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andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Sun, 01/05/2022 12:55 (2 Years ago) |
![]() “You fried gizzard feet! You stained my dress!! The custom tailored white lace one I got from France!!! Do you even know how much it costs???” Andrea flings her silk slipper at her flustered maid. “Sorry, miss.” She replies, trembling as she fumbles into a curtsy. The frightened maid had been dealing with her mistress’s fiery temper ever since one of the other maids spilt a drop of coffee on the carpet floor— an insignificant mistake that with no doubt pushed Andrea’s mood over the edge. She scoffs, flicking a speck of dirt off her shoulder, dismissing the maid with a haughty wave. “Tsk. Can you believe it, Juliana? Stupid fools” She asks, cooing softly at the pure white albino snake around her neck. Silver and gold bracelets wrapped around pale wrists, and pretty necklaces adorned her neck. She had an abundance of gold rings on her fingers, way too dazzling and way too elegant for someone just staying at home. But then again, Andrea always did things extravagantly. Despite all the bling, she didn’t look overdressed or out of place, her home as elegant as her figure. She was wearing a poofy black dress, so wide she could hid several dead bodies under it. Underneath the curtain that was her dress, a neat row of knives, guns and more lay. However, the thing that took pride of place and bunned up her long locks of jet black hair with white streaks was a ornate Damascus knife inlaid with gold, with a blood red ruby embedded in its handle of white marble. [a little while later] Soft white silk gloves slid gently across the table’s surface. Andrea put it up to her eyes, staring at it quietly, frowning when she spotted dust on her silk glove. “Anne!! Didn’t I tell you to get someone to clean this up? There’s dust! It’s not cleaner properly” She shrieks hysterically. Another small maid wobbles over, balancing a huge pile of laundry, and apologises hurriedly, scurrying off to go get someone to clean up the speck of dirt. Andrea was partially a germaphobe, she didn’t like it when there was even the slightest mess. She whistles, summoning the head maid over, and dismissing them all to go take a break after that mess was dealt with. The head maid nods gratefully, and Andrea sighs once the maids have all returned to their quarters. She rips off her jewellery and her gloves with scorn, letting her hair loose and slipping out of her dress to reveal decently normal clothing underneath. If you considered combat wear normal clothing, that is. She rearranged all her knives, before picking up her accessories and clothing and whatnot, going to her room and dumping it all there. Andrea walks in front of her floor to ceiling mirror, swiping her blood on the small scanner hidden in the mirror, as gears softly whir to life, revealing a pristine white laboratory, with all sorts of bubbling chemical brews poofing out colorful smoke. She selects a test tube with white solution inside, and minimal effervescence. Swirling it around, she nods approvingly, before pouring it into a bowl. She then takes out a mortar and pestle, and a clump of red looking rocks. Arsenic, and red metal cinnabar. She sprinkles a few dried leaves and a bunch more powders, checking it against some sort of journal. She pours it into a flask when ready, and pockets it. Next, she takes a needle, drawing out some of her own blood, and then gently uncoiling Juliana from her shoulder. “Spit” she tells the snake, and venom trickles into the test tube. She empties the blood into a separate vial, then some of the venom. She watches the blood, then dropping a few jasmine leaves in it, a special orangey-purple flower, leaf pulp, Good. The venom was no longer effective. She smiles, having gotten her desired results. She could the albino back around her neck, labelling the test tube. Whilst crooning softly, she picks up a pétri-dish, well labelled and pours agar solution into dish, setting it to solidify. Meanwhile, she takes a small container, using a micropipette to extract bacteria from it, then applying it to the agar. She spreads it, then sprays a bright pink solution onto it, before putting it into the incubator. If she was right, the growth should increase rapidly. Perfect for starting a biochemical war. Her lips curve upwards, tugging the corners of her mouth into a smile. The Purge was soon. This was going to be fun. She steps away from experimenting for now, hanging her coat and lab goggles, before stepping into another section of the lab, scanning her thumbprint, retina and her DNA, as a small slit in the door turned into a handle, swinging open to reveal disguises of all sorts, credit cards, fake documents and a singular, simple handgun with ammo. She tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear, then looks out the window. The idea of using guns disgusted hr, yet she was pretty sure they were all going to be blowing each other up anyways. Hip hip hooray. Maniacs, blowing everything up. But then again, she did have a wide collection of knives….soooo she couldn’t judge them either. She cleans up, locks everything, and with one last look, she locks the lab and steps out of the mirror. She flops into the bed, and screams into the pillow, muffled, strangled shouts for some random reason. “Ughhhhh…oh sorry Juls, did I squish you?” She puts the snake on her stomach, lying spread-eagle, face up, staring at the ceiling. “Too much light….dammit I still have a biology paper to finish.” She snaps her fingers, hologram flickering to a starry sky. She groans, getting up, changing, before flopping back onto her bed, covering her eyes with a Hello Kitty blindfold, and taking a catnap. She would deal with more problems sometime…just not now. “Good evening, madam. How may I assist you?” A voice cuts through the peaceful silence, and Andrea groans again, throwing a pillow at the talking gadget. “Shut up, I’m trying to get some sleep here.” She mutters. “That’s not very nice” The digital voice speaks again. She flips it off, pulling her pillow to cover her ears. “I dont care.” She grumbled. “You seem down. How can I help?” The A.I repeats. Frustrated, Andrea moves her hand around blearily, smacking the device off the table and onto the floor. “That wasn’t very nice either.” The A.I says, from its spot on the floor. Andrea groans, getting up, and disconnecting the stupid Bluetooth…thing. She flings it out of her window, whines at the light outside, and flops back onto her bed. Juliana, sensing her frustration, hisses comfortingly, slithering around her hand. Andrea screws her eyes shut, puts the blindfold back on and takes deep breaths, slowly calming down. Barely 10 minutes have passed, and her phone rings, causing her to sit up in shock. “SHUT UP” She roars, staring at the phone. Great. A call from one of those pathetic, arrogant side companies. “Here missus, I’ve done up the draft for ya. Do take a look and tell me how great it is.” The man-child on the other end of the phone chirrups. “You’re fired, Daniel’s taking over. Goodbye.” And with that, she ends the phone call. What with the purge, her companies, and her own studies all converging into one, she sighs, throwing her phone across the room and going back to sleep. [Read more] |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Sun, 01/05/2022 00:11 (2 Years ago) |
Character Name - Andrea (who else?) Last name unknown Age - 20 Appearance - extremely fussy over her appearance, stain her dress? she’ll be screaming at you like a psychopathic maniac. hétérochromatic eyes, black hair with white streaks. for ref Personality - Prissy, pretty, elegant and bossy. Typical spoilt brat behaviour, wears an abundance of jewellery at times, and it’s very excessive. underneath all that though, is a personality crafted and hidden to perfection. A stony heart, lack of empathy, love for bargaining and manipulation, and more. She is highly observant, and hates being stealthy. She is rather childish, if you remember Lilith? She loves dolls, just like Lilith, pretty pink aesthetics and candy— especially strawberry flavoured lollipops. She has a doll whom she treasures more than anything else, it looks something like this. Rumour has it, that if you grab the doll and listen real close, it’ll whisper your secrets and your darkest fears. Backstory (optional) - Some girls are rational but Andrea was not. There's seven reasons this crown's not good as got— And so the night of Prom, mercy! Thus went her plot: see the ballad of Sara berry for backstory A fond memory should stay that way. Just a memory, nothing more. Whatever was in the memory should cease to exist, otherwise it’s not a memory anymore. Password - Pet Cemetery for sure Group Chat? - yes Other - this is still open right? here [Read more] |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Sat, 09/04/2022 00:31 (2 Years ago) |
Ignis sat talking to Jax, quietly observing the land below. All he needed was to play the game well and everything goes according to plan. One little tip of the dominoes, and everything would crumble at his command. [Read more] |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Sun, 03/04/2022 23:31 (2 Years ago) |
Dandelion Fields April 1st. Dear Illy, I met a boy today. Maman and Papa introduced me to him. He’s a human, and he seems very interested in my magic. He’s a very fascinating human too. It’s my first time meeting a human, and it was during Maman and Papa’s peace treaty with the humans. While they were having their boring meeting, we went to play together. Guess what Illy? He knows how to play chess, and he doesn’t find it boring either! He’s not very good though, maybe I can teach him? War of Death July 6th. Illy, I need help. Maman and I received a huge shock when our town square was destroyed. It was a human weapon! Why would they do this? Maman is very worried, but she won’t tell me anything! And Papa hasn’t…I haven’t seen him ever since the peace treaty. Where could he be? Maman says he’s busy with other stuff. What other stuff? I want to know! July 8th. Illy, I confronted him about it. He doesn’t know a thing. Is he faking it? I used my illusion powers to sneak into the human land. Maman told me about beautiful palaces and complicated structures, and more in the human lands. She lied. The human land is nothing like ours, it’s a barren wasteland with no jungles or pretty ocean, and their cities are so filthy and polluted. Why…why would Maman lie to me. Has she lied about anything else? August 2nd. Illy, he knew!! He knew Illy, I’ve never felt more hurt. Maman’s dead, I found her diary and I now know everything. I can’t believe it…..Papa was shot! Now I don’t have parents, I’ve lost both of them, all because of humans. The Vow of a Queen August 16th. Illy, I’m a leader now. The new leader of the Saakri-Lumens. J and Lixie have been trying to educate me and catch me up on everything that happened in full horrifying detail. Lixie shared their memories with me. It’s like watching a full on horror movie without any censorship, so fully realistic I failed to remain standing. J had to calm me down cos my powers were spiralling out of control. Sometimes I wonder if Maman and Papa shelter me too much… August 17th. I forgot to tell you, Illy, I swore an oath. To protect my people, and defend them. The world has place for only one species, and I’m going to make sure it’s our species. Whatever it takes Everything Goes According to Plan February 2nd. (This entry is quite recent, about a year before the present) Illy, the final piece is in place. After all the work I put in, this is the final stretch. A few more adjustments, a little more tinkering….and everything will be okay. Illy, I wish you were still here. Maman said, as we covered your body with a white cloth, that you had reunited with angels. Is that true? What is it like? I’m sure we could’ve done better if we were together, and we faced it together. But Maman says you’re forever in my heart…Thank you, Illy. The rest of the entries were very complicated, recorded in the ancient Saakri-Lumen language. The ink seemed rather fresh, though, bright red among the plain yellowish paper. [Read more] |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Sat, 02/04/2022 10:20 (2 Years ago) |
Character name: Andrea Lilith Wyvernskies Age: 18 Gender: female Pronouns: she/they Appearance: art by Hunterz~Wolf Personality: Flaws: Put her in long ranged, long distance combat, and she’ll a) drop to the floor dramatically, screaming b) stab the knife into the opponents flesh before running away like a coward c) scream loudly, staring with pupils dilated at the enemy d) all of the above, in that exact order congrats the answer is d) she needs to eat. period. don’t give her food and she’ll behave like a spoiled brat. Or she’ll just bite your arm. Whatever. not very strong? could probably break a few bones through technique but couldn’t lift a boulder or tree branch to save her own life. Not very good with hearing either. You may have to shout Survivor or Researcher: Survivor Tools: Survival knife + propulsion cannon Fauna jewel: memser jewel (on a ring on her fourth finger, right hand) Occupation: — (getting injured, probably) Palpad?: Yes Password: *sticks head into part of ocean where mermaids live* OI U WHERE’S THE QUARTZ??? Other: Able to hold her breath for a reasonably long time, her technique in close quarters combat is near flawless. Oh and she’s ambidextrous too, and possesses the ability to dislocate joints at will réserve a spot? [Read more] |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Thu, 31/03/2022 23:13 (2 Years ago) |
Title: IV: Behind Stone Walls[
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Tue, 29/03/2022 11:25 (2 Years ago) |
Andrea’s turquoise eyes sparkled in the dim light, the faulty lightbulb flickering softly, wavering feebly. Her eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, as she fiddled with a metal orb. With a few deft spins, in whirs to life, unlocking itself, displaying a small screen that requested a password. She took out a sterile needle and pierced skin, swiping the blood across the sensor. flickered; in rhythm with Andrea’s heartbeat, before giving off a soft click sound that echoed in the dark. Soon….soon. She must be patient. No hurry, no worry. It would all go according to plan. She heard knocking, and tensed up. Thankfully, it was her loyal childhood friend, Julia. Julia calls out to her through the door. “The solamensire is ready, whenever you need it. Please be careful.” Andrea smiles, before replying. “Yes J, And can I count on you when I fall?” Andrea asks in return, receiving a reassuring ‘yes’ in Morse code. Ignis is once again speaking to his people, preparing them for war. “I’m sick of the Saakri-Lumens. Sick of them trying to manipulate us, trying to steal our stuff. You are prepared, I’ve made sure of that. So in a few days time, we shall be waging WAR on them! Everyone is required to participate, unless you’re under 12. That is all, now be gone!” He spits out his last few words, a snarl finishing it off as he brandished his fist in the air, letting out his anger. Andrea was at fault, Andrea was in the wrong. And now all the Saakri-Lumens would suffer, because of her. They would watch her reveal the truth, they would watch as she begged Ignis to spare ber life, and soon the Saakri-Lumens would consider Ignis their saviour. He was sure of that. Victory tasted sweet, he could feel it already. [Read more] |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Sat, 26/03/2022 13:49 (2 Years ago) |
She looks BingLiu up and down. “You are the Beguiler, the Saakri-Lumen who can control others using your voice, am I right? You have more than one name I suppose. Should I call you BingLiu?” She asks. Crossing her arm and resting her head on her other propped up hand, she stares intently at BingLiu, as if thinking. She snaps her fingers, summoning a guard to her side, taking a silk cloth off to reveal the same cuff she previously wore for the demonstration. “This has different levels of restraint.” She points to the small needle in the gauge, currently set to full restraint. “I was wearing both at full restraint. You could alter the cuff to your comfort level. I can design some simulations for you should you require it, so you won’t hurt others, but can do so if you wish. As for breathing…there are several calming exercises and remedies you could try, and special devices, though I wouldn’t push you, and insist you must do it. Your fear remains a unknown until you try. I’d highly recommend you at least give your powers a try in my designed simulations. Should you feel uncomfortable at any point, we will stop. However, if that happens, you should be working even harder on the skills I’ve mentioned. You should learn to defend yourself.” Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, Ignis Thornsower had begun his own speech. “We gather here today to discuss a useless species. The Saakri-Lumens. Full of powers yet they refuse to lend us a helping hand. We, have so much advanced weapons and technology. I strongly believe we are the better species. The Saakri-Lumens have ‘shared’ this world with us. They should be grateful, they should be helping us! But they didn’t. I’ve heard they are preparing to train. So” He slams his fists onto the stand, proclaiming “We will be stepping up training, continually building weapons, training to be faster, stronger and better. We are the best, and we will win this war we fight with them” Several humans in the crowd yelled out their approval, obviously cheering at their leader’s words. Little did they know…whether Saakri-Lumen or human, soon their world would be turned upside down [Read more] |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Fri, 25/03/2022 12:13 (2 Years ago) |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Thu, 24/03/2022 22:34 (2 Years ago) |
“And here I thought you’d be a little more clever. I guessed wrong. The Saakri-Lumens only saw your childish squabbling, they didn’t see you getting taken away like a screaming bratty man-child. Lucky for me, I suppose, that you two were in dark alleyways. Apparently I’ve not made myself clear enough. Humans are unwelcome here. I wish not to harm any of you. Should you cross my territory, and challenge my people, then that’s where I step in. I won’t allow this, but perhaps in this case I can make an exception, seeing as one of us decided to continue the ruckus of a petty human.” Andrea scoffs, dismissing Sara with a disdainful wave. “Please leave us now, human. Leave this territory, otherwise the next time you come here I won’t be as lenient.” “As for you…Septhis. Why? You know we dont embrace violence.” [Read more] |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Thu, 24/03/2022 11:53 (2 Years ago) |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Thu, 24/03/2022 02:59 (2 Years ago) |
As the leader of her people, she was very well loved, constantly promoting ideas that would benefit her people’s well-being, encouraging equality, and making sure no one lacked a roof over their head, a warm bed to sleep in, food to eat or clothes to wear. Boutiques, restaurants, arcades and almost anything you could think of, intricately weaved alongside nature. Unlike the humans, whose cities reeked of pollution, theirs was a world where nature and Saakri-Lumens shared peacefully, a near perfect world. Andrea stands on the balcony of one of the many towers in her home, staring plainly at the border, and the world of the humans. The humans had taken the world, shaped it for their own violent, destructive ways, not caring for Mother Nature at all. And yet, their technology was superb. Destructive, yes, but incredibly useful. She exhaled, a sigh echoing through her home. She gazes at the horizon that stretches across her entire field of view in the most spectacular fashion. A massive expanse of crystal clear water is all she can see ahead of her with a miniature sail boat proudly sailing along with its small white sails catching the little sea breeze. This same breeze caresses her skin, keeping it pleasantly warm in spite of the slowing fading sun, making me feel like it is hugging me warmly. The beautiful colour which seems to be a mix of orange and pink fills the dark blue sky and colours the puffy white clouds. The calm ocean reflects this most amazing colour in the way which only it can. The waves gently lull on the sandy shore, slowly breaking then receding, always gracefully touching one’s toes. The smell which these waves conjure is not fishy and disgusting as it sometimes is but rather soft and a little salty which just so luscious. The sea gulls circle in the air, occasionally landing or catch their food. One sea gull dives from the air only to lift itself up again as it nears the water, making a small V in the water behind it. She finds herself thinking that their world has grown and developed, becoming a world unlike the humans, free of most pollution. From another tower, she could observe an exotic forest, connected to the ones that grew along the unmarked borders. That forest was different, far more beautiful with lush, rare, greenery, cascading waterfalls, streams, flowers and animals of of shapes and sizes. The Saakri-Lumens were indeed blessed. She thought to herself. Such a peaceful world, where nothing could, or would go wrong A storm raged, and the heavens broke forth with a storm rivalling the rage of the seven suns. Thunder crashed, and lightning streaked across a dark electric blue sky. The first thing the little girl noticed was the pungent smell of dead, rotting, flesh from all her fallen comrades and enemies. The cool wind that blows around her doesn't seem to help to get rid of the disgusting smell, in fact it brings additional smells; Smells of dust, smoke and blood from the surrounding area. These smells bring in feelings of anxiousness and nervousness as she has no idea if she would be the next target, would she be joining those already scattered on the ground in pieces after the next massive explosion? The floor is a bloody battlefield, streaked with crimson blood and dead bodies, bullet shells and pieces of metal. As she ventured further into hell the screams and shouts from nearby soldiers gets progressively louder. Gunshots and explosions are sounding closer as she continued creeping further into depths of hell. Debris from explosions are landing closer and closer around her.. She finally reached a friendly base that is under enemy fire, a young Saakri-Lumen quickly pulls her down to the ground by her shoulder just as a bullet flies over her head ricocheting off the tree several meters behind her. As she started to move from the ground to a nearby cover dodging bullets and grenades the adrenalin she had been waiting for to kick in has finally decided to take part, making her senses more aware than before and speeding everything up giving her the strength to continue and allowing her to forget about the foul taste of dirt in her mouth. Too young. Too young to be fighting this war, too young to be forced into this chaos, this madness. And yet still here, living, breathing, and fighting. The little girl finds cover and cower in fear hiding like a small scared child, the sounds of machine guns and explosives are all around her; she was terrified, even the adrenalin rush is not enough to calm her down. As she looked up, she notice the shiny, metallic bullet shells, freshly spewed blood, body parts and debris splattered all over the ground. An unknown ally collapses as his head was just blown off by an enemy sniper in the distance. A lone M16 with a fully loaded magazine is within her reach; she grabs the weapon's cold, metallic, handle getting ready to spring up, aim down the sight and kill the first enemy she spots. She gets up and start shooting like a rookie in training, spraying bullets everywhere. While she is shooting this gun she notice the spent bullet casings ejecting out of the chamber and landing on the ground next to her. The soft metallic clinging sound and the smell of gunpowder overpowers her nose, distracting her from important matters at hand and then a THUD! Realizing she have been shot she drops to the ground behind the cover. She looks over to her left shoulder and sees where the bullet hither. She feels the warm blood that starts running down her arm and see the bullet still imbedded into her shoulder. Mercury red blood dripped on the ground. The pain is so unbearable that she starts screaming and shouting for a medic to come and rescue her; Hearing her screams a Saakri-Lumen blessed with the power of healing rushes over to her side and pulls her to a safer location. He then examines your shoulder, pulling out the bullet with a pair of pliers and heals her with a warm glow. Just in time to save her life…..but not his. The humans had started the war and her mom, the previous leader of the Saakri-Lumens has sworn to end it. She remembered the screams of anguish of her father in the failed peace treaty they had with the humans. “Please, I’m begging you, listen to us! We only want good for both our species, we want to flourish and benefit together. Don’t do this to us, we have no intention to harm you.” And then his head was slashed off, humans giving off triumphant yells as they tossed a grenade that weakened and confused the Saakri-Lumens, before carrying his head away, a signal of their victory. And them days later they attacked, leaving Andrea an orphan. She was now older, the new leader after her mom had tragically died in battle. Shot by a human. A whole case of bullets emptied into her heart, another bullet to the head. Her mother didn’t escape in time. Andrea was only 6 when then incident happened, 6 when she crowned the new leader. She swore everything in her power she would keep the Saakri-Lumens safe back then, she would still uphold that promise now. Her eyes harden, her lips purse. Empty emotionless turquoise eyes stare into the mirror. She had grown up now. Things were different. She adjusted her coat, and headed to the town square. She had to give another speech soon….she wouldn’t want to be late. Besides, leaving early would give her a chance to make a small detour. Nobody noticed as her figure weaved through the crowd, and with barely a side glance at the crowd forming, she slipped away….somewhere. [Read more] |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Sun, 20/03/2022 22:35 (2 Years ago) |
Under shimmering castles, spiralling, complicated structures lies two clans, two mafias, if you will. Perfect blue skies are not as they appear, polluted by humans, who occupy one half of Iridantia, the Earth they share. Non-humans occupy the other half, known as the Saakri-Lumens by the humans. The world is shattering, there can only be space for one. But who will it be? The humans have advanced destructive technology, but have polluted the earth, removing most greenery from their part of the world. They are also excellent warriors in battle, with a fury unlike any other. Meanwhile, the Sakai-Lumens have superpowers, and their intelligence is superior to that of humans. For years the Saakri-Lumens have banned contact with humans, claiming that they are a “violent, destructive race” and that they do not deserve the land they tread on. Rumours have it, that the humans forced the Saakri-Lumens into half the world, with violence and rage, when once both parties lived in harmony. The humans speak of it differently, claiming that the Saakri-Lumens are evil, and manipulative creatures. But who is right, and who is wrong? Is there really a ‘good” side on Iridantia? Is anything what they really seem? ![]() Humans: Ruled by Ignis Thornsower, he rules with an iron fist, and whether the mentioned is his real name or not, no one really knows. Password is the one household item you can’t live without Sᴀᴀᴋʀɪ-Lᴜᴍᴇɴs: Ruled by Andrea Lerissa Kingsley, a seemingly charming woman on first glance. She prefers to stick to non-violent options, though sometimes they may be far more….sinister. Underneath that charming smile of hers, secrets and lies are carefully woven into her web, and though she speaks nothing but the truth, there are many shades of truth……The right amount of truth, mixed with a little bit of lies, can be oh so convincing~ Form: ![]() Name: Palpad?: Personality: Gender: Age: Appearance: Saakri-Lumens or Human: Powers(only for Saakri-Lumens): Weapon/Abilities(For humans): My form: ![]() Guess who’s back, it’s ya softie andrea *cough cough* Name: Andrea Lerissa Kingsley Palpad?: duh Personality: INTJ The Intellectual | 5w4 The Philosopher She is confident, analytical, and ambitious in their behavior. Andrea loves to pursue knowledge and tend to be very logically minded. She tends to listen to her strong intuition and loves to see how everything connects together. She is focused on the bigger picture and may overlook small details. Intellectuals are very logical and rational. She bases her decisions on what makes sense and might have a harder time connecting emotionally. Andrea is organized and prefer following a plan, loving to set and achieve goals. But above all, she is manipulative. She toys with people’s emotions, their deepest desires, bending them to her will, and her goals. She probably holds more secrets then she should Gender: Female Age: 20 Appearance: faceclaim: Letitia Wright black, long hair in many tiny braids, and eyes glittering like the turquoise shards of sea glass, with skin so smooth and unblemished it doesn’t look real. Soft freckles dot her cheeks, and well kept nails can be seen, as well as a slender figure, standing at only 4”8’ But be careful, her appearance doesn’t necessarily mean she’s all sugar and rainbows Saakri-Lumens or Human: Saakri-Lumens Powers(only for Saakri-Lumens): Illusionist. Not much needs to be said, she can create fake illusions to fool one or more people, which really comes in handy when she uses fear to get someone to do what she wants. She is also a master ventriloquist, and has special high tech disguises made specially for her. [Read more] |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Sun, 20/03/2022 12:35 (2 Years ago) |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Wed, 16/03/2022 00:16 (2 Years ago) |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Tue, 15/03/2022 23:19 (2 Years ago) |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Mon, 14/03/2022 23:25 (2 Years ago) |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Mon, 14/03/2022 12:48 (2 Years ago) |