for 1x Vortex of Time Map if it is considered as 1:1 trade.

Edited : Posey offered on cold rock first and after a minute of his post I posted and offered on Vortex of time Map but he edited his post afterwards. But that's OK since I have no proof.

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Posted: Sat, 20/02/2016 16:15 (9 Years ago)
I have 2 cold rocks , so I would like "Offer Number Two" , the hatched Tornadus one for both rocks .

Edited : Both sent via Delibird delivery service ^^

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Posted: Sat, 20/02/2016 11:43 (9 Years ago)

Title: Recent Happenings

Hey! Good morning Diary!

Many things happened in this one month period, let's start with sequence:

1) Send up exams ended and I managed to get 85% marks in them, I need to improve a little more to secure about 90% in finals.

2) A week later of exams Revision and Test session started, daily base chapter wise, then half book and then full book exams for revision of syllabus and I was going very well in first week of it.

3) In second week I got ill and it got prolonged so it had some effect on tests but, Alhamdulilah , I'm recovered and very well now so now I can perform better in tests (:

4) I recently bought a few Pokemon from AH.
For 200K PD For 300K PD For 700K PD

5) I got this from LAB hunt :P I'm lucky xD

6) Got all these from reserved slots in shiny hunts of friends

7) Valentine's day was on 4th of Feb so an event was held on that day, I sent many anon messages to various users :p but don't worry , it was just to make them smile nothing else xD Many users opposed that day, they have their own opinions which should be respected, I think that our love should not be confined to one day , we should always respect and love our dear ones. Oh! and the event Pokemon I got It has User name, I have respect of him as one of my best friends and like elder bro <3

8 )Today was Urdu first half book FLP ( full length paper) , I think I performed very well in it, even better than in send ups , let's hope for good result.

9) I started shiny Carbink hunt as it was released with new Gem Cauldron update. At first I didn't liked the new update of it as it is pretty difficult and expensive then previous one but now I'm used to it xD

10) I got 2 Shinies so far from this hunt , I bought a monthly premium and weekly Flute for daycare for it , it was not nice in beginning but now it is pretty Lucky.

11) Lyraine gifted me this cutie pie, >u< I can't resist it's Kawainess <333

12) She also made me This Kawaii Chikoo Aaaaa I'm dYinG of Kawainess :'D

13) I won Rowan's quest, here is my Karp

I guess that's all for now (; Cya soon Dear Diary, I missed you too <3

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Posted: Sat, 20/02/2016 10:12 (9 Years ago)
So if dark gems are still available then ,16,000 PD for 40 dark gems

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Posted: Sat, 20/02/2016 09:32 (9 Years ago)
I would like to buy some dark gems, but if they are sold already I apologise for this useless post.

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Posted: Sun, 31/01/2016 15:40 (9 Years ago)
I want to buy an "Enigma Pearl" for 160,000 PD.

Edited : OK I'll wait ^^

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Posted: Thu, 14/01/2016 12:13 (9 Years ago)

Torchic --- Fahad_Ali --- 14th January, 2016.

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Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 14:34 (9 Years ago)
This is something everyone should understand, being Ditto (Rich) is not the real thing, we need to become Eevee (creative/comprehensive) to give limitless benefits to others than to make money and give limited benefits.

Now something I want to remember for long as I want to make a story about it.
Last night (5 Jan 2016) I had a adventurous dream,
It starts with another dream I was having in my dream, I with some of my cousins went on an underwater journey, we were going down and down and at a point we saw a mysterious building , we were amazed to see it, we went into that building, that building was like a modern style , but looks a bit old in appearance, everything was in best condition, book shelves and the books in them, chairs, table of glass, that was a huge building ,if we say that it was like an office building with many glass windows, it's top was semi-oval like,
However we only observed the first floor,
I woke up and on TV I saw a news that a new Island is emerged from sea, it has nothing special but a huge building, this Island was then undertaken by Army troops,
after some days the Island was open for tourists but building had many creepy mysteries hidden in it, so It was still guarded by troops, no one dared to enter it due to its creepy-ness.
Me and my friends made a plan to investigate that building, we went to that but it was on guard by troops, so two of us 3 friends decided to distract the troops and I decided entered in the building meanwhile, it's door was tight sealed, I had some master keys in case of emergency ,so I used them to open the door, after a very hard struggle ,I was able to open the door, I entered in it, everything was like same as was in the dream I had, I wandered here and there in it.
Everything seemed OK but when I entered a room which had a secret path to enter, I saw a person in dark, first I was startled, but then I struggled my feet and went to that person, it was a teenager girl of like 16-18 in age. She was maybe in a sleep. I patted on her shoulder carefully, when she opened her eyes I was scared to see her red glowing eyes, at first I was shocked but then I struggled and became a bit quiet, I asked her that who are you, at this question she started at me, she observed me from head to toe, she introduced her self that she is the eldest daughter of the Wizard King and after here mother she is the strongest Magician in the world, I asked her that where is her father.
At this she remained quiet of a while and then tears started from her eyes, she said that a war broke between the evils and his father who was King Wizard, his father and mother died in that war but during war , they threw her in the secret storage and and sank the Island Magically in sea, about 20 thousand years ago.
Then she suddenly turned into an adult witch and all of her body started to glow red and she flew out of the building, I also rushed out, it was dark clouds and thunder in sky,
Troops surrounded the building with weapons, pointing their guns towards the witch , they said to surrender at once, but the witch using her magical powers, seized their movement, and started tossing the troops here and there,
after sometime when everything was calm she turned back in 16 Y.O. girl,
I asked her that what was that, she replied that when she gets too much sad or depressed she turns into adult witch with unlimited powers and start a rampage, it was a trait inhered to her by her mother.

After this part, I woke up,I had exam of Chemistry today so I didn't get to sleep more x3
Well , I'll think of rest of the part when I get enough free time.

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Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 04:43 (9 Years ago)
I need 1x iron + 1x Zap plate for 100K PD in total.

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Posted: Mon, 04/01/2016 13:37 (9 Years ago)
I want a shell bell for 500 K PD~

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